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8 articles found.

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  1. Systemic Interleukin-17 A and Transforming Growth Factor β1 in Acute Tonsillitis Patients
    Wurud Ali, Zahraa Jasim Alsultany, Nawras Jawad AL-shala AL-shala , Frial Gemeel, Shaimaa Jassim Alsultany,
    Journal of Biological Research and Reviews. 2024; 1(4): 168-172.
  2. Appropriateness of antibiotic prescription among hospitalized patients with urinary tract infection in Jordan
    Anan Jarab, Treq Lewis Mukattash, Buthaina Nusairat, Maher Khdour
    Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science. 2023; 13(1): 109-114.
  3. Wound care perception and attitude. A school-related experience in Saudi Arabia
    Salah Bakry, Sulten Misfer Alzahrani, Dai Zafer, Nawras Ali Alyamani, Waleed Alnemari, Suhayb Bakry, Mohamed A. Elhefny
    Majmaah Journal of Health Sciences. 2023; 11(1): 29-39.

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