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  1. Long term disease control under aromatase inhibitor for advanced low grade stromal endometrial carcinoma: Case Repot from a tertiary care hospital in Morocco.
    Mohammed ISMAILI , Imane STITOU , Oumaima Siyouri, Khaoula Alaoui Ismaili, Lamiae Amaadour, Karima Oualla, Zineb Benbrahim, Samia Arifi, Nawfel Mellas,
    International Journal of Medical Reviews and Case Reports. 2023; 7(6): 47-49.
  2. Payments for Environmental Services in Tourism: Cash for Improvement and Conservation of the Assets
    Oumaima LEHMER, Abderrazak El ABBADI, Abdelkrim EZAIDI
    Elementary Education Online. 2021; 20(6): 158-162.
  3. Un hidrocystome du seuil narinaire: présentation atypique à propos d'un cas
    Oumaima Boukhlouf, Othmane Bouanani, Rajaa El Azzouzi, Malik Boulaadas
    International Journal of Medical Reviews and Case Reports. 2023; 7(9): 25-27.
  4. The use of complementary and alternative medicine among cancer patients in Marrakech during the Covid-19 pandemic
    Elanigri Mariem, Darfaoui Mouna, Ivan Inkov, Bounid Oumaima, Elomrani Abdelhamid, Elkhouchani Mouna
    International Journal of Medical Reviews and Case Reports. 2022; 6(10): 73-79.

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