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  1. Clinical outcomes and prognostic factors of repeated conventional hypofractionated radiotherapy for recurrent intranasal tumors in dogs
    Hirona Ueno, Yuta Nishiyama, Takuya Maruo, Yohei Fukuda, Takayuki Katayama, Shinichiro Yoda, Kotaro Nishi, Hideki Kayanuma
    Open Veterinary Journal. 2025; 15(2): 827-834.
  2. Stereochemistry of erythro- and threo-syringylglycerol-8-O-4?-(sinapyl alcohol) ethers and their enzymatic formation with optical activity in Eucommia ulmoides

    Md. Shameul Alam, Deeder Sultana, Toshisada Suzuki and Takeshi Katayama
    Emirates Journal of Food and Agriculture. 2010; 22(6): 437-447.
  3. Exacerbation of refractory chronic oral pain due to mild consciousness disorder associated with valproate-induced hyperammonemia: Case report
    Takayuki Hamaguchi, Makihiko Hirabayashi, Yoshiyasu Hattammaru, Masaki Kitahara
    Anaesthesia, Pain & Intensive Care. 2018; 22(2): -.
  4. Improving animal-specific radiotherapy quality assurance for kilovoltage X-ray radiotherapy using a 3D printed dog skull water phantom
    Yoshinori Tanabe, Toshie Iseri, Ryouta Onizuka, Takayuki Ishida, Hidetoshi Eto, Munekazu Nakaichi
    Open Veterinary Journal. 2023; 13(4): 427-432.

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