223 articles found.The first 100 results are shown.
- The effect of rehabilitation on remission following detoxification treatment in alcohol and substance use disorders: A pilot study
Mustafa Danisman, Gamze Zengin Ispir, Kubra Sezer Katar, Zehra Ucar Hasanli, Ziya Bilgin Medicine Science | International Medical Journal. 2024; 13(4): 840-6. - Intestinal parasitic infections in leukemic patients with diarrhea
Serhat Uysal, Eylem Akdur, Varol Tunalı, Ayşe Uysal, Ayşegül Ünver, Güray Saydam, Meltem Taşbakan, Hüsnü Pullukçu, Nevin Turgay, Bilgin Arda Journal of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases. 2017; 7(2): 63-66. - Gelişimsel Yetersizliği Olan Bireylerde Eşzamanlı İpucuyla Öğretim Yöntemiyle Yapılan Çalışmaların İncelenmesi
Serhat Serhat ODLUYURT , Meryem ŞENTÜRK Elementary Education Online. 2018; 17(3): 1417-1443. - The Role of Visualization Approach on Students Attitudes Towards and Achievements in Mathematics
Oya UYSAL KOĞ ,Neşe BA& 289;ER Elementary Education Online. 2012; 11(4): 945-957. - An Example for Education and Standardization in Psychotherapy: The Psychotherapy System in Germany
Burcu UYSAL Journal of Cognitive-Behavioral Psychotherapy and Research. 2021; 10(1): 46-55. - Çizgi Filmlerin İlkokul Öğrencilerinin Duyuşsal Özelliklerine Etkisine Yönelik Bir Ölçek Geliştirme Çalışması
İbrahim Uysal , Selin Sarıça Elementary Education Online. 2018; 17(3): 1302-1316. - Özel Gereksinimli Çocuklarda Okulöncesi Kaynaştırmaya Hazırlık Etkinlikleri
Serhat Odluyurt Elementary Education Online. 2018; 17(2): 1-18. - Beşinci Sınıf Öğrencilerinin Matematik Hakkındaki İnanışları
Nermin Kıbrıslıoğlu Uysal , Çiğdem Haser Elementary Education Online. 2018; 17(2): 1014-1032. - Empati Geliştirme Grup Rehberliği Programının İlkokul İkinci Sınıf Öğrencilerinin Empati Düzeylerine Etkisi
Tuğba YILMAZ BİNGÖL , Recep UYSAL Elementary Education Online. 2015; 14(2): 430-437. - PISA Sonuçları Bağlamında Öğrencilerin Akademik Başarılarının Değerlendirilmesi
Ayhan AYDIN , Yılmaz SARIER , Şengül UYSAL Elementary Education Online. 2014; 13(3): 1065-1074. - The Identification of Constipation Problem in Healthy Young Individuals
Nurcan Uysal, Leyla Khorshid, İsmet Eşer TAF Preventive Medicine Bulletin. 2010; 9(2): 127-132. - The Strategies Preschool Teachers Use When Confronted with Childrens Undesired Behaviors
Utku Utkulu, İsmail Mazgit, Yaşar Uysal Ekonomik Yaklasim. 1997; 8(24): 17-29. - Validity and Reliability Study of the Scale about Preservice Elementary Mathematics Teachers Opportunities to Teach for Diversity and Reflect on Practice
Yrd. Doç. Dr. Serhat AYDIN,Doç. Dr. Derya ÇELİK Elementary Education Online. 2017; 16(4): 1947-1965. - The Effect of Station Technique Used in Science and Technology Class on Students' Achievement and Retention
İbrahim Benek,Serhat Kocakaya Elementary Education Online. 2019; 18(1): 112-126. - Farklı Örneklem Büyüklüğü ve Dağılımı Koşullarında WLS ve Robust WLS Yöntemlerinin Karşılaştırılması
Halime YILDIRIM , Menekşe UYSAL SARAÇ , Şener BÜYÜKÖZTÜRK Elementary Education Online. 2018; 17(1): 431-439. - Ozonated Olive Oils and Troubles
Bulent Uysal Journal of Complementary Medicine Research. 2014; 3(2): 49-50. - Adjacent Segment Instability and Degeneration After Posterior Lumbar Stabilisation
Engin Ozar, Özgür Şenol, Levent Uysal, Murat Taşkın Dusunen Adam: The Journal of Psychiatry and Neurological Sciences. 2006; 19(4): 194-203. - Combined endovascular and surgery treatment for neck and head paragangliomas
Ender Uysal, Sıtkı Mert Ulusay, Şenol Civelek, Muzaffer Başak Şişli Etfal Tıp Bülteni. 2010; 44(1): 27-31. - Teaching computing at secondary school level: Understanding teachers experiences and challenges
Filiz Kalelioğlu,Yasemin Gülbahar,Serhat Bahadır Kert Elementary Education Online. 2020; 19(3): 1781-1796. - Otizmli Çocuklar ve Alternatif Destekleyici İletişim Sistemleri: Alanyazın İncelemesi
Serhat Odluyurt , Hülya Ceren Tutuk , Tezcan Çavuşoğlu Elementary Education Online. 2018; 17(3): 1168-1189. - Knotted seldinger guide wire during femoral artery Access: İnterventional approach
Ender Uysal, Mert Ulusay, Mehmet Uludağ, Emin Çakmakçı, Muzaffer Başak Şişli Etfal Tıp Bülteni. 2010; 44(1): 38-40. - Determining Socio-economic Status Variables through Cluster Analysis
Kaan Zülfikar DENİZ , Ersin TÜRE , Aslı UYSAL , Tuba KUNDUROĞLU AKAR Elementary Education Online. 2015; 14(1): 108-117. - A rare cause of acute abdomen in children: Heterotopic gastric mucosa located in the ileum mimicking intussusception.
MEHMET UYSAL Bagcilar Medical Bulletin. 2023; 8(4): 400-401. - Trans arterial microcatheter embolization treatment for bleeding bronchial artery branch
Kosti Can Çalışkan, Sıtkı Mert Ulusay, Ender Uysal, Şebnem Türk, Zeki Karpat Şişli Etfal Tıp Bülteni. 2010; 44(3): 120-123. - Ischemia-modified albumin levels in maternal blood complicated by fetal distress
Serhat EGE Annals of Medical Research. 2022; 29(3): 176-178. - Evaluation of carotid plaque morphology with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
Zeynep Tanrıverdi, Suzan Tunç, Ali Zeynel Tak, Dilek Necioğlu Örken, Ender Uysal, Muzaffer Başak Şişli Etfal Tıp Bülteni. 2012; 46(4): 170-180. - Non-Irritant Baby Shampoos May Cause Cataract Development
Ömer, Faruk, Tekbaş, Yusuf, Uysal, Recai, Oğur, Bülent, Uysal, Cağatay, Güler TAF Preventive Medicine Bulletin. 2008; 7(1): 1-6. - A trend analysis of Sars-Cov-2 anti-nucleocapsid IgG antibodies with a recommendation of the cut-off classification to identify naïve, vaccinated, and infected cases
Serhat Uysal, Kutbeddin Demirdag, Mesut Batur, Safak Ozer Balin, Mehmet Ali Asan, Ayse Sagmak Tartar, Ayhan Akbulut Medicine Science | International Medical Journal. 2022; 11(4): 1534-40. - Can recurrence of chronic subdural hematoma be predicted? a retrospective analysis of 136 cases
Bekir Tuğcu, Osman Tanrıverdi, Serhat Baydın, Ömür Günaldı, Ender Ofluoğlu, Bülent T. Demirgil Dusunen Adam: The Journal of Psychiatry and Neurological Sciences. 2010; 23(1): 44-49. - Ecstasy use complicating with ICA dissection; A case report
Ender UYSAL, Önder KIRDAR, Alper ÖZEL, Şükrü Mehmet ERTÜRK, Hakan YILDIRIM, İsmail CAYMAZ, Muzaffer BAŞAK Şişli Etfal Tıp Bülteni. 2008; 42(3): 23-25. - Comparison of pregnancy outcomes in CC resistance PCOS patients undergoing CC plus letrozole and intra uterine insemination treatment with different follicular diameters
Serhat Ege Annals of Medical Research. 2020; 27(4): 1099-1102. - Comparison of ovulation induction treatments in intrauterine insemination; A retrospective study in a tertiary center
Serhat Ege Annals of Medical Research. 2020; 27(4): 993-6. - If Kraepelin was still alive would dichotomy still survive?
Kürşat Altınbaş, Serhat Tunç, Menekşe Sıla Yazar, Serap Özçetinkaya, Sinan Gülöksüz, Esat Timuçin Oral Dusunen Adam: The Journal of Psychiatry and Neurological Sciences. 2011; 24(4): 321-330. - Controlled ovarian hyperstimulation with gonadotropins for Clomiphene Citrate resistant Polycystic ovary syndrome leads to a higher risk of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome
Serhat Ege Annals of Medical Research. 2021; 28(6): 1260-2. - Correlations of Negative and Positive Symptoms with Brain MRI Findings in Schizophrenia
Serhat Çıtak, Mehmet Çakıcı, Ebru T. Çakıcı, A. Tamer Aker Dusunen Adam: The Journal of Psychiatry and Neurological Sciences. 2009; 22(1): 18-26. - The relationship between balance and flu-like symptoms: a medical condition that needs attention
Serhat Yaslıkaya, Annals of Medical Research. 2023; 30(3): 0-0. - Severity of coronary artery disease is associated with contrast induced nephropathy in patients with impaired renal function
Serhat Sigirci, Ahmet Gurdal, Kadriye Orta Kilickesmez Annals of Medical Research. 2020; 27(1): 164-9. - The diagnostic yield of computerized tomography guided stereotactic biopsy in brain mass lesions: histopathologic analysis of 100 cases
Bekir Tuğcu, Osman Tanrıverdi, Abuzer Güngör, Serhat Şevki Baydın, Lütfi Şinasi Postalcı, Bülent Timur Demirgil, Sinem Gönenli Dusunen Adam: The Journal of Psychiatry and Neurological Sciences. 2010; 23(4): 244-248. - Remission of Obsessive-Compulsive Symptoms in Hypomanic Period in a Patient with Comorbid Bipolar Affective Disorder and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder: A Case Report
Lale Gonenir Erbay, Serhat Sahin, Gulsen Oztas, Sukru Kartalci Annals of Medical Research. 2016; 23(1): 117-119. - A finite element analysis of the effects of different skeletal protraction and expansion methods used in class III malocclusion treatment
Serhat Ozdemir, Merve Goymen Medicine Science | International Medical Journal. 2018; 7(4): 898-904. - Duodenal fistula after laparoscopic cholecystectomy
Mehmet Sarac, Serhat Dogan Annals of Medical Research. 2018; 25(3): 487-488. - Comparison of total laparoscopic hysterectomy and abdominal hysterectomy; A retrospective study in a tertiary center southeastern Turkey
Selami Erdem, Serhat Ege Annals of Medical Research. 2020; 27(8): 2078-81. - Ambient air pollution in Erzurum City Center during 2003-2006
Nazım, Ercüment, Beyhun, Serhat, Vançelik, Hamit, Acemoğlu, Zahide, Koşan, Asuman, Güraksın TAF Preventive Medicine Bulletin. 2008; 7(3): 237-242. - Comparison of young and elderly patients with rectal cancer in terms of prognostic factors and clinical features: A retrospective analysis
Serhat Tokgoz, Mehmet Saydam, Engin Olcucuoglu, Oskay Kaya Annals of Medical Research. 2020; 27(5): 1442-7. - A multi-center study for instructions for use-compatible elective endovascular abdominal aneurysm repair via Lifetech Ankura™ abdominal aortic aneurysm stent graft
Naim Boran Tümer, Eyüp Serhat Çalık, Alper Sami Kunt, Murat Kurtoğlu, Bekir Bogaçhan Akkaya, Mehmet Karahan, Ertekin Utku Ünal, Hakkı Zafer İşcan Turkish Journal of Vascular Surgery. 2020; 29(3): 184-8. - Retrospective evaluation of patients with primary mediastinal large B-Cell lymphoma: Real life experience
Zeynep Tugba Guven, Serhat Celik, Leylagul Kaynar, Muzaffer Keklik, Bulent Eser, Mustafa Cetin, Ali Unal Annals of Medical Research. 2021; 28(10): 1830-4. - An Uncommon Presentation of a Common Benign Tumour
Elif Usturali Keskin, Emel Ebru Pala, Ebru Cakir, Cuneyt Eftal Taner, Serhat Sarikaya,
Fatih Keskin Annals of Medical Research. 2015; 22(3): 191-193. - The predictive value of triglyceride to high density lipoprotein cholesterol ratio in patients with isolated coronary artery ectasia
Ahmet Gurdal, Kudret Keskin, Serhat Sigirci, Sukru Cetin, Kadriye Orta Kilickesmez Annals of Medical Research. 2020; 27(2): 471-5. - Retrospective Analysis of 661 Amniocentesis Cases at a Maternity Hospital in Bursa Turkey
Levent Hekimoğlu, Taner Durak, Serhat Tatlıkazan TAF Preventive Medicine Bulletin. 2012; 11(1): 19-22. - Idiopathic femoral nerve palsy - a case report
Murat Guntel, Alper Uysal European Journal of Medical Case Reports. 2020; 4(10): 360-363. - Assessment of the impact of insulin resistance on pancreatic exocrine functions in obese patients
Betul Borku Uysal , Derya Argun Medicine Science | International Medical Journal. 2021; 10(3): 998-1001. - Investigation of prognostic significance of CD44 expression in women with vulvar squamous cell carcinoma
Yakup Yalcin, Serenat Eris Yalcin, Selda Uysal, Burak Tatar, And Yavuz, Mehmet Ozgur Akkurt, Seyran Yigit Medicine Science | International Medical Journal. 2019; 8(4): 774-781. - Relationship of vitamin D level, fasting blood sugar, and body mass index, to carpal tunnel syndrome severity
Alper Uysal, Murat Guntel Annals of Medical Research. 2021; 28(5): 970-4. - Bipolar Disorder recurrence in a nonagenarian: An uncommon and unfortunate health concern for a senior
Serhat Tunc, Hamit Serdar Başbuğ Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences. 2019; 9(1): -. - A Forgotten reason of dysphagia Forestier syndrome
Serhat Yaslikaya, Ahmet Kizilay Annals of Medical Research. 2017; 24(1): 69-71. - The Frequency and Determining Factors of Psychiatric Symptoms in Healthcare Professionals
Serhat Tunc, Samet Kose, Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences. 2019; 9(3): 94-101. - The Effect of Childhood Trauma on Impulsivity in Patients with Bipolar Disorder
Serhat Tunc, Samet Kose , Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences. 2019; 9(3): 78-84. - SARS-CoV-2 antibody seroprevalence in healthcare personnel during the pandemic's peak: The experience of single hospital
Mehmet Sami Islamoglu, Mahir Cengiz, Betul Borku Uysal, Serap Yavuzer Medicine Science | International Medical Journal. 2022; 11(1): 154-8. - Detecting the presence of inflammation in fibromyalgia syndrome with neutrophil/lymphocyte ratio, platelet/lymphocyte ratio, and mean platelet volume
Murat Guntel, Alper Uysal Annals of Medical Research. 2021; 28(4): 722-5. - Predictors of mortality after transcatheter aortic valve implantation
Abdullah Sokmen, Ekrem Aksu, Ahmet Cagri Aykan, Gulizar Sokmen, Hakan Gunes, Akif Serhat Balcioglu, Enes Celik, Sami Ozgul Annals of Medical Research. 2020; 27(8): 2014-21. - Iron accumulation in the deep gray matter of patients with multiple sclerosis: A study with gradient echo magnetic resonance imaging
Ülgen Yalaz Tekan, Feray Kıymaz Seleker, Ender Uysal, Zahide Mail Gürkan, Hulki Forta Şişli Etfal Tıp Bülteni. 2013; 47(4): 198-203. - Ultrasonographic diagnosis of an iatrogenic winged scapula caused by spinal accessory neuropathy combined with dorsal scapular neuropathy - a case report
Alper Uysal, Nimet Bilge Kalkan European Journal of Medical Case Reports. 2020; 4(10): 352-356. - Distribution of arrhythmic events in COVID-19 patients receiving favipiravir and hydroxychloroquine
Serhat Karadavut , Ismail Altintop, Annals of Medical Research. 2022; 29(5): 0-0. - Ophthalmoplegia secondary to left sphenoid sinus mucocele
Serhat Yaslikaya, Yuksel Toplu, Ismail Demir, Erkan Karatas Medicine Science | International Medical Journal. 2018; 7(1): 229-231. - Is there a correlation between hand preference and vertebral-subclavian artery diameter and vertebral artery flow volume?
Bulent Karaman, Salih Hamcan, Asaf Abduramani, Serhat Celikkanat, Mustafa Tasar Hand and Microsurgery. 2017; 6(3): 120-124. - Vocal cord paralysis after total thyroidectomy with ecchymosis secondary to thyroid biopsy
Mehmet Sarac, Serhat Dogan, Serdar Gursul Annals of Medical Research. 2019; 26(7): 1432-3. - Remember/Regeneration Treatment Method as a New Holistic Approach for Pain Management in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis: A Retrospective Case Series
Mustafa Yasar, Bulent Uysal, Teoman Alpay Demirel, Journal of Complementary Medicine Research. 2021; 12(2): 61-65. - Remember/Regeneration Treatment Method as a New Holistic Approach in Patients with Hashimotos Thyroiditis: A Case Report
Mustafa Yasar, Bulent Uysal, Teoman Alpay Demirel International Journal of Medical Reviews and Case Reports. 2020; 4(8): 43-46. - The Remember/Regeneration Therapy Method as a New Holistic Approach for Plaque Psoriasis: Case Series
Mustafa Yasar, Bulent Uysal, Teoman Alpay Demirel International Journal of Medical Reviews and Case Reports. 2020; 4(2): 1-8. - Jejunal Diverticulitis
Serhat Dogan, Mehmet Erikoglu Annals of Medical Research. 2018; 25(1): 161-161. - The relationship between thigh and leg circumferences and proprioceptive sense: results of postoperative anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction
Ahmet Serhat Genç, Nizamettin Güzel Medicine Science | International Medical Journal. 2023; 12(2): 587-92. - Renal transplant patient with; ureteral necrosis and urine leakage due to double J catheter distortion.
Serhat Dogan, Mehmet Erikoglu Annals of Medical Research. 2018; 25(3): 485-486. - Quadricuspid Aortic Valve as Infective Endocarditis 's Risk Factor
Yahya Islamoglu, Cansu Tokat, Sumeyra Uysal Journal of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases. 2018; 8(1): 30-32. - THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN HIF-2 AND CHRONIC RENAL ALLOGRAFT NEPHROPATHY IN RENAL TRANSPLANTATION RECIPIENTS
Sümeyra Koyuncu, Cihan UYsal, Hülya Akgün, Çiğdem Karakükçü, Gözde Ertürk Zararsız, İsmail Koçyiğit, Murat Hayri Sipahioğlu, Oktay Oymak , Bülent Tokgöz, Annals of Medical Research. 2022; 29(7): 0-0. - Conversion to laparotomy in bening gynecologic laparoscopic surgery; Can surgical experience be protective
Cenk Mustafa Guven, Dilek Uysal Medicine Science | International Medical Journal. 2023; 12(2): 368-73. - Relationship between first trimester vaginal bleeding and the risk of placental abruption
Hatice Akkaya, Gulsum Uysal Medicine Science | International Medical Journal. 2018; 7(3): 660-3. - Clinical and radiological results of radial shortening osteotomy, and proximal row carpectomy in Kienböcks Disease
Engin Eren Desteli, Ahmet Serhat Genc, Yunus Imren, Suleyman Semih Dedeoglu Medicine Science | International Medical Journal. 2017; 6(3): 526-30. - Comparison of palm print test with other difficult intubation prediction tests in patients with diabetes mellitus
Ali Ihsan Uysal, Basak Altiparmak, Melike Korkmaz Toker, Semra Gumus Demirbilek Medicine Science | International Medical Journal. 2020; 9(3): 563-8. - Applications of MALDI-TOF MS in Microbiological İdentification
Soner Yılmaz, Serhat Duyan, Cumhur Artuk, Hüsrev Diktaş TAF Preventive Medicine Bulletin. 2014; 13(5): 421-426. - The Effect of Corticosteroid Therapy on the Frequency of Secondary Bacterial Infections and Mortality in COVID-19 Patients in ICU
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Seref Simsek, Cem Uysal, Yasin Bez, Salih Gencoglan Dusunen Adam: The Journal of Psychiatry and Neurological Sciences. 2014; 27(4): 323-327. - Factors Affecting Physical and Psychiatric Morbidity in Civilian Extremity Injuries of Firearms
Ahmet Aslan, İnci Meltem Atay, Emin Uysal, Ahmet Özmeriç TAF Preventive Medicine Bulletin. 2012; 11(4): 389-396. - Analysis of the effects of ha-330 hemo adsorption column application on mortality and morbidity of adult patients with sepsis in general intensive care unit
Suna Koc, Mehmet Dokur, Harun Uysal Medicine Science | International Medical Journal. 2022; 11(1): 124-30. - Related Factors with Nutritional Habits and Nutrition Knowledge of University Students
Serhat, Vançelik*, Sema, Gürsel, Önal, Asuman, Güraksın, , Ercüment, Beyhun TAF Preventive Medicine Bulletin. 2007; 6(4): 242-248. - Measuring Sharenting Behavior: Validity and Reliability of the Turkish Version of the Sharenting Evaluation Scale
Betül Orhan Kılıç, Eylem Gül Ateş, Serhat Kılıç, Nisa Eda Çullas İlarslan, Dilek Konuksever , Betül Ulukol, Annals of Medical Research. 2023; 30(10): 0-0. - Reactivation risk of Hepatitis B Virus in both HBsAg negative and HBcIgG positive patients with solid malignancy. Is antiviral prophylaxis really necessary?
Murat Araz, Ismail Beypinar, Tarik Demir, Hacer Demir, Mukremin Uysal Medicine Science | International Medical Journal. 2019; 8(2): 418-21. - Right atrial papillary fibroleastoma
Orkut Guclu, Serhat Huseyin, Ebru Tastekin, Volkan Yuksel, Suat Canbaz Annals of Medical Research. 2016; 23(2): 214-216. - Evaluation of the effect of oxidized gelatin sponge on pain level in the donor area in free gingival graft operations
Devrim Deniz Uner, Bozan Serhat Izol Annals of Medical Research. 2020; 27(1): 334-9. - Dark Triad Personality: Narcissism, Machiavellianism, and Psychopathy
Seren Saltoğlu, Doruk Uysal Irak Türk Psikoloji Yazıları / Turkish Psychological Articles. 2020; 23(45): 0-0. - SOME RELATED FACTORS AND SITUATION OF BODY WEIGHT IN ATATÜRK UNIVERSITY STUDENTS
Serhat, , VANÇELİK*, Sema, Gürsel, ÖNAL, Asuman, , GÜRAKSIN TAF Preventive Medicine Bulletin. 2006; 5(2): 72-82. - Comparison of the effect of traumatic and non-traumatic lower extremity amputations on patients' quality of life
Yavuz Selim Karatekin, Harun Altinayak, Ahmet Serhat Genc, Orhan Balta Medicine Science | International Medical Journal. 2024; 13(3): 654-60. - A fatal dermatosis in the emergency department: toxic epidermal necrolysis
Ayhan Akoz, Serhat Orun, Mucahit Avcil, Ali Duman, Kenan Ahmet Turkdogan Medicine Science | International Medical Journal. 2016; 5(4): 1027-9. - Examination of attitudes towards healthy nutrition in athletes
Serhat Erai̇l, Ali Ihsan Cebi̇, Mehmet Cebi, Mustafa Demir Medicine Science | International Medical Journal. 2023; 12(4): 1257-62. - Determination of Risky Health Behaviors of Immigrant and Nonimmigrant Adolescents
Aslı Kalkım, Aynur Uysal Toraman TAF Preventive Medicine Bulletin. 2014; 13(4): 289-294. - Treatment Outcome in Transplant Ineligible Patients with Multiple Myeloma: A Single center real-life experience
Ayşe Uysal, Mustafa Merter, Aşkın Şen, Annals of Medical Research. 2022; 29(9): 0-0. - Orthopedic trauma or surgery does not effect on cognitive or behavioral capability of rats.
Kursad Aytekin, Murat Uysal, Esra Akdeniz, Selcuk Takir Annals of Medical Research. 2020; 27(6): 1571-9. - Non-invasive method evaluation of hemoglobin levels after trauma
Emine Kadioglu , Serhat Karaman Medicine Science | International Medical Journal. 2019; 8(3): 746-9. - Effects of surgical atrial septal defect closure operation on the frontal QRS-T angle
Dincer Uysal, Mevlut Serdar Kuyumcu Annals of Medical Research. 2021; 28(5): 1029-33. - Pain, quality of life, proprioception and physical function in patient with knee osteoarthritis: Comparison of different grades
Burak Yoldas, Enes Akdemir, Berna Anil, Esra Korkmaz, Dilara Kumru, Coskun Yilmaz, Egemen Ermis, Lokman Kehribar, Ahmet Serhat Genc, Ali Kerim Yilmaz Medicine Science | International Medical Journal. 2024; 13(2): 406-414.