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  1. Pre-service elementary teachers: analysis of the disposition of mathematical modeling in ethno mathematics learning
    S. Supriadi
    Elementary Education Online. 2020; 19(3): 1407-1421.
  2. Model-Driven Hyper content Module Development Picture and Picture for Personal Learning of Students with Special Needs
    Maemunah Sa'diyah, Mohammad Muhyidin Nurzaelani, Putri Ria Angelina, Yuggo Afrianto, Endin Mujahidin, Dedi Supriadi
    Elementary Education Online. 2021; 20(1): 1383-1396.
  3. Verbal-Lexical Expression ofIndonesian-Speaking Persons with Broca’s Aphasia
    Riki Nasrullah, Dadang Suganda, Wagiati, Sugeng Riyanto
    Elementary Education Online. 2021; 20(5): 692-706.
    Audia Triani Olii , A.K. Nugroho , Ronny Martien , Sugeng Riyanto
    European Chemical Bulletin. 2022; 11(11): 140-144.
  5. Rapid quantitative analysis of daidzein and genistein in soybeans (Glycine max (L). Merr.) using FTIR spectroscopy and multivariate calibration
    Etty Sulistyowati, Sudibyo Martono, Sugeng Riyanto, Endang Lukitaningsih, Abdul Rohman
    Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science. 2020; 10(11): 117-123.
  6. HPLC-FTIR spectroscopy combined with multivariate calibration for analysis of Andrographolide in Andrographis paniculata extract
    Abdul Rohman, Hanifah Luthfianasari, Irnawati, Sugeng Riyanto, Mohamad Rafi, Bambang Prajogo, Muhammad Bachri Amran
    Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science. 2021; 11(5): 32-38.
  7. Application of HPLC and response surface methodology for simultaneous determination of curcumin and desmethoxycurcumin in Curcuma syrup formulation
    Niken K. Prabaningdyah, Sugeng Riyanto, Abdul Rohman, Chairany Siregar
    Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science. 2017; 7(12): 58-64.
  8. Heat shock protein-70 expression in CSCs tumor-associated macrophages induced by Typhonium flagelliforme tuber extract
    Sugeng Ibrahim, Agung Putra, Nur Dina Amalina, Iqbal Pahlevi Adeputra Nasution
    Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science. 2022; 12(4): 146-152.
  9. The employment of FTIR spectroscopy and chemometrics for the classification and prediction of antioxidant activities of pumpkin seed oils from different origins
    Irnawati Irnawati, Sugeng Riyanto, Sudibyo Martono, Abdul Rohman
    Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science. 2021; 11(5): 100-107.
  10. Physicochemical properties and antioxidant activities of pumpkin seed oil as affected by different origins and extraction methods
    Irnawati Irnawati, Sugeng Riyanto, Sudibyo Martono, Anjar Windarsih, Abdul Rohman
    Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science. 2022; 12(3): 115-122.
  11. Application of FTIR spectroscopy and multivariate calibration for analysis of curcuminoid in syrup formulation
    Niken Prabaningdyah, Sugeng Riyanto, Abdul Rohman
    Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science. 2018; 8(3): 172-179.

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