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  1. Pediatric endodontic considerations in the application of regenerative therapy for immature permanent teeth: a review article
    Sarah Thamer Alshammari, Hanan Saleh AlSohaibani, Alshammre Moneef Korem R, Suliman Dawood Almusalam, Ibtesam Alharbi
    International Journal of Medicine in Developing Countries. 2024; 8(8): 2157-2161.
  2. Periodontal diseases in children affected by systemic disorders: a review
    Sarah Thamer Alshammari, Jamilah Mohammed AlQahtani, Shrooq Gazae Traed, Hadeel Abdulrahman Abohamed, Reem Othman AlHulaylah, Dhabia Mohammad Alabbadi
    International Journal of Medicine in Developing Countries. 2021; 5(1): 395-398.
  3. Aerobic exercises and its effects on primary dysmenorrhea among women at Hail city, Saudi Arabia
    Nuzhat Parveen, Razan Alshammari, Hala Alshammari, Taif Alshammari, Sarah Alsamaan, Nasir Ali
    International Journal of Medicine in Developing Countries. 2020; 4(5): 869-874.
  4. Immunogenicity of culture filtrated proteins and whole-cell killed-formalin of Listeria monocytogenes to induced cellular immune response in vivo
    Hassan H.K. Al-Bayati, Sultan Ahmed Abdullah, Thamer Jaddoa Shihab, Muthanna Sultan, Qusai Saleh Jumaa
    Open Veterinary Journal. 2024; 14(12): 3581-3598.
  5. A Multicenter Cross-sectional Study on the Prevalence of Burnout among Health Care Workers during COVID-19 in Saudi Arabia
    Amany Mohammed Khalifa, Asma Mufadhi Alrimali, Areeb Farhan Alshammari, Ashwag Ghazi Alsham¬mari, Hanan Hamdan Alshammari, Jumanah Adel Almuaili, Manal Nasser Alanazi, Nourah Mohammed Alshammari, Rozan Abdulaziz Alshammari, Safaa Malek Shaheen
    Majmaah Journal of Health Sciences. 2022; 10(2): 30-45.
  6. Medication error in pediatric patients: an updated systematic review (2015-2021)
    Nawal Hamed alshammari, Dalal Hamed Alshammari, Hadir Ahmad Alshammari, Bashayer Ali Alshammari, Meshail Saeed Alserhan, Mohammed Ali Ayed Alshammari, Mona Hameed Alshammari, Nawal Hamed Alshammari
    International Journal of Medicine in Developing Countries. 2022; 6(5): 748-754.
  7. Prevalence of depression, anxiety and stress among diabetes mellitus patients in Arar, Northern Saudi Arabia
    AMohammed Elamin Mukrim, Nujud Muteb D. Alshammari, Wurud Muteb D. Alshammari, Maali Subhi T. Alshammari, Yousef Nasif R. Alshammari, Abdulaziz Sael M. Alshammari, Maisa Hamad F. Alanazi, Abdulelah Abdulrhman F. Alzammam, Muharib Mana M. Alshammari, Slwa Khaled Abu Asyah, Aseel Jamal Alzuhayri, Mushref Saeid Alshammari
    International Journal of Medicine in Developing Countries. 2019; 3(3): 229-233.
  8. Partial edentulism: pattern, distribution, relation to age and gender and prosthetic reconstruction for patients treated in dentistry clinics, Hail University
    Aisha Zakaria Hashem Mostafa, Sarah Mashan Dhaifallah Alshammari, Jawaher Saad Alrimali, Zainah Abbas Alhababi, Saja Awad Alamrani, Dhahyah Saleh Alshammari
    International Journal of Medicine in Developing Countries. 2021; 5(11): 1901-1908.
  9. Effect of Biodex Balance Training on Postural Stability in Patients with Primary Dysmenorrhea
    Mohamed Salem*, Shamekh El-Shamy, Ali Hussein, Anwar Ebid, Amal Alharbi, Khadijah Alhindi, Raghad Alqurashi, Rahaf Fatani, Sarah Hijji, Sarah Alzahrani
    Journal of Complementary Medicine Research. 2023; 14(2): 110-116.
  10. Combination of advancement flap and modified Limberg flap to close big circular lateral forehead defect
    International Journal of Medical Reviews and Case Reports. 2018; 2(4): 127-130.
  11. Evaluating and Measuring the Impact of E-learning System adopted in Saudi Electronic University
    Thamer Alhussain
    Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences. 2020; 7(2): 47-65.
  12. Currents Trends in the Reporting of Adverse Drug Events in Australia
    International Journal of Pharmacy Research & Technology. 2015; 5(1): 1-3.
  13. Techniques Used in Modern Drama
    Safaa Kareem Ali, Thamer Mohammed Khadim
    Elementary Education Online. 2021; 20(3): 599-603.
  14. Estimation Of Awareness Of Surgical Site Infections And Their Risk Factors Among Physicians In Surgical Departments In The Hail Region, Kingdom Of Saudi Arabia, 2019–2020
    Alaa Mohamed Zaki Sedik, Amany Mohammed Khalifa Mabrouk, Meral Fayez Nasser Alzimam, Afrah Abdulkarim Aqeel Altamimi, Shada Khaled Farag Bashantoof, Rania Abdullah Salem Alshammari, Reem Sultan Albalawi, Fatima Moajel Alshammari
    Majmaah Journal of Health Sciences. 2021; 9(3): 88-98.
  15. Public awareness and attitude towards pediatric epilepsy in Hail city, Saudi Arabia
    Abdelrahim Awadelkarim Abdelrhman Mohamed, Yasir Ghareeb Alrashdan, Abdullah Abdulhadi Alharbi, Mohammed Saqer Alshammari, Ghadah Abdulrahman Albalawi, Rawaby Khalid AlShammari, Afrah Abdullah AlShammari, Ghadah Fahad Aloliqi, Sara Emad Alrayya
    International Journal of Medicine in Developing Countries. 2019; 3(3): 284-288.
  16. The Association between Infant Feeding Patterns and Type I Diabetes in Children at Ministry of National Guard, Health Affairs Hospital, Riyadh
    Reem F Alshammari
    Majmaah Journal of Health Sciences. 2015; 3(2): 1-12.
  17. Correlation between brain natriuretic peptide and right ventricular systolic pressure in patients with decompensated heart failure
    Khalid Alsulaiman, Sarah Alyousef, Abdulmalik Alkathiri, Shmylan Alharbi, Abdulkareem Albekairy, Hind Almodaimegh, Saleh AlDekhail, Thamer Alsulaiman, Salahdein Aburuz
    International Journal of Medical Science and Public Health. 2016; 5(10): 2173-2177.
  18. Strongyloides stercoralis in leafy vegetables, humans, and cats as a possible source for zoonotic disease in Hail, Saudi Arabia
    Omar Amer, Jaser Sultan AlShamari, Ahmed Hameed AlReshidi, Shamekh Rashid AlShammari, Fahad Mohammad AlShammari
    International Journal of Medicine in Developing Countries. 2019; 3(6): 553-556.
  19. Prevalence of Periodontitis in Patients Undergoing Hemodialysis: a Case Control Study
    Ali Ghareeb Altamimi, Saud Alnouri AlBakr, Thamer Alaswad Alanazi, Faleh A. Alshahrani, Elna Paul Chalisserry, Sukumaran Anil
    Materia Socio Medica. 2018; 30(1): 58-61.
  20. Utilizing Machine Learning to Recognize Human Activities for Elderly and Homecare
    Razan Alaraj, Riyad Alshammari
    Acta Informatica Medica. 2020; 28(3): 196-201.
  21. Using Machine Learning to Predict Early Preparation of Pharmacy Prescriptions at PSMMC - a Comparison of Four Machine Learning Algorithms
    Nora Alhorishi, Mohammed Almeziny, and Riyad Alshammari
    Acta Informatica Medica. 2021; 29(1): 21-25.
  22. The Protective Role Social Support Plays in Determining Adolescent Mental Health Outcomes
    Abdullah S. Alshammari *, Bettina F. Piko , Kevin M. Fitzpatrick
    International Journal of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences (IJHRS). 2019; 8(3): 107-119.
  23. Knowledge and attitude of Down syndrome and prenatal screening among women in Hail, Saudi Arabia
    Areeb Farhan Alshammari, Asma Mufadhi Alrimali, Ashwag Ghazi Alshammari, Hind Alkatan, Ahmed Saleh
    Majmaah Journal of Health Sciences. 2024; 12(1): 96-107.
  24. Premenstrual syndrome: existence, knowledge, and attitude among female university students in Hail
    Abdelrahim Awadelkarim Abdelrahman Mohamed, Mariam Salamah Alanazi, Razan Safir Mesfer Alsubhi, Yusra Abdullah Alshammari, Maymona Salem Alshammari
    International Journal of Medicine in Developing Countries. 2022; 6(9): 1097-1101.
  25. General public awareness of pilonidal sinus disease in Saudi Arabia
    Saleh M. Alharby, Salma Sultan Alhajri, Amira Saud Alshammari, Fatemah Salman Alhadab, Rajis Nasser Aldosari, Sarah Abdurahman Alarfaj, Ahood Abdulrhman Altamimi, Nawaf Rajeh Alsuwayidi
    International Journal of Medicine in Developing Countries. 2021; 5(9): 1676-1685.
  26. Assessment of different teaching modalities in gastroenterology and gastrointestinal surgery module on students’ satisfaction
    Thamer Hadi Alghamdi
    International Journal of Medical Science and Public Health. 2021; 10(1): 57-61.
  27. COVID-19 and Malignancy: What is the Association? A Case Report and Review of the Literature
    Safi Alqatari, Dania M. Alkhafaji, Lateefah T. AlShammari, Reem AlArgan, Abrar Alwaheed, Dhuha N. Boumarah
    Medical Archives. 2023; 77(3): 237-240.
  28. Deep neck infection treatment and prognosis: a systematic review
    Abdulmajeed Saud AlTamimi, Rashed Raja Alshammari, Talal Banan Alanazi, Zaid Awad Alshammari, Mohammad Abdulkarim Alduheim, Ibrahim Abdullah Alnais
    International Journal of Medicine in Developing Countries. 2020; 4(5): 932-937.
  29. Incidence of fractures and changes over time among the aged in Hail region
    Ahmed Mohamed Ahmed, Waleed Ali Alharabi, Salem Jamal Alamer, Khalid Faisal Alshammari, Hamad Faisal Alshammari, Mohammed Altfaif
    International Journal of Medicine in Developing Countries. 2023; 7(12): 1679-1685.
  30. Enhanced Recovery Experience After Orthopaedic Surgery: A Systematic Review of Patient-Reported Outcomes
    Muath Abdulghani Alturkistani, Ali Mohammed Alahmari, Hussam Hussain Alhumaidi, Mohammed Muteb Alharbi, Alhanouf Adnan Alqernas, Noor Sayed Alsharkhat, Abdullah Khalaf Alshammari, Faisal Khalaf Alshammari
    International Journal of Medicine in Developing Countries. 2019; 3(1): 108-112.
  31. The perceptions of pre and in-service teachers’ self-efficacy regarding inclusive practices: A systematised review
    Gülşah Selin Tümkaya, Sarah Miller
    Elementary Education Online. 2020; 19(2): 1061-1077.
  32. Saudi Healthcare Students' Perceptions and Beliefs About Immunizations: a Descriptive, Cross-Sectional Study
    Talal Alshammari, Saeed Alqahtani, Mohammed Al Jumaan, Rana Alameri, Abdulaziz Al Ghaseb, Bronwyn Beovich, Samer Al Haliq, Brett Williams
    Medical Archives. 2022; 76(6): 458-463.
  33. The Moderat Role Of Knowledge Sharing On The Effect Of Human Capital In Job Empowerment
    Abdallah Mishael Obeidat, Hazem atef wahiby, Dua’a mohammad alshammari, Sara khaled alzu’bi, Ahmad fathe hadrab, Mohamad ali samara
    Elementary Education Online. 2021; 20(3): 1449-1459.
    Abdallah Mishael Obeidat, Hazem atef wahiby, Dua’a mohammad alshammari, Sara khaled alzu’bi, Ahmad fathe hadrab, Mohamad ali samarah
    Elementary Education Online. 2021; 20(5): 163-172.
    Sarah Mohammed Abed, Nagham Mahmood Aljamali
    European Chemical Bulletin. 2022; 11(11): 46-63.
  36. Disseminated splenosis in a patient with mycosis fungiodes
    Sharjeel Usmani, Sarah Murad, Fawaz Abu Huda
    Pakistan Journal of Nuclear Medicine. 2015; 5(1): 81-83.
  37. Effect of Mustard, Onion and Probiotic on the Growth Performance and Immune Status of Oreochromis Niloticus
    Sarah A. Yousef, Sabry A. Abd El Haliem
    Alexandria Journal of Veterinary Sciences. 2022; 72(1): 51-60.
  38. Influence of comorbidities on outcomes of head trauma patient: a systematic review
    Ayman Talla Ali Talla, Naser Sultan M Alshammry, Mohammed Abdullah M. Alzahrani, Aqeel Mutlaq Aqeel Alshammari, Jamal Ahmed A. Almarshadi, Alhanouf Bander S. Alshammari
    International Journal of Medicine in Developing Countries. 2024; 8(8): 2143-2149.
  39. Comparison Of Histomorphology, Angiogenesis and Proliferation in Kappa and Lambda Restricted Plasma Cell Myelomas with Its Effect on Prognosis
    Sarah Grace Priyadarshini, Debdatta Basu, Rakhee Kar, T.K. Dutta*
    Journal of Complementary Medicine Research. 2023; 14(3): 77-80.
  40. Financial Sustainability and Firm Performance Impact on Stock Prices: An Evidence from an Emerging Economy
    Sarah Qaim, BushraZulfiqar, Dr. Akmal Shahzad, Dr. Taseer Salahuddin
    Elementary Education Online. 2021; 20(2): 572-577.
  41. The Effect of Accounting Information Quality on Investment Efficiency with Auditor Specialization as Moderating Variables
    Sarah Bela Dina Hidayat, Agus Widodo Mardijuwono
    Elementary Education Online. 2020; 19(4): 560-566.
  42. Uterine carcinosarcoma, an unusual histologic presentation
    Sarah Yousaf Chaudhary,* Fazal Ilahi,** Ambreen Moatasim**
    Rawal Medical Journal. 2009; 34(1): 120-122.
  43. The Perceptions and Expectations of the Clinical Learning Environment in Saudi Arabia: a Multidisciplinary Study
    Talal AlShammari, Saeed Alqahtani, Mohammed Al Jumaan, Rana Alameri, Cameron Gosling, Bronwyn Beovich, Brett Williams, Samer Al Haliq, Mohamed Kandil
    Medical Archives. 2023; 77(2): 132-136.
  44. Automated Arabic Essays Grading System based on F-Score and Arabic WordNet
    Saeda a al awaida, Bassam Al Shargabi, Thamer Al rousan
    Jordanian Journal of Computers and Information Technology. 2019; 5(3): 170-180.
  45. Impacts of psychological abuse on the mental and physical health of adolescents
    Sarah Khalid Alkahtani, Sarah Salman Alobaid, Tasnim Mamoun Hajbi, Amjad Jazal Alotaibi, Lujain Abdulaziz Alyousfi, Rafeef Abdullah Alaqeel, Razan Sulaiman Alharbi, Sarah Khalid Alfayez, Abdulelah Ibrahim Alballaa, Mona Alfadeel
    International Journal of Medicine in Developing Countries. 2021; 5(9): 1573-1578.
  46. Sleep habits and their consequences: a survey
    Umar A. Khan, Sara N. Pasha, Sarah K. Khokhar, Asim A. Rizvi
    Rawal Medical Journal. 2004; 29(1): 3-7.
  47. Measuring Growth Performance of Selected Agricultural Crops in Bangladesh
    Sarah Yasmin, Md. Mahbub Hasan, Md. Moniruzzaman
    Journal of Bangladesh Agricultural University. 2020; 18(3): 700-707.
  48. Knowledge and attitude of primary healthcare physicians toward colorectal cancer screening in Qassim region, Saudi Arabia
    Abdulrhman M. Aldukhayel, Hajar A. Alsudairi, Raghad A. Alhomidani, Nouf S. Almutairi, Fatima M. Alturki, Razan G. Almehmadi, Sharouq A. Alolyan, Fatima M. Aljasser, Reem F. Alshammari, Nawaf S. Alshammari
    International Journal of Medicine in Developing Countries. 2021; 5(10): 1784-1790.
  49. Medication non-adherence factors and difficulties among psychiatric patients in Madinah
    Amal Mohammed Surrati, Nawal Abdullah Al-Harbi, Hebah Mohammed Surrati, Mohaamed Ahmed ALawaz, Sarah Hassan Almalki, Sarah Sameer Salamah
    Majmaah Journal of Health Sciences. 2020; 8(3): 47-60.
  50. Poverty-To Measure or Not To Measure: Going Beyond Logical Positivism
    Dr. Taseer Salahuddin, Dr. Akmal Shahzad, Dr. Numair Ahmed Sulehri, Sarah Qaim
    Elementary Education Online. 2021; 20(5): 2338-2343.
  51. The Quality of Life among Employees in Accounting Firm
    Wendy Teoh Ming Yen, Siti Sarah Omar, Yuen Yee Yen, Chew Yi Ching
    Elementary Education Online. 2021; 20(4): 965-969.
  52. COVID-19 and its Socio-Economic Implications on the World Economy
    Muhammad Aleem, Sarah Azhar, Bilal Khan, Ziauddin, Imran Rafiq
    Elementary Education Online. 2021; 20(1): 3582-3585.
  53. Impact Of Self Esteem On Sports Performance of Teenage Girls During Covid-19
    Saman Junaid Chattha, Sumaira Sajid, Anum Shafique, Sarah Arshi
    Elementary Education Online. 2020; 19(4): 5363-5374.
  54. Prevalence and risk factors of leukocytosis among heart failure patients
    Ajaz Ahmad, Majid Naif Alharbi, Omar Abdulmohsin Aldhabaan, Yazid Abraheem Alzapni, Sultan Mahja Alanazi, Fahad Khalaf Alanezi, Naser Sultan Meshal Alshammry, Aqeel Motlaq Alshammary, Hamad Turki Alshammari, Faris Mohammed Alreshidi, Intesar Hadi Alshammari, Musa Johaiman Alrashedi
    International Journal of Medicine in Developing Countries. 2019; 3(5): 468-473.
  55. Factors associated with patients bypassing primary healthcare centers in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
    Fahad Hisham Bin Shalhoub, Majed Ghanem Alharbi, Shahad Hameed Alshammari, Raghad Abdulmajid Bin Rakhis, Asayel Mohammed Bin Saif, Fahad Abdullah Alateeq
    International Journal of Medicine in Developing Countries. 2023; 7(12): 1959-1965.
  56. The value of breast silhouette image in the identification of a lactation artefact on SPECT myocardial perfusion scintigraphy
    Qaisar H Siraj, Eiman Al-Awadi, Anwar Al-Banna, Rasha M Al-Shammeri, Uzma Afzal, Sarah Al-Bughaili
    Pakistan Journal of Nuclear Medicine. 2012; 2(1): 88-91.
  57. Epidemiological Analysis of Drowning Deaths Among Different Groups in Jordan - a Retrospective Study (2015-2019)
    Ali M Shotar, Mahmoud Halalsheh, Rashed Shatnawi, Hadeel Abu-El-Rub, Nahd A. Hussein, Sarah Shoter, Hassan Mahafdhah
    Medical Archives. 2022; 76(1): 49-54.
  58. Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) Signs, Diagnosis and Management: A Review Article
    Fawzh Alshammari
    International Journal of Medicine in Developing Countries. 2023; 7(12): 2026-2032.
  59. The relationship between urethral sphincter mechanism incompetency and lower back pain: positing a novel treatment for urinary incontinence in dogs
    David M Lane, Sarah A Hill,
    Open Veterinary Journal. 2022; 12(1): 105-113.
  60. Those Responsible for Approving Research Studies Have Poor Knowledge of Research Study Design: a Knowledge Assessment of Institutional Review Board Members
    Rahul Mhaskar, Elizabeth Barnett Pathak, Sarah Wieten, Thomas M. Guterbock, Ambuj Kumar, Benjamin Djulbegovic
    Acta Informatica Medica. 2015; 23(4): 196-201.
  61. Oral health impact of Invisalign and clear appliance treatment
    Ghali Mukhlef Alshammari, Lujain Ahamd Alghrairy, Hala Hmod Alshammari, Uthman Eyad Alsulami, Fayez Masaud Alsamri, Yasmeen Hamoud Alshammri, Rakan Mashl R. Alharbi
    International Journal of Medicine in Developing Countries. 2024; 8(11): 3295-3299.
  62. Competency differences in interpreting ECG strips among medical students, interns, and family medicine residents
    Mada Alsadi, Amjad M. Ahmed, Sarah Almousa, Elan Homoud, Reem Almutairi, Bodour Alkhalifah, Sulaiman A. Alshammari, Haitham Alanazi
    International Journal of Medicine in Developing Countries. 2023; 7(1): 94-101.
    Ayesha Iqbal, Sarah Hanif, Suraiya Hirani, Faiza Arif, Sarah Hussain,
    Journal of The Pakistan Dental Association. 2019; 28(3): 149-152.
  64. Effectiveness of intervention program on nurses' practices about nursing care plan of patients Post Transsphenoidal Hypophysectomy
    Muntadher Abdulrahman Thamer, Sabah Abbas Ahmed
    Rawal Medical Journal. 2023; 48(3): 662-665.
  65. Pattern of serial inflammatory biomarkers changes in post lumbar discectomy patients in Basrah, Iraq
    Ahmed Ibrahim Alobaidi, Mubder A. Mohammed Saeed, Thamer Ahmed Hamdan
    Rawal Medical Journal. 2021; 46(3): 564-567.
  66. Use of Alternative Medicine for Chronic Hepatitis C-A Hospital Based Study from Rawalpindi
    Sara Ijaz Gilani, Sana Ali, Sarah Tahir Mir, Tooba Mazhar, Aftab Iqbal, Faheem Ahmed, Omar Hyder, Abeera Zareen.
    Rawal Medical Journal. 2009; 34(1): 102-104.
  67. Clinico-Pathological Correlation in 1016 Appendicectomies Performed At Two Tertiary Care Hospitals
    Sara Ijaz Gilani, Sana Ali, Omar Hyder, Aftab Iqbal, Tooba Mazhar, Sarah Tahir Mir, Sofia Tariq, Imtiaz Qureshi
    Rawal Medical Journal. 2009; 34(1): 11-13.
  68. Depression and anxiety among patients attending primary Healthcare in NGHA, Riyadh
    Khalid Mansour Alduraibi, Mohammed Nasser Aldosari, Faisal Muthi Abugamza, Ziad Yasser Mandourah, Hamad Saadi Alshammari, Abdulrhman Ashraf alharthi, Danah Saadi Alshammari, Abdulrahman Dhaidan Alharbi, Faisal Sunaid Almuzaini
    International Journal of Medicine in Developing Countries. 2024; 8(5): 1221-1228.
  69. Neurotoxic effects of type II-diabetes mellitus and the possible preventive effects of olive leaves supplement in male rats
    Sarah Hussein Abdulwahid Al-hafidh, Ammar Ahmed Abdulwahid
    Open Veterinary Journal. 2024; 14(10): 2651-2661.
    Sura Essam Mohammed Reda, Sarah Mohammed Abed
    European Chemical Bulletin. 2022; 11(11): 27-35.
  71. Association between Breastfeeding and Development of Atopy
    Reem Alshammari, Shog K. Alahmed, Salma Altamimy, Areeb Alshammari, Wijdan Alsaad, Manar Alshehri, Raghad Sultan, Safaa Shaheen, Manal Alanzai, Jumanah Almuaili, Seeta Alenezi
    International Journal of Medicine in Developing Countries. 2024; 8(6): 1349-1355.
  72. Risk of Obstructive Sleep Apnea and its Relation to Cognitive Functions Among Saudi Older Adults
    Yousef D. Alqurashi, Khalid AlHarkan, Adam Aldhawyan, Ahmed Bahamdan, Fajar A. Aldulijan, Sarah I. Alsamin, Jood K. Alotaibi, Arwa Alomran , Feras A. Al-Awad
    Medical Archives. 2024; 78(1): 51-54.
  73. Polymorphism among some bread wheat (Triticum aestivum) cultivars in Iraq using SDS-PAGE for total seed proteins as a biochemical marker
    Attyaf Jameel Thamir Al-Tamimi, Zeina Thamer Abdul Hussein ALrufaye
  74. Terlipressin versus norepinephrine in the treatment of type 1 hepatorenal syndrome: a review
    Ibrahim Mahmoud H. Ajwah, Wejdan Hlel Al-Atawi, Raghad Fraih A. Al-Balawi, Maram Atallah M. Albalawi, Abdulaziz Saed A. Albalawi, Rola Ali S. Alotabi, Sarah Fahad M. Bukhari, Amal Sulaiman A. Al-Balawi, Abdulaziz Saeed Alghamdi, Nouf Obaidullah M. Alenazi, Lama Akram A. Alanazi, Reham Hamid AlRuhil, Faisal Shiraz M. Alharthi, Sarah Muqbil B. Altmimi, Shahad Suliman H. Aljuhani, Raghad Saud A. Albalawi
    International Journal of Medicine in Developing Countries. 2020; 4(12): 2351-2356.
  75. Accuracy of dermoscopy in diagnosing melanoma compared to histopathology; A systematic review
    Radwan Abu Taleb, Najat Hassan H. Aldubayyan, Sarah Ali Daghriri, Shuruq Talea Asiri, Sarah Saeed Aldughar, Nisreen Oudah T. Alqarni, Norah A. Almarhabi, Rahaf Ali Alshamrani
    International Journal of Medicine in Developing Countries. 2025; 9(1): 262-267.
  76. Do-not-resuscitate (DNR) Orders’ Awareness and Perception Among Physicians: a National Survey
    Sarah Alahmadi, Mohammed Al Shahrani, Maan Albehair, Abdulrahman Alghamdi, Faten Alwayel, Alaa Turkistani, Abdullah Alahmadi, Zainab Shehab
    Medical Archives. 2023; 77(4): 288-292.
  77. Validity of Sedimentation Sign of nerve root in the diagnosis of lumbar canal stenosis
    Haider Dhia Nasser, Mubder Abdulraheem Mohammed saeed, Raed Jasim Chasib, Daren Lui, Thamer Ahmed Hamdan
    Rawal Medical Journal. 2022; 47(3): 665-669.
  78. Public knowledge of thyroid dysfunction and its neuropsychiatric symptoms in Saudi Arabia: a cross-sectional study
    Nahlah Fahad Alreshidi, Manahel Salem Almutairi, Fatimah Ali Alshammari, Yousef Abdullah Aldreweesh, Faisal Mohammed Asiri, Bandar Saleh Rajab, Njoud Saleh Alanezi, Mariam Adel Almahaish, Walaa Hussain Almousa, Nowayer Sahyeman Alshammari
    International Journal of Medicine in Developing Countries. 2024; 8(11): 3125-3133.
  79. Capacity Assessment Of Elementary School Teachers For Imparting Environment-Based Education
    Sarah Amir, Rasheda Noor, Kanwar Muhammad Javed Iqbal, Nadia Akhtar, Hafiz Muhammad Naseer, Muhammad Irfan Khan
    Elementary Education Online. 2020; 19(4): 4717-4728.
  80. Quality of life and its relationship with demographic variables among physically disabled patients with artificial limb
    Mazhar Malik, Fatima Bilal, Muhamad Sadaqat Ali Khan, Farkhanda Jabeen, Sarah Fatima Dogar, Nurgis Munir
    Rawal Medical Journal. 2013; 38(2): 134-138.
  81. Ameliorative Effect of Ethanolic Extract of Petroselinum Crispum Against Gentamicin-Induced Nephrotoxicity in Rabbits Male
    Sarah Mohammed Hussein, Mariam Abdul Hussain Kadhem
    Al-Anbar Journal of Veterinary Sciences. 2020; 13(2): 52-66.
  82. Depression and risk factors among elderly population of central Punjab, Pakistan
    Aaqib Shahzad Alvi, Sarah Safdar
    Rawal Medical Journal. 2017; 42(4): 571-574.
  83. Impact of Educational Program on Critical Care Nurses’ Knowledge of ICU Delirium: A Quasi-Experimental Study
    Zahra Sameer Aldawood, Rana Ali Alameri, Yasser Elghoneimy, Afnan Hamad Al Swyan, Hebah Almulla, Sama S. Hammad, Nagla Saleh Al Saleh, Sarah Ali Alameri
    Medical Archives. 2023; 77(1): 56-63.
  84. Exploring clusters of defence styles, psychiatric symptoms, and academic achievements among medical students in Saudi Arabia
    Khalid Mansour Alduraibi, Malek Sultan Alshammari, Badr Abdulrahman Alhenaki, Abdulrahman Maher Hadhrawi, Hamad Saadi Alshammari, Faisal Muthi Abugamza, Mohammed Nasser Aldosari
    International Journal of Medicine in Developing Countries. 2024; 8(1): 139-145.
  85. Infusion Of Environmental Education In Secondary School Science Curricula In Pakistan
    Asma Javed, Nadia Akhtar, Kanwar Muhammad Javed Iqbal, Hafiz Muhammad Naseer, Sarah Amir, Muhammad Irfan Khan
    Elementary Education Online. 2020; 19(3): 3059-3069.
  86. Uterine fibroid; its clinical characteristics and surgical management choice in Saudi Arabia
    Mohammed A. Jeraiby, Hussam M. Shubaily, Omer A. Elrhima, Ismail A. Juraybi, Sarah J. Mobarki, Imtenan A. Oberi, Sarah H. Moafa, Yara Ajeebi, Mohammed S. Mahfouz
    International Journal of Medicine in Developing Countries. 2024; 8(9): 2232-2241.
  87. Prevalence of eye dryness among the general population of the Northern Region of Saudi Arabia
    Maisa Alsweilem, Maram Khalf Alenzi, Seba Naji Almutairi, Thamer Abdullah Alanazy
    International Journal of Medicine in Developing Countries. 2019; 3(10): 841-848.
  88. Association between Smartphones Addiction and Neck Disability among Private Universities Students in Riyadh
    Mansour K. Alzahrani, Raghad W. Mallesho, Zahra S. Alkalaif, Fatimah A. Al Nassir, Sarah W. Alnafea, Lamyaa T. AlMohawis, Ala M. Almuttawa, Jehan A. AlMutairi, Fatimah A. Alzaher
    Majmaah Journal of Health Sciences. 2021; 9(1): 104-117.
  89. The relationship between alexithymia and internet addiction among university students in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
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