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97 articles found.

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  1. Canine primary ureteral leiomyosarcoma treated with unilateral left ureteronephrectomy
    Danilo Cintra de Sousa, Ygor Amaral Rossi, Rafael Torres Neto, Carlos Eduardo Fonseca-Alves, Larissa Fernandes Magalhães, Cynthia M. Bueno, Denner Santos Dos Anjos
    Open Veterinary Journal. 2024; 14(7): 1708-1715.
  2. Vesicular Rash in a Well-Appearing Newborn
    Ana Luisa Correia, Catarina Freitas, Alexandrina Portela, Maria José Costa,
    International Journal of Medical Reviews and Case Reports. 2023; 7(4): 33-34.
  3. Acute pulmonary embolism in a young female with inherited thrombophilic disorder and large thrombus through a patent foramen ovale
    Jose Pereira, Juliana Magalhes, Djalma Sousa, Carla Henriques, Sergio Borges, Ana Costa, Ines Antunes
    International Journal of Medical Reviews and Case Reports. 2022; 6(2): 20-23.
  4. Slow but disabling progression
    Rita dos Santos Marques, Andre Pinto, Juliana Magalhaes, Rita Fideles, Marina Coelho, Tiago Mascarenhas, Ana Costa
    International Journal of Medical Reviews and Case Reports. 2022; 6(8): 66-66.
  5. Caseous calcification of the mitral annulus
    Juliana Mendes Magalhães, Rita dos Santos Marques, Marina Coelho, Inês Antunes, Ana Costa,
    International Journal of Medical Reviews and Case Reports. 2023; 7(2): 43-44.
  6. Immune thrombocytopenic purpura presenting as paraneoplastic syndrome in a dedifferentiated liposarcoma: A case report
    Juliana Magalhães, Marina Coelho, André Nunes, Inês Antunes, Ana Costa
    International Journal of Medical Reviews and Case Reports. 2023; 7(2): 17-20.
  7. Unexpected cause of hepatomegaly
    Juliana Mendes Magalhães, Rita dos Santos Marques, Rita Fideles, Inês Antunes, Ana Costa
    International Journal of Medical Reviews and Case Reports. 2023; 7(2): 15-16.
  8. Primitive tumor or metastasis?
    Rita Marques dos Santos, Andre Pinto, Juliana Magalhaes, Rita Fideles, Ana Costa
    International Journal of Medical Reviews and Case Reports. 2022; 6(8): 67-67.
  9. Diabetes an the hidden foe
    Andre Santos Pinto, Rita dos Santos Marques, Juliana Magalhaes, Rita Fideles, Wildemar Costa
    International Journal of Medical Reviews and Case Reports. 2022; 6(14): 38-39.
  10. Mediastinal mass with superior vena cava syndrome and bilateral internal jugular vein thrombosis
    Andre Santos Pinto, Jose Morgado Pereira, Rita dos Santos Marques, Wildemar Santos Costa
    International Journal of Medical Reviews and Case Reports. 2022; 6(8): 42-42.
  11. Erdheim-Chester disease: a case report with rare presentation of a catastrophic disease
    Rita Valerio Alves , Ivan Luz, Rita Calixto, Paulo Santos, Patricia Barreto, Hernani Goncalves, Mario Gois, Helena Viana, Ana Vila Lobos,
    European Journal of Medical Case Reports. 2019; 3(3): 102-103.
  12. Infective endocarditis due to Kocuria rosea in a patient with ventricular septal defect: Emerging species
    Manuel Serrano Martins, Fabiana Pimentel, Andre Pinto, Grace Staring, Wildemar Costa
    International Journal of Medical Reviews and Case Reports. 2021; 5(2): 65-66.
  13. Kartagener’s syndrome: A rare phenotype of a rare disease
    Manuel Serrano Martins, Fabiana Pimentel, Andre Pinto, Mariana Guerra, Wildemar Costa
    International Journal of Medical Reviews and Case Reports. 2021; 5(8): 84-87.
  14. When Do no harm goes wrong
    Andre Santos Pinto, Rita dos Santos Marques, Wildemar Alves Costa
    International Journal of Medical Reviews and Case Reports. 2022; 6(8): 1-1.
  15. Contrıbutıon to the occurrence of surgıcal sıte ınfectıons: A lıterature revıew
    Ibrahim Andrade da Silva Batista, Victor Campos de Albuquerque, Vicente Clinton Justiniano Flores , Claudio Henrique Himauari, Murilo Guarino Carneiro, Willian Guimar es Santos de Carvalho Filho
    International Journal of Medical Reviews and Case Reports. 2019; 3(12): 861-864.
  16. Looking beyond a common gastroenteritis
    Fabiana Costa Pimentel, Manuel Serrano Martins, Carla Henriques, Lisete Nunes
    International Journal of Medical Reviews and Case Reports. 2021; 5(5): 53-55.
  17. Chemical study and evaluation of antioxidant activity and α-glucosidase inhibition of Myrciaria strigipes O. Berg (Myrtaceae)
    Rafael Destefani Faitanin, João Victor Dutra Gomes, Luís Fernando T. Menezes, Álvaro Cunha Neto, Rita de Cásssia Ribeiro Gonçalves, Rodrigo Rezende Kitagawa, Dâmaris Silveira, Claudia Masrouah Jamal
    Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science. 2018; 8(3): 120-125.
  18. A Study On Digital Marketing Strategies Of Nxtechpro Technology Private Limited
    Dr. L Arunachalam, N.Prathinya, Dr.S.Ramakrishnan , Dr. Mia Torres-Dela Cruz
    Elementary Education Online. 2020; 19(4): 6508-6520.
  19. An Empirical Study Of The Behaviour Of Indian Investors, With Special Reference To Loss Aversion And Anchoring
    Dr.L Arunachalam, N.Prathinya, Dr.S.Ramakrishnan, Dr. Mia Torres-Dela Cruz
    Elementary Education Online. 2020; 19(3): 4494-4505.
  20. Prostetic Rehabilitation of an Eye Globe: Case Report
    Marcelo Coelho Goiato, Daniela Micheline dos Santos, Isabela Caroline de Sousa Ervolino, Juliana Lujan Brunetto, Andre Pinheiro de Magalhaes Bertoz, Clovis Lamartine de Moraes Melo Neto
    Medical Archives. 2019; 73(6): 433-435.
  21. A Study On Customer Perception Towards Media With Reference To Times Of India
    V Manjula, S. Durga Devi, Mr.Kamalasekar, Dr. Mia Torres-Dela Cruz
    Elementary Education Online. 2021; 20(1): 4847-4856.
  22. A Study On Digital Marketing Strategies Of Nxtechpro Technology Private Limited
    Dr. P. Venkatesh, N.Prathinya, Dr. S. Rama krishnan, Dr. Mia Torres-Dela Cruz
    Elementary Education Online. 2021; 20(1): 4875-4887.
  23. Management Risk Factors In Educational Institutions And Their Impact On Peruvian Student Desertion
    Angel Salvatierra Melgar, Rafael Garay-Argandoña , Estrella Azucena Esquiagola Aranda, Ronald M. Hernández
    Elementary Education Online. 2020; 19(4): 226-233.
  24. In silico investigation of possible Caffeine interactions with common Inflammation-related targets
    Lincon Fernandes de Lima Neto, Ana Carolina C rnio Barruffini, Isaac Yves Lopes Mac do, Fabio Bahls Machado, Douglas Vieira Thomaz,
    Journal of Applied Biology & Biotechnology. 2019; 7(5): 31-34.
  25. Classification of Learning Outcomes and Assessment Activities in CHED Prototype and SUC Syllabi based on Kratwohl’s Taxonomy
    Joel M. Torres, Leila M. Collantes, Arceli R. Millan, Ericson O. Alieto, Edison B. Estigoy, Cheryl P. Barredo
    Elementary Education Online. 2021; 20(5): 497-510.
  26. Chemical composition and antioxidant ability of the crude extract of Sedum praealtum flowers
    María del Carmen Beltrán-Orozco, Joaquín Julián Ocampo Rascón, Francisco Díaz Cedillo, Rafael Silva Torres
    Emirates Journal of Food and Agriculture. 2013; 25(10): 778-784.
    Carlos Eduardo Torres Fuentes , Julian David Meneses Argalle
    Hand and Microsurgery. 2023; 12(1): 16-22.
  28. Tinnitus: the lesser heard saga
    B Ushasree Reddy, Ranabir Pal, Amrita Ghosh, Luis Rafael Moscote-Salazar, Vishnu Vardhan Reddy, AmitAgrawal
    Narayana Medical Journal. 2018; 7(2): 95-98.
  29. Entire forearm free fillet flap for thoracic reconstruction: Case report.
    Carlos Eduardo Torres Fuentes, Lorena Barrera, Carlos Augusto Perez Romero, Diego Fernando Alarcon,
    Hand and Microsurgery. 2021; 10(2): 160-163.
  30. Comparison of coronary arteries morphometry and distribution in bovines with humans and other animal species
    Fabián A. Gómez-Torres, Luz S. Cortés-Machado, Luis E. Ballesteros-Acuña
    Open Veterinary Journal. 2023; 13(8): 955-964.
  31. Preservative and antimicrobial susceptibility of non-fermenting bacilli recovered from solid waste of beauty salons in Brazil
    Rafael Xavier Martins, Andrwey Augusto Galvão Viana, Gilanna Falcão Ferreira, Thiago Gonçalves Cavalcanti, Ian Porto Gurgel do Amaral, Rafael de Almeida Travassos, Ulrich Vasconcelos
    Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science. 2018; 8(6): 169-174.
  32. Public health and heavy metals in urban and periurban horticulture
    L. Giuffré*
    , R. I. Romaniuk, L. Marbán, R. P. Ríos and T. P. García Torres
    Emirates Journal of Food and Agriculture. 2012; 24(2): 148-154.
  33. First molecular evidence of Toxoplasma gondii in opossums (Didelphis virginiana) from Yucatan, Mexico
    M. Torres-Castro, H. Noh-Pech, R. Puerto-Hernández, B. Reyes-Hernández, A. Panti-May, S. Hernández-Betancourt, A. Yeh-Gorocica, L. González-Herrera, J. Zavala-Castro, F.I. Puerto
    Open Veterinary Journal. 2016; 6(1): 57-61.
  34. Dietary Aflatoxin B1-related risk factors for the presence of Aflatoxin M1 in raw milk of cows from Ecuador
    Byron Puga-Torres , Lenin Ron, Carlos Gomez
    Open Veterinary Journal. 2022; 12(1): 129-137.
  35. Identification of dysfunctional human-dog dyads through dog ownership histories
    Rute Canejo-Teixeira, Isabel Neto, Luis V Baptista, Maria M R E Niza,
    Open Veterinary Journal. 2019; 9(2): 140-146.
  36. Kikuchi-Fujimoto disease: case report and review
    Irami Araujo-Filho, Artur Dantas Freire, Irami Araújo-Neto, Carolina Chianca Dourado Lemos, Letícia Araújo Costa Uchôa, Amália Cínthia Meneses Rêgo, Marco Antônio Botelho Soares, José Francisco Correia-Neto, Carlos André Nunes Jatobá, Ana Maria de Oliveira Ramos
    International Journal of Medical Reviews and Case Reports. 2017; 1(1): 6-10.
  37. Methods of pruning and thinning in a flooded camu-camu plot
    Jaime Durand-Valencia, Mario Herman Pinedo-Panduro, Elvis Paredes-Davila, Carlos Zumba Lopez, Luis Romero-Villacrez, Ricardo Bardales-Lozano, Dennis Del Castillo-Torres, Carlos Abanto Rodriguez, Edvan Alves Chagas, Valdinar Ferreira Melo
    Journal of Applied Biology & Biotechnology. 2018; 6(5): 42-48.
  38. Survey of spatial distribution of vector-borne disease in neighborhood dogs in southern Brazil
    Caroline Constantino, Edson Ferraz Evariso de Paula, Ana Pérola Drulla Brandão, Fernando Ferreira, Rafael Felipe da Costa Vieira, Alexander Welker Biondo
    Open Veterinary Journal. 2017; 7(1): 50-56.
  39. The effects of ginger (Zingiber officinale) rhizome extract on ethanol-induced behaviors in C. elegans
    Rafael Vincent Mercado Manalo , Bianca Louise C. Lapuz, Krisha K. Lim, Katelyn Edelwina Y. Legaspi, Patricia Marie M. Lota, Francine Melissa B. Lucas, Abdelaziz N. Maldisa, Vinson C. Malipot, Christine Bernadette O. Lo, Allen Khriztofer P. Lichauco, Paul Mark Baco Medina
    Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science. 2022; 12(5): 187-195.
  40. Spinal tuberculosis - Treatment options beyond guidelines
    Ines Esteves Cruz, Pedro Ferreira, Sara Brandao Machado, Joao Mourato Torres, Ana Claudia Miranda, Isabel Antunes
    International Journal of Medical Reviews and Case Reports. 2020; 4(2): 15-18.
  41. Evaluation of two rapid immunochromatographic tests for the diagnosis of brucellosis infection in cattle.
    Anitza Fragas Quintero, Dervel Felipe Díaz Herrera, Dayamí Martín Alfonso, Yanelis Cruz Santana, Raisa Betancourt Torres, Lucy Montano Tamayo
    Open Veterinary Journal. 2018; 8(3): 236-242.
  42. Extraction of mangiferin from Mangifera indica L. leaves using microwaveassisted

    Suslebys Salomon, Iliana Sevilla, Rafael Betancourt, Aylema Romero, Lauro Nuevas-Paz, Jhoany Acosta-Esquijarosa
    Emirates Journal of Food and Agriculture. 2014; 26(7): 616-622.
  43. Malaria and COVID-19 in an Indigenous Patient, Overlapping of Two Febrile Illnesses
    Isabella Suarez, Rafael Giner, Diana De Oliveira, Marcel Yibirin
    Journal of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases. 2022; 12(1): 27-30.
  44. Mechanism of Relaxant Action of Ethyl 6-amino-5-cyano-2-methyl-4-(pyridin-4-yl)-4H-pyran-3-carboxylate Mainly Through Calcium Channel Blockade in Isolated Rat Trachea
    Soledad Alemán-Pantitlán, César Millán-Pacheco, Miguel A. Vázquez, Fernando Hernández-Borja, Rafael Villalobos-Molina, Blanca Bazán-Perkins, Samuel Estrada-Soto
    Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science. 2016; 6(10): 029-036.
  45. Triterpenes and Acylglycerols from Canarium ovatum
    Consolacion Y. Ragasa, Oscar B. Torres, Jessa Mae P. Gutierrez, Hannah Patricia Beatriz C. Kristiansen, Chien-Chang Shen
    Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science. 2015; 5(4): 094-100.
  46. Leaves and seeds of Syzygium cumini extracts produce significant attenuation of 2,2 azobis-2-amidinopropane dihydrochloride-induced toxicity via modulation of ectoenzymes and antioxidant activities
    Raphaela M. Borges, Paula E. R. Bitencourt, Carolina S. Stein, Guilherme V. Bochi, Aline Boligon, Rafael Noal Moresco, Maria Beatriz Moretto
    Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science. 2017; 7(6): 37-48.
  47. Glaucoma as a systemic disease: when we have to look beyond the eye
    Jeniffer Domingues de Jesus, Rafael Geraldes, Rita Laiginhas, Manuela Amorim, Isabel Lopes Cardoso
    International Journal of Medical Reviews and Case Reports. 2020; 4(4): 143-145.
  48. The CrowdHEALTH project and the Hollistic Health Records: Collective Wisdom Driving Public Health Policies
    Dimosthenis Kyriazis, Serge Autexier, Iván Brondino, Michael Boniface, Lucas Donat, Vegard Engen, Rafael Fernandez, Ricardo Jimenez-Peris, Blanca Jordan,, Gregor Jurak, Athanasios Kiourtis, Thanos Kosmidis, Mitja Lustrek, Ilias Maglogiannis, John Mantas, Antonio Martinez, Argyro Mavrogiorgou, Andreas Menychtas, Lydia Montandon, Cosmin-Septimiu Nechifor, Sokratis Nifakos, Alexandra Papageorgiou, Marta Patino-Martinez, Manuel Perez, Vassilis Plagianakos, Dalibor Stanimirovic, Gregor Starc, Tanja Tomson, Francesco Torelli, Vicente Traver-Salcedo, George Vassilacopoulos, Andriana Magdalinou, Usman Wajid
    Acta Informatica Medica. 2019; 27(5): 369-373.
  49. Uterine leiomyosarcoma – a case report
    Ana Rita Reis Mateus, Diana Patrícia de Castro Almeida, Rita Torres Martins, Ana Carmo Rosa Rodrigues Casquilho
    International Journal of Medical Reviews and Case Reports. 2022; 6(19): 24-26.
  50. Chemical composition and amino acids content of five species of edible Grasshoppers from Mexico
    Virginia Melo Ruiz, Horacio Sandoval-Trujillo, Tomas Quirino-Barreda, Karina Sánchez-Herrera, Rafael Díaz-García, Concepción Calvo-Carrillo
    Emirates Journal of Food and Agriculture. 2015; 27(8): 654-658.
  51. Organic fertilization: An alternative to produce jalapeñ o pepper under greenhouse conditions
    S. T. Lopez-Espinosa, A. Moreno-Resendez, P. Cano-Rios, N. Rodriguez-Dimas, V. Robledo-Torres, C. Marquez-Quiroz
    Emirates Journal of Food and Agriculture. 2013; 25(9): 666-672.
  52. Bioguided study of the Antarctic alga Himantothallus grandifolius (A. Geep & E.S.Geep) indicates 13E-Docosenamide as potential antileishmanial agent
    Leandro Costa Clementino, Fabio Aurelio Esteves Torres, Angela Maria Arenas Velasquez, Leonardo Villela, Toyota Fujii Mutue, Pio Colepicolo, Marcia A. S. Graminha
    Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science. 2020; 10(12): 98-103.
  53. Predictive mathematical modeling for EC50 calculation of antioxidant activity and antibacterial ability of Thai bee products
    Rungsiri Suriyatem, Rafael A. Auras, Pilairuk Intipunya, Pornchai Rachtanapun
    Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science. 2017; 7(9): 122-133.
  54. Cytomegalovirus triggering autoimmune hepatitis: case report and literature review
    Neil Vyas, Rafael Ching Companioni, James Nguyen, Hassan Alkhawam, Robert Sogomonian, Ishan Patel, Joel Baum, Aaron Walfish
    International Journal of Medical Science and Public Health. 2017; 6(1): 220-222.
  55. A combination of taurine and caffeine maintains sperm quality in equine semen during chilled storage
    Hermelinda Ramirez-Perez, Hilda Morayma Guerrero-Netro, Paulina Torres-Rodríguez, Maricruz Díaz- Durán, Ana Myriam Boeta-Acosta, Mouhamadou Diaw
    Journal of Advanced Veterinary and Animal Research. 2021; 8(4): 635-641.
  56. Misdiagnosis of an Acardiac Twin in the First Trimester, A Case Report.
    Catarina Vasconcelos, Vanessa Falé Rosado, Álvaro Cohen, Ana Teresa Martins, Rita Torres
    International Journal of Medical Reviews and Case Reports. 2017; 1(2): 41-45.
  57. Tropism prediction in HIV-1 variants circulating in Cuba, 2017-2019: Implications for the pathogenesis of infection and response to Maraviroc
    Anamary Suárez Batista, Lissette Pérez Santos, Liuber Yans Machado Zaldívar, Melissa Méndez González, Yanet Pintos Saavedra, Jorge Pérez Ávila, Héctor Manuel Díaz Torres, Tamara Rojas Núñez, Juliet María Enriquez Puertas, Yoanna Baños Morales, Enrique Noa Romero, Vivian Kourí Cardellá
    Journal of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases. 2023; 13(2): 59-71.
  58. Surgical repair of a proximal patellar tendon avulsion in a dog utilizing triple patellar bone tunnels and modified tendon repair technique
    Matthew D Johnson, Diego Rafael Sobrino, Daniel Dean Lewis, Justin Shmalberg
    Open Veterinary Journal. 2018; 8(3): 256-264.
  59. Left without being seen: a quality indicator in the emergency department.
    Rafael Kneuts, Inge Roggen, Ives Hubloue
    Saudi Journal of Emergency Medicine. 2020; 1(1): 8S-8S.
  60. Comparison between fish and linseed oils administered orally for the treatment of experimentally induced keratoconjunctivitis sicca in rabbits
    Danielle Alves Silva, Gisele Alborgetti Nai, Rogério Giuffrida, Rafael Cabral Barbero, Jacqueline Marcussi Pereira Kuhn, Andressa Carolina da Silva, Ricardo Henrique Zakir Pereira, Maria Fernanda Abbade, Luis Felipe da Costa Zulim, Carolina Silva Guimarães, Silvia Franco Andrade
    Open Veterinary Journal. 2017; 7(3): 277-285.
  61. Optimizing Phenolic Compounds Extraction of Myrcia spectabilis DC. dried Leaves Using Factorial Design
    Jaqueline Oliveira dos Santos, Robson Miranda da Gama, Mara Angelina Galvão Magenta, Marcia Eugenia Del Llano Archondo, Maria Aparecida da Silva Pinhal, José Armando-Junior
    Journal of Biological Research and Reviews. 2024; 1(3): 142-150.
  62. Conflict of Interest Policies and Disclosure Requirements Among European Society of Cardiology National Cardiovascular Journals
    Fernando Alfonso, Adam Timmis, Fausto J. Pinto, Giuseppe Ambrosio, Hugo Ector, Piotr Kulakowski, Panos Vardas Loizos Antoniades, Mansoor Ahmad, Eduard Apetrei, Kaduo Arai, Jean-Yves Artigou, Michael Aschermann, Michael Böhm, Leonardo Bolognese, Raffaele Bugiardini, Ariel Cohen, Istvan Edes, Joseph Elias, Javier Galeano, Eduardo Guarda, Habib Haouala, Magda Heras, Christer Höglund, Kurt Huber, Ivan Hulin, Mario Ivanusa, Rungroj Krittayaphong, Chi-Tai Kuo, Chu-Pak Lau, Victor A. Lyusov, Germanas Marinskis, Manlio F Márquez, Izet Masic, Luiz Felipe Pinho Moreira, Alexander Mrochek, Rafael G. Oganov, Dimitar Raev, Mamanti Rogava, Olaf Rødevand, Vedat Sansoy, Hiroaki Shimokawa, Valentin A. Shumakov, Carlos Daniel Tajer, Ernst E. van der Wall, Christodoulos Stefanadis, Jørgen Videbæk, Thomas F. Lüscher
    Medical Archives. 2012; 66(3): 148-154.
  63. Physicochemical characterization of Theobroma cacao L. mucilage, in Ecuadorian coast
    Carlos Balladares, Jairo García, Iván Chóez-Guaranda, Sebastian Pérez, Juan González, Daynet Sosa, Rafael Viteri, Ana Barragán, Maria Quijano-Aviles, Patricia Manzano
    Emirates Journal of Food and Agriculture. 2016; 28(10): 741-745.
  64. Embryonic development of scorpion mud turtle (Kinosternon scorpioides) from captive
    Lianne Polliane Fernandes Araujo Chaves, Diego Carvalho Viana, Ligia Tchaika, Juliana Maria Alves Caldas, Antônio Chaves Assis Neto, Maria Angélica Miglino, Alana Lislea de Sousa
    Open Veterinary Journal. 2024; 14(4): 962-972.
  65. Asymmetric Graves’ Exophthalmos in a Child
    Ana Torres Rebelo, Joana Borges, Diana Moreira, Rosa Arménia, Ana Luísa Leite,
    International Journal of Medical Reviews and Case Reports. 2022; 6(14): 36-37.
  66. Sodium selenite treatment of vegetable seeds and seedlings and the effect on antioxidant status
    Martha Elena de los Santos-Vázquez, Adalberto Benavides-Mendoza, Norma Angélica Ruiz-Torres, Marcelino Cabrera-de la Fuente, Álvaro Morelos-Moreno
    Emirates Journal of Food and Agriculture. 2016; 28(8): 589-593.
  67. Phytochemical profile and in vitro evaluation of extracts from leaves of Drimys brasiliensis (Winteraceae) against bovine and equine herpesviruses
    Rafael Martins Parreira, Isabela Cristina Simoni, Oriana Aparecida Favero, Joao Henrique G. Lago, Murillo C. Mecchi, Kaidu Hanashiro Barrosa, Maria Judite Bittencourt Fernandes
    Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science. 2017; 7(7): 122-127.
  68. Weight loss, diarrhea, and polyneuropathy: could it be amyloidosis?
    Luis Francisco Pineda Galindo, Zully Esmeralda Contreras Cortes, Andrea Avila Martinez, Maria del Rosario Mora Campos, Elsa Acosta Jimenez, Armando Perez Torres
    European Journal of Medical Case Reports. 2024; 8(7): 139-145.
  69. Essential oils as green controllers of the cotton pest Dysdercus
    Ricardo Diego Duarte Galhardo De Albuquerque, Edmundo Arturo Venegas-Casanova, Felipe Rúben Rubio-López, Miriam E. Gutiérrez-Ramos, Iris Melina Alfaro-Beltrán, Rafael Jara-Aguilar, Francisco Tito Cerna-Reyes
    Journal of Applied Biology & Biotechnology. 2024; 12(5): 15-22.
  70. Production and Characterization of Collagenase by Penicillium sp. UCP 1286 Isolated From Caatinga Soil
    Maria Carolina de Albuquerque Wanderley, José Manoel Wanderley Duarte Neto, Carolina de Albuquerque Lima, Sara Isabel da Cruz Silvério, José Luiz de Lima Filho, José António Couto Teixeira, Ana Lúcia Figueiredo Porto
    Journal of Applied Biology & Biotechnology. 2016; 4(4): 001-010.
  71. Bisphenol-A and Possible Harm to Human Health: Review Article
    Joao Paulo dos Santos, Alexandre Freire Rocha Gomes, Arthur Ricardo Silva Rafael, Eduardo Gomes Barbosa, Ilton Palmeira Silva
    International Journal of Medical Reviews and Case Reports. 2019; 3(11): 742-743.
  72. First isolation and nucleotide comparison of the gag gene of the caprine arthritis encephalitis virus circulating in naturally infected goats from Argentina
    Carlos Javier Panei, Maria Laura Gos, Alejandro Rafael Valera, Cecilia Monica Galosi, Maria Gabriela Echeverria
    Open Veterinary Journal. 2017; 7(1): 32-35.
  73. Monitoring of recessive defects associated with low reproductive performance in dairy cattle in Uruguay
    Andrea Branda-Sica, Rody Artigas, Elena de Torres, Evangelina Kinley, Paula Nicolini, María Teresa Federici, Silvia Llambí
    Open Veterinary Journal. 2023; 13(10): 1290-1298.
  74. Inspection of real and imputed genotypes reveled 76 SNPs associated to rear udder height in Holstein cattle
    Mirvana Gonzalez, Rafael Villa, Carlos Villa, Victor Gonzalez, Martin Montano, Gerardo Medina, Pad Mahadevan
    Journal of Advanced Veterinary and Animal Research. 2020; 7(2): 234-241.
  75. Procurement for health care service requirements: Securing services and maintaining timelines during the COVID-19 pandemic
    Ashwin Kotnis, Jyoti Nath Modi, Amrita Ghosh, Ranabir Pal, Rajashekar Mohan, BV Murlimanju, Luis Rafael Moscote-Salazar, Amit Agrawal
    Narayana Medical Journal. 2022; 11(1): 22-30.
  76. Precise detection of a murine germline mutation of the Notch3 gene associated with kyphosis and developmental disorders
    Haydee M. Torres, Tania Rodezno-Antunes, Ashley VanCleave, Yuxia Cao, Dakota L. Callahan, Jennifer J. Westendorf, Jianning Tao
    Journal of Advanced Veterinary and Animal Research. 2021; 8(1): 7-13.
  77. Tick-associated diseases identified from hunting dogs during the COVID-19 pandemic in a Mayan community in Yucatan, Mexico
    Karla Rossanet Dzul-Rosado, Karla Alejandra Arroyo-Solis, Adan Javier Torres-Monroy, Juan Jose Arias-Leon, Gaspar Fernando Peniche-Lara, Fernando Isaias Puerto-Manzano, Magaly Guadalupe Landa-Flores, Juan Carlos del Mazo-Lopez, Beatriz Salceda-Sanchez
    Open Veterinary Journal. 2023; 13(6): 794-800.
  78. A Single Cutaneous Metastasis In A Male With Breast Cancer Treated With Surgery And Adjuvant Radiotherapy: A Case Report
    Juan Enrique Gutierrez Valencia, Omar Díaz Cázares, Adrian Valles-Quintanilla, Luis Salazar-Muñoz, Adriana Alvarado Zermeño, Iván Alejandro Torres Rodríguez
    International Journal of Medical Reviews and Case Reports. 2019; 3(1): 60-62.
  79. Polyphenols extracted from Theobroma cacao waste and its utility as antioxidant for food-grade vegetal oil
    Patricia Isabel Manzano, María Fernanda Quijano, Anita Barragán, Rafael Viteri, Iván Chóez, Jéssica Hernández, Oswaldo Valle
    Emirates Journal of Food and Agriculture. 2017; 29(1): 45-50.
  80. Study of horn flies as vectors of bovine leukemia virus
    Carlos Javier Panei, Alejandra Edith Larsen, Nadia Analia Fuentealba, German Ernesto Metz, Maria Gabriela Echeverria, Cecilia Monica Galosi, Alejandro Rafael Valera
    Open Veterinary Journal. 2019; 9(1): 33-37.
  81. Anti-inflammatory action of seed extract and polymeric nanoparticles of Syzygium cumini in diabetic rats infected with Candida albicans
    Paula E. R. Bitencourt, Lariane O. Cargnelutti, Carolina S Stein, Raquel Lautenchleger, Luana M. Ferreira, Manuela Sangoi, Aline Boligon, Marta M. M. F. Duarte, Rafael N. Moresco, Letícia Cruz, Régis A. Zanette, Sydney H. Alves, Maria Beatriz Moretto
    Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science. 2017; 7(1): 007-016.

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