114 articles found.The first 100 results are shown.
- Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia: Late Presentation
Raquel Monteiro Costa, Pedro Patrao, Silvia Pereira Coutinho, Sara Figueiredo Santos International Journal of Medical Reviews and Case Reports. 2022; 6(7): 35-36. - Comparison between fish and linseed oils administered orally for the treatment of experimentally induced keratoconjunctivitis sicca in rabbits
 Danielle Alves Silva, Gisele Alborgetti Nai, Rogério Giuffrida, Rafael Cabral Barbero, Jacqueline Marcussi Pereira Kuhn, Andressa Carolina da Silva, Ricardo Henrique Zakir Pereira, Maria Fernanda Abbade, Luis Felipe da Costa Zulim, Carolina Silva Guimarães, Silvia Franco Andrade Open Veterinary Journal. 2017; 7(3): 277-285. - Physiological responses to drought in four developed Triticum aestivum groups
P. Scotti-Campos, J. N. Semedo, I. P. Pais, M. Oliveira, J. Passarinho, M. Santos, A. S. Almeida, A. R. Costa, N. Pinheiro, C. Bagorro, J. Coco, A. Costa, J. Coutinho, B. Macas Emirates Journal of Food and Agriculture. 2015; 27(2): 178-185. - Durum wheat breeding in Mediterranean environments - influence of climatic
variables on quality traits Nuno Pinheiro* , Rita Costa, Ana Sofia Almeida, José Coutinho, Conceiçã o Gomes, Benvindo Maçã s Emirates Journal of Food and Agriculture. 2013; 25(12): 962-973. - Chorea as a rare neurological complication of hyperglycaemia
Catarina Lizardo Cruz, Rita Mendes, Margarida Quinto Pereira, Vikesch Rameschandre Samji, Sérgio Pereira, Francisco Silva, Isabel Madruga International Journal of Medical Reviews and Case Reports. 2023; 7(2): 21-23. - May-Thurner Syndrome: a case of unilateral left lower limb deep vein thrombosis
Catarina Lizardo Cruz, Rita Mendes, Margarida Quinto Pereira, Vikesch Rameschandre Samji, Sérgio Pereira, Inês Esteves Cruz, Francisco Silva, International Journal of Medical Reviews and Case Reports. 2023; 7(2): 47-50. - Effect of sowing date and seeding rate on bread wheat yield and test weight
under Mediterranean conditions Rita Costa* , Nuno Pinheiro, Ana Sofia Almeida, Conceiçã o Gomes, José Coutinho, Joã o Coco, Armindo Costa and Benvindo Maçã s Emirates Journal of Food and Agriculture. 2013; 25(12): 951-961. - Influence of year and sowing date on bread wheat quality under Mediterranean conditions
Ana Sofia Bagulho, Rita Costa, Ana Sofia Almeida, Nuno Pinheiro, Jose Moreira, Conceicao Gomes, Joao Coco, Armindo Costa, Jose Coutinho, Benvindo Macas Emirates Journal of Food and Agriculture. 2015; 27(2): 186-199. - The relation of vocabulary mastery towards the japanese language listening skills of riau university students
Merri Silvia Basri, Zainal Rafli, Fathiaty Murtadho Elementary Education Online. 2021; 20(4): 587-591. - Natural School Culture as a Free And Fun Alternative Education in Building the Students Character
Silvia Puspita DaniatiSlamet Subiyantoro,Siti Sutarmi Fadhilah Elementary Education Online. 2019; 18(1): 331-342. - Prevalence of Pulmonary Embolism in COVID-19 at Quaternary Hospital Running Head: Pulmonary Embolism in COVID-19
Jose Maria Pereira de Godoy, Aline Giovana Dizero, Marcia Valeria Caldeira Angelucci Lopes Medical Archives. 2024; 78(2): 146-148. - Three case reports of chronic pain with neuropathic component - the importance of individualized therapy
Filipa Ferreira Pereira, Sergio Azevedo, Helena Magalhaes, Claudia Vieira, Deolinda Pereira, Maria Fragoso European Journal of Medical Case Reports. 2018; 2(3): 91-94. - Post traumatic hepatic bleeding in hepatocellular carcinoma
Silvia Pradella, Silvia Verna, Mayla Letteriello, Giacomo Batignani, Vittorio Miele European Journal of Medical Case Reports. 2020; 4(4): 116-118. - Semantic Data Integration in a System for Cancer Studies
Marcos Martínez, José M. Vázquez, M. Gloria López, Francisco M. Arnal, Benito, González-Conde, Javier Pereira, Alejandro Pazos Acta Informatica Medica. 2008; 16(2): 64-67. - Intact Perineum: What are the Predictive Factors in Spontaneous Vaginal Birth?
Silvia Rodrigues, Paulo Silva, Andee Agius, Fatima Rocha, Rosa Castanheira, Mechthild Gross, Jean Calleja-Agius Materia Socio Medica. 2019; 31(1): 25-30. - Carotenoids composition, antioxidant activity and glycemic index
of two varieties of Bactris gasipaes Silvia Quesada? , Gabriela Azofeifa, Sorel Jatunov, Gin Jiménez, Laura Navarro and Georgina Gó mez Emirates Journal of Food and Agriculture. 2011; 23(6): 482-489. - Fast and simple multi-element determination of essential and toxic metals in whole blood with quadrupole ICP-MS
Carmen Silvia Kira, Alice Momoyo Sakuma, Nelson da Cruz Gouveia Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science. 2014; 4(5): 039-045. - Overweight or Obesity: Serum Lipids in a University Population of Barranquilla Colombia
Leandro Luis Sierra Carrero, Carmen María Carrero Gonzalez, Judith Cristina Martínez - Royert, María Alejandra-Orostegui, Carelis Montenegro, Elkin Antonio Navarro Quiroz, María Cristina Pájaro Martínez, Silvia Juliana Prada Soto Elementary Education Online. 2021; 20(4): 105-119. - ANTHROPOMETRIC PARAMETERS REGARDING THE NUTRITIONAL STATUS OF SCHOOLCHILDREN
Judith Cristina Martínez-Royert, Alexander Pulido-Rojano, Sara Maury Mena, Carmen Carrero González, María Alejandra-Orostegui Santander, María CristinaPájaro-Martínez, Leandro L. Sierra Carrero, Juan Marín, Silvia Juliana Prada Soto, Kelin Plaza Gómez, Shirleydis Segura Ustate Elementary Education Online. 2021; 20(4): 882-891. - About the rarity of the mutation Pro343Ser seen in the patients with FX Friuli
Antonio Girolami, Silvia Ferrari, Gianludovico Molaro, International Journal of Medical Reviews and Case Reports. 2020; 4(1): 1-3. - Ectopic breast tissue carcinoma - a case report
Isabel Rodrigues, Nuno Pereira, Ana Varelas, Nuno Coimbra, Conceicao Leal, Luis Lencastre, Ana Ferreira, Isabel Azevedo, Helena Pereira European Journal of Medical Case Reports. 2020; 4(5): 161-165. - Prospective pulmonary drug delivery system of pirfenidone microparticles for pulmonary fibrosis
Uqie Shabrina Hasyyati, Silvia Surini, Gatot Suhariyono Suhariyono Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science. 2023; 13(9): 95-105. - Overweight in schoolchildren and nutrient intake
Carmen María Carrero González, Gloria Lastre Amell, Judith Cristina Martínez- Royert, Karen Paola Duncan de la, Nohora Edith Bolaño Mola, Laura Cristina Reales Arnedo, Luisa Fernanda González Sepúlveda, María Alejandra Oróstegui, Leandro L. Sierra Carrero, Silvia Juliana Prada Soto, María Cristina Pájaro-Martínez Elementary Education Online. 2021; 20(4): 91-104. - In vitro biological activity of the Croton blanchetianus (Baill) essential oil against Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus (Acari: Ixodidae)
Onaldo Guedes Rodrigues, Brunna Rodrigues Muniz Falcão, Beatriz Correa Barbosa, Andreia Vieira Pereira, Vitoria Viviane Ferreira de Aquino Journal of Applied Biology & Biotechnology. 2019; 7(2): 55-58. - A retrospective histopathological survey on canine lymphomas subtypes of Porto District
 Katia Pinello, Marta Santos, Patrícia Dias-Pereira, João Niza-Ribeiro, Augusto de-Matos Open Veterinary Journal. 2023; 13(4): 443-450. - Cornelia de Lange syndrome - rare mutation of SMC1A gene
Lídia Leite, Vasco Carvalho, Miguel Rocha, Almerinda Barroso Pereira, Liliana Pinheiro International Journal of Medical Reviews and Case Reports. 2021; 5(9): 73-75. - Formula Optimization of Rifampicin Dry Powder Inhalation with Chitosan-Xanthan Carrier Using Response Surface Methodology
Silvia Surini, Rahmadina Providya, Kurnia Sari Setio Putri Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science. 2019; 9(1): 33-41. - Recurrent aphthous stomatitis - in some patients vitamin B12 could be a master key"
Catia Granja, Catarina Pereira, Manuel Salgado International Journal of Medical Reviews and Case Reports. 2022; 6(4): 34-37. - Oral diazepam suppresses pentylenetetrazole-induced seizure-like behavior in adult zebrafish: A tool for nonclinical studies
Arlindo César Matias Pereira, Arthur Arantes Cunha, Helison de Oliveira Carvalho, Irlon Maciel Ferreira, José Carlos Tavares Carvalho Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science. 2023; 13(8): 132-139. - Family functioning is related to health behaviors in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus
Ricardo Gutiérrez-Mata, Silvia Máynez-Ocón, Rene Gameros-Gardea, Alma Arriaga-González, Eliseo López-Hernández Medicine Science | International Medical Journal. 2017; 6(4): 659-662. - Ossified Cephalohematoma - A swelling to remember
Joana Machado Morais, Mariana Meneses, Ana Luisa Correia, Marco Pereira, Sara Pires da Silva International Journal of Medical Reviews and Case Reports. 2022; 6(12): 25-26. - Absorption of nutrients, growth and nutritional disorders resulting from ammonium toxicity in rice and spinach plants
Gilmara Pereira Da silva, Renato de Mello Prado, Ricardo Perri Soares Ferreira Emirates Journal of Food and Agriculture. 2016; 28(12): 882-889. - Antioxidant system is insufficient to prevent cell damages in Euterpe oleracea exposed to water deficit
Maria Antonia Machado Barbosa, Allan Klynger da Silva Lobato, Thaís Soares Pereira, Gélia Dinah Monteiro Viana, José Ricardo Santos Barbosa, Kelly Nayara Nascimento Coelho Emirates Journal of Food and Agriculture. 2017; 29(3): 206-211. - Marketing System of Broccoli in Selected Areas of Mymensingh District in Bangladesh
Sarah Yasmin, Silvia Mondal, Md. Moniruzzaman Journal of Bangladesh Agricultural University. 2023; 21(4): 570-580. - Serial collection method of dog saliva: Effects of different chemical stimulants on behaviour, volume and saliva composition
 Juan Pablo Damián, Laura Bengoa, Paula Pessina, Silvia Martínez, Fernando Fumagalli Open Veterinary Journal. 2018; 8(3): 229-235. - Peculiar, poorly known, rare congenital bleeding disorders presenting thrombotic events: an understudied chapter of molecular, blood coagulation defects
Antonio Girolami, Elisabetta Cosi, Silvia Ferrari, Claudia Santarossa, Bruno Girolami Journal of Biochemical and Clinical Genetics. 2020; 3(2): 84-93. - Pharmacognostic study and physiochemical assessment on the leaves of Melastomastrum capitatum Fern. anticancer plant in Nigeria
Cletus Anes Ukwubile, Emmanuel Oise Ikpefan, Troy Silvia Malgwi, Blessing Ogochukwu Umeokoli American Journal of Physiology, Biochemistry and Pharmacology. 2020; 10(1): 32-39. - Acute Fibrinous and Organizing Pneumonia associated to hematological malignancy: a case report
Filipa Ferreira Pereira, Mario Santos, Margarida Freitas Silva European Journal of Medical Case Reports. 2018; 2(2): 50-54. - SEPTORIA LEAF BLOTCH AND YELLOW RUST CONTROL BY: FUNGICIDE APPLICATION OPPORTUNITY AND GENETIC RESPONSE OF BREAD WHEAT VARIETIES
Conceição Gomes, Rita Costa, Ana Sofia Almeida, José Coutinho, Nuno Pinheiro, João Coco, Armindo Costa, Benvindo Maçãs Emirates Journal of Food and Agriculture. 2016; 28(7): 493-500. - Item analysis of multiple-choice questions in pharmacology among medical undergraduates
Mangala Srinivas, Chandralekha Netharakere, Padmaja Udaykumar, Nicole Pereira National Journal of Physiology, Pharmacy and Pharmacology. 2024; 14(5): 861-865. - Comparative evaluation of the antianxiety effects of Vitamin C, buspirone, and diazepam in rats
Chandralekha N, Mangala S, Nicole Pereira, Padmaja Udaykumar National Journal of Physiology, Pharmacy and Pharmacology. 2024; 14(8): 1559-1564. - Technological value of blends (bread wheat flour and durum wheat semolina) for bread manufacture
Ana Bagulho, André Monho, Ana Sofia Almeida, Rita Costa, José Moreira, Isabel Pais, Paula Scotti, José Coutinho, Benvindo Maçãs Emirates Journal of Food and Agriculture. 2016; 28(6): 389-397. - Modification of cryoprotectants on sperm cryopreservation: A study of embryo development
Manggiasih Dwiayu Larasati, Silvia Werdhy Lestari, Mulyoto Pangestu, Andon Hestiantoro, Gito Wasian Journal of Advanced Veterinary and Animal Research. 2024; 11(3): 544-552. - Mediastinal mass with superior vena cava syndrome and bilateral internal jugular vein thrombosis
Andre Santos Pinto, Jose Morgado Pereira, Rita dos Santos Marques, Wildemar Santos Costa International Journal of Medical Reviews and Case Reports. 2022; 6(8): 42-42. - Inhibition of alpha-amylase by 'insulin plant' (Myrcia sphaerocarpa DC) extracts: an alternative for the treatment of diabetes mellitus?
Angélica Rosa de Oliveira, Chrystian Araújo Pereira Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science. 2015; 5(5): 089-093. - Temperature-humidity index and reproductive performance of dairy cattle farms in Lima, Peru
 Paola Laura Rolando, Rocio Silvia Sandoval-Monzón, Milena Paola Montenegro, Luis Felipe Ruiz-García, Open Veterinary Journal. 2022; 12(3): 399-406. - The seahorse (Hippocampus comes L.) extract ameliorates sperm qualities, testosterone level, and serum biochemistry in rats induced by depo medroxyprogesterone acetate
Trisnawati Mundijo, Franciscus Dhyanagiri Suyatna, Agung Eru Wibowo, Silvia Werdhy Lestari, Yusra Yusra, Yurnadi Hanafi Midoen Journal of Advanced Veterinary and Animal Research. 2023; 10(1): 126-131. - A Large Fetal Venous Malformation
Joana Pereira-Nunes, José Fontoura-Matias, Leonor Carmo, Carla Ramalho, Ana Vilan International Journal of Medical Reviews and Case Reports. 2022; 6(13): 52-54. - Acute pulmonary embolism in a young female with inherited thrombophilic disorder and large thrombus through a patent foramen ovale
Jose Pereira, Juliana Magalhes, Djalma Sousa, Carla Henriques, Sergio Borges, Ana Costa, Ines Antunes International Journal of Medical Reviews and Case Reports. 2022; 6(2): 20-23. - Intracranial dermoid cysts as a cause of cranial nodule in an infant - case report
Joana Ferreira Mendes, Sara Alves Araújo, Francisca Strecht Guimarães , Inês Ferreira, Tatiana Pereira, International Journal of Medical Reviews and Case Reports. 2023; 7(8): 10-12. - Chemical and bioactive characterization of pot-pollen produced by Melipona and Scaptotrigona stingless bees from Paria Grande, Amazonas State, Venezuela
Patricia Vit, Bertha Santiago, Silvia R.M. Pedro, Elyzabeth Perez-Perez, Maria Pena-Vera Emirates Journal of Food and Agriculture. 2016; 28(2): 78-84. - Epitope mapping and a candidate vaccine design from canine distemper virus
 Camila Pereira Santos, Jerlane Tarcila Gomes Teles, Georgia Freitas Guimarães, Laura Helena Vega Gonzales Gil, Amanda Mota Vieira, Jose Wilton Pinheiro Junior, Carlos Eduardo Calzavara-Silva, Rita de Cassia Carvalho Maia Open Veterinary Journal. 2024; 14(4): 1019-1028. - Branham sign in dogs undergoing interventional patent ductus arteriosus occlusion or surgical ligation: a retrospective study.
 Filipe Lalanda Madruga, Yolanda Martinez Pereira, Ambra Panti, Ian Handel, Geoff Culshaw Open Veterinary Journal. 2021; 11(4): 603-612. - Subconjunctival use of allogeneic mesenchymal stem cells to treat chronic superficial keratitis in German shepherd dogs: pilot study
 Alexandre Luiz Pereira, Maura Krähembuhl Wanderley Bittencourt, Michele Andrade Barros, Rodolfo Luiz Malagó, João Flavio Martins Panattoni, Bruna Morais , Fabiano Montiani-Ferrreira, Jose Paulo Cabral Vasconcellos, Open Veterinary Journal. 2022; 12(5): 744-753. - Stability study of spray freeze-dried insulin dry powder formulations used for nose-to-brain delivery
Cynthia Marisca Muntu, Christina Avanti, Hayun Hayun, Silvia Surini Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science. 2023; 13(10): 225-237. - Continuous chlorhexidine use and its impact on healthcare workers’ hands microbiota
Gisela Serra Rodrigues Costa , William Kazumassa Minami , Marcia Maria Baraldi, Amanda Luiz Pires Maciel, Cristiane Luiz Pires Schmitt, Sânia Alves dos Santos, Ana Paula Marchi, Camila Fonseca Rizek, Maria Eduarda Rufino Zani, Letícia Muniz Souza, Silvia Figueiredo Costa, Ícaro Boszczowski, European Journal of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases. 2025; 2(1): 1-10. - Development of transfersomal emulgel to enhance the permeation of berberine chloride for transdermal delivery
Fitria Mayangsari, Silvia Surini, Raditya Iswandana Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science. 2022; 12(2): 48-55. - Application of in silico methods in clinical research and development of drugs and their formulation: A scoping review
Luciana Ferreira Mattos Colli, Lúcio Mendes Cabral, Guacira Correa Matos, Carlos Rangel Rodrigues, Valeria Pereira de Sousa Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science. 2023; 13(4): 1-10. - Study of a tooth gel formulation for hygiene and oral sequelae management in irradiated patients
Ana Carolina Lara Ribeiro, Marina Goulart da Silva, Harley da Silva Tavares, Ana Gabriela Reis Solano, Ana Julia Pereira Santinho Gomes Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science. 2020; 10(6): 116-122. - Assessment of heart rate turbulence in dogs with myxomatous mitral valve disease
 Julio Pereira dos Santos , Bruna Natali da Costa, Stephany Bulba Lucina , Karla Calderon Olaguivel, Giovana L. R. Tulesky, Marlos Gonçalves Sousa Open Veterinary Journal. 2021; 11(4): 635-644. - Phytochemical study and anti-inflammatory effect of Psychotria stenocalyx (Rubiaceae)
Gustavo Silva Queiroz, Ana Beatriz Gobbo Luz, Marcus Vinícius Pereira dos Santos Nascimento, Sergio Scherrer Thomasi, Antonio Gilberto Ferreira, Eduardo Monguilhott Dalmarco, Ines Maria Costa Brighente Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science. 2017; 7(4): 168-173. - Validation of analytical method by HPLC for determination of dapsone in polymeric nanocapsules based on crude rice brain oil.
Leticia Marques Colome, Gaya Mengue Freitas, Janaina de Medeiros Bastiani, Thais Carla Brussulo Pereira, Lisiane Bajerski, Eduardo Andre Bender, Sandra Elisa Haas Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science. 2017; 7(7): 230-233. - What do Brazilian community pharmacists know about self-medication for minor illnesses? A pilot study in the northeast of brazil
Chiara Erminia da Rocha, Mônica Lima Bispo, Thaciana dos Santos Alcantara, Giselle de Carvalho Brito, Maria Jésia Vieira, Divaldo Pereira de Lyra Lyra Júnior Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science. 2014; 4(5): 012-020. - Promising chitosan - alginate combination for rifampicin dry powder inhaler to target active and latent tuberculosis
Kurnia Sari Setio Putri, Laily Syahri Ramadhani, Theodora Rachel, Gatot Suhariyono, Silvia Surini Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science. 2022; 12(5): 98-103. - Molecular docking study of Lens culinaris L. phytochemicals to NS3-NS2B protease of dengue virus serotype 2
Tohmina Afroze Bondhon, Anamul Hasan, Khoshnur Jannat, Tooba Mahboob, Alok Paul, Rownak Jahan, Veeranoot Nissapatorn, Karma G Dolma, Maria L Pereira, Christophe Wiart, Mohammed Rahmatullah German Journal of Microbiology. 2021; 1(1): 26-37. - What are we losing? Are the personality traits of Italian autochthonous cows different from those of cosmopolitan breeds?
Giovanni Quintavalle Pastorino, Massimo Faustini, Francesca Vitali, Silvia Michela Mazzola, Giulio Curone Journal of Advanced Veterinary and Animal Research. 2018; 5(3): 315-323. - Antifungal activity of the essential oil isolated from Laurus nobilis L. against Cryptococcus neoformans strains
Lílian Sousa Pinheiro, Abrahão Alves de Oliveira Filho, Felipe Queiroga Sarmento Guerra, Camilla Pinheiro de Menezes, Socrates Golzio dos Santos, Janiere Pereira de Sousa, Tassiana Barbosa Dantas, Edeltrudes de Oliveira Lima Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science. 2017; 7(5): 115-118. - Modified temporary colostomy in a dog for treatment of rectal infection after complication of perineal herniorrhaphy
 Paloma Helena Sanches da Silva, Renato Dornas de Oliveira Pereira, Anna Paula Botelho França, Nathalia Estevão Caixeta, Lívia Mariana Lopes Monteiro, Scarlath Ohana Penna dos Santos, Rodrigo dos Santos Horta Open Veterinary Journal. 2024; 14(11): 3120-3126. - Retrospective analysis of animal poisoning in the province of Viterbo, Italy
 Davide Santori, Samuele Dottarelli, Sofia Cucci, Sara Tonon, Antonino Barone, Deborah Gobbi, Francesco Napoli, Erminia Sezzi, Alessio Gelli, Anna Rita Pifferi, Giuseppe Proietti, Silvia Abbruzzese, Luca Silveri, Francesca Di Donato, Rita Fanelli, Alberto Maria Brozzi Open Veterinary Journal. 2024; 14(12): 3241-3247. - Use of Polysaccharide extracted from Tremella fuciformis Berk for control diabetes induced in rats.
Erna Elisabeth Bach, Silvia Goes Costa, Helenita Antonia Oliveira, Jorge Silva Junior, Keisy Menezes da Silva, Rogerio Milton de Marco, Edgar Matias Bach Hi, Nilsa Sumie Yamashita Wadt Emirates Journal of Food and Agriculture. 2015; 27(7): 585-591. - In vitro anti-Candida activity and mechanism of action of the flavonoid isolated from Praxelis clematidea against Candida albicans species
Abrahão Alves de Oliveira Filho, Heloísa Mara Batista Fernandes de Oliveira, Janiere Pereira de Sousa, Déborah Ribeiro Pessoa Meireles, Gabriela Lemos de Azevedo Maia, José Maria Barbosa Filho, José Pinto de Siqueira Júnior, Edeltrudes Oliveira Lima Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science. 2016; 6(1): 066-069. - Exploring the Marketing Dynamics and Profit Margins of Selected Fishes in Mymensingh District
Sarah Yasmin, Silvia Mondal, Anik Kumar Gupto, Md. Moniruzzaman Journal of Bangladesh Agricultural University. 2024; 22(2): 210-224. - 5-Isopropyl-2-methylphenol enhances penile function in spontaneously hypertensive rats
Tays Amanda Felisberto Gonçalves, Priscilla Maria Pereira Maciel, Larissa Ivone Melo Villanueva, Pablo Ferreira dos Santos, Ismael de Lima Oliveira Júnior, Robson Cavalcante Veras, Islania Giselia Albuquerque Araújo, Isac Almeida de Medeiros Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science. 2024; 14(2): 126-135. - Acute exacerbation of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis model in the rats using bleomycin and lipopolysaccharides
Sandy Vitria Kurniawan, Melva Louisa, Jamal Zaini, Silvia Surini, Vivian Soetikno, Puspita Eka Wuyung, Rosemary Ceria Tatap Uli Journal of Advanced Veterinary and Animal Research. 2023; 10(2): 196-204. - Monitoring of recessive defects associated with low reproductive performance in dairy cattle in Uruguay
 Andrea Branda-Sica, Rody Artigas, Elena de Torres, Evangelina Kinley, Paula Nicolini, María Teresa Federici, Silvia Llambí Open Veterinary Journal. 2023; 13(10): 1290-1298. - Evaluation of inhibitor activity of bacterial sialidase from Clostridium perfringens against Newcastle disease virus in the cell culture model using chicken embryo fibroblast
Ryan Septa Kurnia, Rahajeng Setiawaty, Ketut Karuni Nyanakumari Natih, Christian Marco Hadi Nugroho, Otto Sahat Martua Silaen, Silvia Tri Widyaningtyas, Simson Tarigan, Fera Ibrahim, Pratiwi Pudjilestari Sudarmono Journal of Advanced Veterinary and Animal Research. 2022; 9(2): 335-345. - Pharmaceutical intervention assessment in the identification and management of drug interactions in an intensive care unit
Tâmara Natasha Gonzaga de Andrade, Carina Carvalho Silvestre , Luiza Correia Cunha, Daniel Tenório da Silva, Tatiane Cristina Marques, Alfredo Dias Oliveira-Filho, Divaldo Pereira Lyra Jr Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science. 2015; 5(1): 013-018. - EVALUATION OF THE EFFECT OF ANTI-TOXOPLASMIC DRUGS ON THE BIODISTRIBUTION OF THE RADIOPHARMACEUTICAL SODIUM PERTECHNETATE
Ranny Beatriz de Carvalho Holanda Leite, João Cláudio da Costa Urbano, Renan Leopoldo Pereira Castro, Clarice Maux Vianna da Silva, Aldo da Cunha Medeiros, Ítalo Medeiros de Azevêdo, Vanessa Santos de Arruda Barbosa, Cecília Maria de Carvalho Xavier Holanda American Journal of Physiology, Biochemistry and Pharmacology. 2018; 8(1): 28-33. - Superior mesenteric artery syndrome: a case report and a novel surgical approach
Ana Paula Fernandes Braga, Silvio Pereira Borges Junior, Daniella Montecino Vaz de Melo, Thais de Moura Braga, Helbert de Paula Pupo Nogueira, Julia Salles Rezende Dias, Thomas Diniz Moura, Vinicius Rodrigues Taranto Nunes European Journal of Medical Case Reports. 2020; 4(7): 240-244. - Cystıc fıbrosıs: performance and assıstance of health professıonals Lıterature Revıew
Ana Karina Marques Salge, Marcela de Andrade Silvestre, Eliane Pereira Santos, Miguel Antonio Isaac, Vandressa Barbosa Figueira, Janaina Valadares Guimaraes, Thaila Correa Castral, Karina Machado Sigueira, Renata Calciolari Rossi, Pedro Teixeira Meireles, Bruno Belmonte Martineli Gomes, George Kemil Abdalla, Douglas Reis Abdalla International Journal of Medical Reviews and Case Reports. 2019; 3(12): 848-856. - An atypical case of AA amyloidosis and its association with pulmonary silicosis
Filipa Guimarases, Miguel Borges Silva, Joao Correia-Pinto, Ana Branco, Antonio Furtado, Fatima Magalhaes, Jose Vasco Barreto, Raquel Calisto, Nidia Pereira European Journal of Medical Case Reports. 2020; 4(9): 296-300. - Screening and evaluation of non-heterocystous filamentous cyanobacteria for lipid and commercially viable fatty acids
Indrama Thingujam, Tiwari Onkar Nath, Ojit Singh Keithellakpam, Gunapati Oinam, Avijeet Singh Oinam, Sarabati Kangjam, Bidyababy Thiyam, Indira Wangkhem, Silvia Chungkham, Subhalaxmi Aribam, Romi Khangembam, Thadoi Angom, Sharma Gauri Dutt Journal of Applied Biology & Biotechnology. 2015; 3(5): 011-014. - Comparative dissolution and polymorphism study of clopidogrel bisulfate tablets available in Argentine
Silvia Farfan, Marina Marcos Valdez, Octavio Fandino, Norma Sperandeo, Sonia Faudone Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science. 2020; 10(10): 63-72. - Is there a role for homeopathy in breast cancer surgery? A first randomized clinical trial on treatment with Arnica montana to reduce postoperative seroma and bleeding in patients undergoing total mastectomy
Luca Sorrentino, Salvatore Piraneo, Eliana Riggio, Silvia Basilicò, Alessandra Sartani, Daniela Bossi, Fabio Corsi Journal of Complementary Medicine Research. 2017; 6(1): 1-8. - First report of Cerebellar Abiotrophy in an Arabian Foal from Argentina.
 Sebastian Andres Sadaba, Gonzalo Julian Madariaga, Claudia Malena Corbi Botto, Monica Carino, Maria Eugenia Zappa, Silvia Olgin, Pilar Peral Garcia, Adriana Raquel Massone, Silvina Diaz Open Veterinary Journal. 2016; 6(3): 259-262. - Pet rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus) and guinea pigs (Cavia porcellus) as vehicles of pathogenic and allergenic fungi
Raquel Abreu , Soraia Pereira, Anabela Ramos, Eva cunha , Ana Teresa Reisinho, Tiago Marques, Manuela Oliveira German Journal of Microbiology. 2021; 1(3): 18-25. - Nutrient accumulation in bean and fruit from irrigated and non-irrigated Coffea canephora cv. Conilon
André Monzoli Covre, Weverton Pereira Rodrigues, Henrique Duarte Vieira, Heder Braun, José Ramalho, Fábio Luiz Partelli Emirates Journal of Food and Agriculture. 2016; 28(6): 402-409. - The response of phycobiliproteins to light qualities in Anabaena circinalis
S. K. Ojit, Th. Indrama, O. Gunapati , S. O. Avijeet, S.A. Subhalaxmi, Ch. Silvia, D. W. Indira, Kh. Romi, Sh. Minerva, D. A. Thadoi, O. N. Tiwari, G. D. Sharma Journal of Applied Biology & Biotechnology. 2015; 3(3): 001-006. - Exceptional response after metronomic chemotherapy and palliative radiotherapy in castration-resistant prostate cancer: A case report
Alessio Giuseppe Morganti, Gabriella Macchia, Rezarta Frakulli, Andrea Milanoi, Francesco Massari, Maria Ntreta, Giambattista Siepe, Alessandra Arcelli, Silvia Cammelli, Giuseppe Zanirato Rambaldi, Michelangelo Fiorentino, Francesco Deodato European Journal of Medical Case Reports. 2017; 1(3): 135-139. - Modulation of phycobiliprotein production in Nostoc muscorum through culture manipulation
Onkar Nath Tiwari, Wangkhem Indira Devi, Chungkham Silvia, Angom Thadoi Devi, Gunapati Oinam, Oinam Avijeet Singh, Keithellakpam Ojit Singh, Thingujam Indrama, Aribam Subhalaxmi Sharma, Romi Khangembam, Minerva Shamjetshabam, Longjam Miranda, Radha Prasanna Journal of Applied Biology & Biotechnology. 2015; 3(4): 011-016. - Chitosan-based hydrotalcite nanostructured membranes containing sodium alendronate for guided bone regeneration therapy
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