2 articles found.
Determination of Clinical and Radiological severity of COVID- 19 infection among vaccinated and non-vaccinated patients: A retrospective study in a tertiary care hospital
1.Dr Indushree T,
2. Dr.Malini.S,
3. Dr. Prashanth D
4. Dr.Siddeshwarswamy P
5. Dr. Lakshmi D
 Indushree T, Malini S, Prashanth D , Siddeswaraswamy P, Lakshmi D, National Journal of Physiology, Pharmacy and Pharmacology. 2024; 14(12): 2585-2590. - Knowledge and attitude of materiovigilance among doctors in a tertiary care teaching hospital: A cross-sectional survey
Indushree T, Narasimha Murthy K M, Siddeswaraswamy P, Meghana D, Nandini T, Naveen K National Journal of Physiology, Pharmacy and Pharmacology. 2023; 13(2): 336-339.