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33 articles found.

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  1. Uncredited intravascular large B cell lymphoma involving central nervous system: a great masquerader
    Shu Ann Hon, Jie Siang See, Jack Son Wee, Yu Jin Tee, Ehram Jamien, Hamdi Achok, Soo Min Lim
    European Journal of Medical Case Reports. 2023; 7(6): 132-136.
  2. Hemophagocytosis with disseminated histoplasmosis detected through bone marrow analysis – a case report
    Hari Priya Raghvan, Ehram Jamian, Caroline Ho, Wee Shiang Yiu, Dayangku Seritul Akmar Abd Razak, Nur Afiza Aziz, Indhira Subbiah
    European Journal of Medical Case Reports. 2024; 8(6): 126-129.
  3. The Relevance of Local Government Financial Report Information in Decision Making on Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budget Planning
    Nirwana, Sitti Nurani Sirajuddin, Ilham Rasyid
    Elementary Education Online. 2021; 20(5): 2270-2277.
  4. Medicinal and Functional Values of Thyme (Thymus vulgaris L.) Herb
    Eqbal M. A. Dauqan, Aminah Abdullah
    Journal of Applied Biology & Biotechnology. 2017; 5(2): 17-22.
  5. Integration of local wisdom coastal communities in early childhood education learning
    Jamiludin, Sitti Rahmaniar Abubakar, Darnawati, Salim, Waode Ade Sarasmita Uke
    Elementary Education Online. 2021; 20(1): 922-929.
  6. Impact Analysis of StudentsÂ’ Academic Achievement in High and Low Noise Level Schools Situated on Roadside at Faisalabad
    Ateeq Ur Rehman, Ghulam Dastgir, *Dr Aminah Qayyum
    Elementary Education Online. 2021; 20(1): 3196-3201.
  7. Scaffolding the Scaffolding: Assisting the Student's Social Emotional Learning at School
    Aminah Qayyum, Dr. Shafqat Hussain, Dr. Bushra Yasin
    Elementary Education Online. 2020; 19(4): 3876-3885.
  8. A case report on how not to miss Kaposiform hemangioendothelioma in neonates
    Yin Cheng Hew, Norliza Othman
    European Journal of Medical Case Reports. 2020; 4(11): 371-375.
  9. Antibacterial and cytotoxic activities of ethyl acetate extract of symbiotic fungi from West Sumatra marine sponge Acanthrongylophora ingens
    Dian Handayani, Ibtisamatul Aminah
    Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science. 2017; 7(2): 237-240.
  10. The Interplay of Stress and Salivary Cortisol Saliva in Multibacillary Leprosy: A Cross-Sectional Analysis in South Sulawesi, Indonesia
    Sitti Musafirah Arif , Andi Tenri Padad
    Journal of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases. 2024; 14(1): 1-7.
  11. Do departmental simulation and team training program reduce medical error and improve quality of patient care? A systemic review
    Qasem Ahmed Almulihi, Duaa Abdulkadir Al Muslim, Aminah Raad Alturki, Asaad Suliman Shujaa
    Saudi Journal of Emergency Medicine. 2022; 3(2): 151-160.
  12. Effects of Sea Urchin (Diadema setosum) Gonad Extracts on Gene Expression of FOXP3 and the production of cytokine on Salmonella typhi-induced Mice.
    Wa Ode Salma, Sitti Wahyuni, Nursin Kadir, Suryani As'ad, Irawan Yusuf
    Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science. 2018; 8(12): 140-146.
  13. Physicochemical characterization of starch extracted from Malaysian wild yam
    (Dioscorea hispida Dennst.)

    Airul Ashri, M. Sukeri M. Yusof, M. Suzeren Jamil, Aminah Abdullah, S. Fairus M. Yusoff, M. Nasir M. Arip, Azwan Mat Lazim
    Emirates Journal of Food and Agriculture. 2014; 26(8): 652-658.
  14. Screening of cytotoxic activities toward WiDr and Vero cell lines of ethyl acetate extracts of fungi-derived from the marine sponge Acanthostrongylophora ingens
    Ibtisamatul Aminah, Andani Eka Putra, Dayar Arbain, Dian Handayani
    Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science. 2019; 9(1): 1-5.
  15. Level of awareness of parents towards pediatric lumbar punctures in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
    Nouf Bin Muammar, Norah Al Rohaimi, Banan Aleid, Aminah Al Harbi, Amal Yousif
    Saudi Journal of Emergency Medicine. 2020; 1(1): 3S-3S.
  16. Knowledge and attitude of caregivers of cerebral palsy children in Riyadh city
    Abdulaziz Alruwaished, Baleegh Ali, Lubna Abdullah Alhowaimil , Abaraa adullah Alhowaimil, Najd Abdullah Alhowaimil, Aminah Alessa
    International Journal of Medicine in Developing Countries. 2020; 4(1): 12-17.
  17. Optimization of ultrasound-assisted extraction and the antioxidant activities of Sidaguri (Sida rhombifolia)
    Asefin Nurul Ikhtiarini, Widiastuti Setyaningsih, Mohamad Rafi, Nanik Siti Aminah, Muhamad Insanu, Irnawati Irnawati, Abdul Rohman
    Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science. 2021; 11(8): 70-76.
  18. Comparison of Total Antioxidant Capacity (TAC) in the Multibacillary (MB) Type of Leprosy Patients Before and After 3 Months of MDT-MB WHO Therapy
    Dinie Ramdhani Kusuma, Safruddin Amin, Khairuddin Djawad, Srivitayani Muchtar, Sitti Nur Rahmah, Idham Jaya Ganda, Agussalim Bukhari
    International Journal of Medical Reviews and Case Reports. 2018; 2(4): 136-142.
  19. Evaluation of antioxidant and cytotoxic effect against cancer cells line of Angiopteris ferox Copel tuber and its compounds by LC-MS analysis
    Syamsu Nur, Andi Nur Aisyah, Endang Lukitaningsih, Rumiyati, Rini Indriani Juhardi, Rezkiawati Andirah, Andi Sitti Hajar
    Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science. 2021; 11(8): 54-61.
  20. Effects of Indonesian Marine Sponges Ethanol Extracts on the Lipid Profile of Hyperlipidemic Rats
    Wahyuni Wahyuni, Adryan Fristiohady, Muhammad Hajrul Malaka, Fadhliyah Malik, Muhammad Ilyas Yusuf, Mesi Leorita, Baru Sadarun, Ahmad Saleh, Wa Ode Sitti Musnina, Carla W Sabandar, Idin Sahidin,
    Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science. 2019; 9(10): 1-8.
  21. Awareness and utilization of complementary and alternative medicine for vitiligo treatment among the general population in Saudi Arabia: a cross sectional study
    Latefah A. Albash, Heba Y. Alojail, Yasmeen A. Alhababi, Khalid M. Almutawa, Basel M. Alkishi, Reema A. Almumtin, Mohammed A. Aldhneen, Ali Y. Aldhneen, Aminah A. Alhumam, Muhannad I. Albader
    International Journal of Medicine in Developing Countries. 2024; 8(11): 3043-3051.
  22. Antifibrotic effect of the ethyl acetate fraction of ciplukan (Physalis angulata Linn.) in rat liver fibrosis induced by CCI4
    Enny Rohmawaty, Aziiz Mardanarian Rosdianto, Hermin Aminah Usman, Winda A. M. Saragih, Ade Zuhrotun, Rini Hendriani, Yoga Windhu Wardhana, Savira Ekawardhani, Hesti Lina Wiraswati, Nenny Agustanti, Muhammad Begawan Bestari, Sumartini Dewi
    Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science. 2021; 11(12): 175-182.
  23. Level of awareness of parents toward pediatric lumbar punctures in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
    Nouf Bin Muammar, Norah Al Rohaimi, Banan Aleid, Aminah Al Harbi, Amal Yousif
    Saudi Journal of Emergency Medicine. 2020; 1(2): 96-102.

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