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4 articles found.

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  1. Evaluating Figuil Limestone and Shellfish as Sustainable Calcium Sources for Poultry Nutrition: A Comparative Study with Physicochemical Characterization of Quail Eggshells
    Moussa Djanabou , Francois K. Djitie, Jacques Romain Njimou , Patrick N. Lemougna, Jean M. Kepdieu, Razvan M. Radu-rusu, Nicolas Y. Njintang,
    Journal of Research in Agriculture and Food Sciences. 2025; 2(3): 80-95.
  2. Valorization of cricket, Acheta domesticus (Linnaeus, 1758), flour as a source of dietary protein in Japanese quail, Coturnix japonica (Temminck and Schlegel, 1849), farming
    Francois Djitie Kouatcho, Razvan Mihail Radu Rusu, Bachirou Mohamadou, Bobga Aoudou, Ioan Mircea Pop, Marius Giorgi Usturoi, LĂ©onard S. Ngamo Tinkeu
    Journal of Advanced Veterinary and Animal Research. 2022; 9(2): 310-322.

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