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6 articles found.

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  1. Age changes in extramural digestive glands of sheep and rabbits in the postembryonic period
    Meiramgul Zhakiyanova, Saule Seilgazina, Akerke Ygiyeva, Gulnara Dzhamanova, Kamil Derbyshev
    Open Veterinary Journal. 2023; 13(1): 123-130.
  2. Healthy Children - A Healthy Nation: Modern Approaches of Pediatricians to The Prevention of Childhood Diseases
    *Antonina V. Katorova, Kristina A. lichidova,Saule M.Imanalieva, Ivan V.Kuznecov, Maria A. Lokteva,Nikulina K.Alexeevna
    Journal of Complementary Medicine Research. 2022; 13(3): 54-58.
  3. Functional Rating of the English Language in Multilingual Education in Kazakhstan
    Tleuzhanova Gulnaz Koshkimbaevna, Shunkeeva Saule Alisherovna, Tuleubayeva Sholpan Kalenovna, *Sarzhanova Galiya Bayzhumakyzy, Mazhenova Rauana Bokenovna, Gulbanu Tursunovna Aubakirova
    Elementary Education Online. 2021; 20(4): 127-138.
    Damekova Saule Kairollovna, Nurmuhanbetova Nurgul Nurkenivna, Durmekbayeva Shynar Nurlybekovna, Khamitova Aina Sultanseitovna, Fakhrudenova Idiya Bolatovna, Shayakhmetova Aisulu Alkeshovna
    Elementary Education Online. 2021; 20(4): 264-271.
  5. Evaluation of the Effectiveness of the Mobile Application on Adherence of Patients With Arterial Hypertension
    Saule Nurakysh, Kural Kurakbayev, Lyazzat Kosherbaeva, Aigul Tazhiyeva, Aizat Aimakhanova1, Gulnara Kulkaeva, Lyazzat Asykbaeva, Marat Ainabekov, Ildar Fakhradiyev, Shynar Tanabayeva
    Acta Informatica Medica. 2022; 30(1): 18-24.
  6. Comparative assessment of regulated methods and PCR in the diagnosis of trichophytosis in veterinary mycology
    Mynbay Umitzhanov, Botagoz Abdiramanova, Aspen Abutalip, Nurbol Bakirov, Saule Sarimbekova
    Open Veterinary Journal. 2023; 13(12): 1614-1622.

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