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  1. Corporate management in society empowerment: government agenciesÂ’ assumption and support of companies in CSR
    Endah Nurhawaeny Kardiyati, Abdul Karim, Dian Novianti, Agus Irfan
    Elementary Education Online. 2020; 19(4): 730-743.
  2. Ameloblastic Carcinoma of The Mandible: A Rare Case Report
    Endang Sjamsudin, Winarno Priyanto, Dina Novianti
    International Journal of Medical Reviews and Case Reports. 2021; 5(9): 1-4.
  3. Awareness, knowledge, and perception among pharmacists on the National Health Insurance Program in Indonesia
    Angga Prawira Kautsar, Wulanda Novianti
    National Journal of Physiology, Pharmacy and Pharmacology. 2017; 7(11): 1274-1278.
  4. Migrant Workers of Indonesia: Transmission Channels of SARS-CoV-2 Amidst COVID-19 Pandemic in Indonesia
    Richard Christian Suteja, Putu Astri Novianti, Kadek Ayu Candra Dewi, Endang Sri Widiyanti, Ida Ayu Sri Wijayanti, Cokorde Istri Yuliandari Krisnawardani K, Cokorda Agung Wahyu Purnamasidhi ,
    International Journal of Medical Reviews and Case Reports. 2020; 4(12): 70-72.
  5. Expression of human serum albumin in Pichia pastoris protease-deficient host and conjugation with gadolinium-diethylenetriamine pentaacetate for application as a contrast agent
    Shabarni Gaffar , Rina Anggraeni, Mia Tria Novianti, Safri Ishmayana , Ukun M. S. Soedjanaatmadja
    Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science. 2021; 11(12): 183-195.
  6. Laboratory optimization of the production of guanidium-based inactivated transport media to support SARS-CoV-2 PCR testing in Indonesia
    Shabarni Gaffar, Hesti Lina Wiraswati, Savira Ekawardhani, Lia Faridah, Nisa Fauziah, Amila Laelalugina, Annisa Retno Arimdayu, Chanda Taruna Adiarka Utomo, Maulana Ihsan, Ikhwan Ramadhana, Sanny Hafidhoh Siti Nururrohmah, Trifanny Nur Azizah, Mia Tria Novianti, Radewi Safira Fauzia
    Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science. 2022; 12(8): 70-81.
  7. Ovicidal activity and cytotoxicity of ethanolic extract of turmeric (Curcuma longa) and green tea (Camellia sinensis) to treat digestive parasite of sheep
    Nanik Hidayatik, Sefi Lestyo Harini, Nafas Triwidiawati, Shalsa Izza Putri, Annise Proboningrat, Luviana Kristianingtyas, Aswin Rafif Khairullah, Lucia Tri Suwanti, Eka Pramyrtha Hestianah, Suryo Kuncorojakti, M. Gandul Atik Yuliani, Arindita Niatazya Novianti, Diky Ramdani, Ririn Siti Rahmatillah , Anuraga Jayanegara
    Open Veterinary Journal. 2024; 14(6): 1467-1475.

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