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  1. Microspheres for Inhalation Delivery (Characteristics and In Vitro Release)
    Noorma Rosita, Tekla Kalalo, Andang Miatmoko, Yashwant Pathak, Dewi Melani Hariyadi
    International Journal of Medical Reviews and Case Reports. 2022; 6(2): 24-31.
  2. Intravenous Umbilical Cord-derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells Transplantation Regulates Hyaluronic Acid and Interleukin-10 Secretion Producing Low-grade Liver Fibrosis in Experimental Rat
    Taufik Sungkar, Agung Putra, Dharma Lindarto, Rosita Juwita Sembiring
    Medical Archives. 2020; 74(3): 177-182.
  3. Secretome of Hypoxia-Preconditioned Mesenchymal Stem Cells Enhance Angiogenesis in Diabetic Rats with Peripheral Artery Disease
    Brama Ihsan Sazli, Dharma Lindarto, Refli Hasan, Agung Putra, Agung Pranoto, Rosita Juwita Sembiring, Syafruddin Ilyas, Santi Syafril
    Medical Archives. 2023; 77(2): 90-96.
  4. The CD4+CD25+FoxP3+ Regulatory T Cells Regulated by MSCs Suppress Plasma Cells in a Mouse Model of Allergic Rhinitis
    Lia Restimulia, Syafruddin Ilyas, Delfitri Munir, Agung Putra, Teti Madiadipoera, Farhat Farhat, Rosita Juwita Sembiring, Muhammad Ichwan, Nur Dina Amalina, Iffan Alif
    Medical Archives. 2021; 75(4): 256-261.
  5. Optimization of ionic liquid-microwave assisted extraction method of Mahkota Dewa (Phaleria macrocarpa (Scheff.) Boerl.) fruit pulp
    Rosita Handayani, Wulan Purnamasari, Abdul Mun'im
    Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science. 2021; 11(2): 59-65.
  6. Phytochemical, antioxidant, and antimicrobial analysis of Trichoderma asperellum isolated from ascidian Eudistoma sp
    Deiske Adeliene Sumilat, Rosita Anggreini Junita Lintang, Suzanne Lidya Undap, Ahmad Akroman Adam, Trina Ekawati Tallei
    Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science. 2022; 12(4): 90-95.
  7. A comparative retrospective study on syphilis serology in HIV-positive and negative individuals before and after therapy
    Amira Suryani Rahmatika, Afif Nurul Hidayati, Cita Rosita Sigit Prakoeswa, Muhammad Yulianto Listiawan, Rahmadewi Rahmadewi, Damayanti Damayanti, Budi Utomo, Dwi Murtiastutik, Astindari Astindari, Maylita Sari, Septiana Widyantari, Regitta Indira Agusni
    Journal of Advanced Biotechnology and Experimental Therapeutics. 2024; 7(2): 442-450.

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