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62 articles found.

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  1. Neglect in Grooming Establishment – Dog’s death: Case Report
    Tália Missen Tremori , Bárbara Wagner Duarte Ferraz De Camargo, Gabriela Abreu Botelho, Renata dos Santos Belluci, Noeme Sousa Rocha
    Journal of Research in Veterinary Sciences. 2025; 5(2): 70-74.
  2. Aplasia Cutis Congenita
    Ana Margarida Leite, Tiago Branco, Joana Soares, Francisco Silva, Vera Rocha
    International Journal of Medical Reviews and Case Reports. 2021; 5(10): 44-45.
  3. Venous Thrombosis as a form of presentation in Inflammatory Bowel Disease - Case report
    Diana Alba, Inês Paiva Ferreira, Mafalda Moreira, Maria do Céu Ribeiro, Ana Reis,
    International Journal of Medical Reviews and Case Reports. 2023; 7(6): 50-52.
  4. Foreign body ingestion – diagnostic challenge
    Tiago Branco, Ana Margarida Leite, Catarina Liz, Nuno Ferreira
    International Journal of Medical Reviews and Case Reports. 2021; 5(13): 31-32.
  5. Spinocerebellar Ataxia Type 13: A report of a non-progressive disease
    Eulália Sousa, Adriana Ferreira, Maria José Silva, Carla Fraga, Cláudia Monteiro,
    International Journal of Medical Reviews and Case Reports. 2022; 6(12): 27-29.
  6. Contagious equine metritis in Portugal: A retrospective report of the first outbreak in the country and recent contagious equine metritis test results
    T. Rocha
    Open Veterinary Journal. 2016; 6(3): 263-267.
  7. Re: Development of unconventional treatments for mastitis in dairy cattle
    Ana Claúdia Coelho, Ana I. Faustino-Rocha, Paula A. Oliveira
    Open Veterinary Journal. 2023; 0(0): -.
  8. Cardiotoxicity of Senna occidentalis in sheep (Ovis aries)
    D.I.S. Lopes, M.G. Sousa, A.T. Ramos, V.M. Maruo
    Open Veterinary Journal. 2016; 6(1): 30-35.
  9. Intact Perineum: What are the Predictive Factors in Spontaneous Vaginal Birth?
    Silvia Rodrigues, Paulo Silva, Andee Agius, Fatima Rocha, Rosa Castanheira, Mechthild Gross, Jean Calleja-Agius
    Materia Socio Medica. 2019; 31(1): 25-30.
  10. Clinical application of mesenchymal stem cells therapy in musculoskeletal injuries in dogs: A review of the scientific literature
    Ines Esteves Dias , Diogo Filipe Cardoso, Carla Sofia Soares , Luis Carlos Barros , Carlos Antunes Viegas , Pedro Pires Carvalho , Isabel Ribeiro Dias
    Open Veterinary Journal. 2021; 11(2): 188-202.
  11. Prostetic Rehabilitation of an Eye Globe: Case Report
    Marcelo Coelho Goiato, Daniela Micheline dos Santos, Isabela Caroline de Sousa Ervolino, Juliana Lujan Brunetto, Andre Pinheiro de Magalhaes Bertoz, Clovis Lamartine de Moraes Melo Neto
    Medical Archives. 2019; 73(6): 433-435.
  12. Evaluation of adherence by patients treated in a psychosocial ambulatory care setting in northeastern Brazil
    Carlos E Oliveira, Wellington B Silva, Chiara Rocha, Juliane C Silva, Jackson RGS Almeida, Lucindo J Quintans-Júnior
    Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science. 2014; 4(3): -.
  13. Antifungal activity of the essential oil isolated from Laurus nobilis L. against Cryptococcus neoformans strains
    Lílian Sousa Pinheiro, Abrahão Alves de Oliveira Filho, Felipe Queiroga Sarmento Guerra, Camilla Pinheiro de Menezes, Socrates Golzio dos Santos, Janiere Pereira de Sousa, Tassiana Barbosa Dantas, Edeltrudes de Oliveira Lima
    Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science. 2017; 7(5): 115-118.
  14. Oral drug challenge in drug hypersensivity reactions and its safety
    Lorena Stella , Joana Soares , Adriana Ferreira , Fátima Praça , Jorge Romariz, Herculano Costa, Cludia Pedrosa,
    International Journal of Medical Reviews and Case Reports. 2022; 6(3): 28-30.
  15. Identification of Ochrobactrum oryzae in Bloodstream Primary Infection in a Dialysis Patient: Can it be an Emerging Pathogen?
    Luciana S Borges, Jussimara N Monteiro, Lisia Miglioli, Fernanda Inoue, Fernanda C Monaco, Vera L Barbosa, Doralice Cortez, Eliana C Zandonadi, Ercilia E Sousa, Cely Saad Abboud
    Journal of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases. 2016; 6(3): 128-131.
  16. Cornelia de Lange syndrome - rare mutation of SMC1A gene
    Lídia Leite, Vasco Carvalho, Miguel Rocha, Almerinda Barroso Pereira, Liliana Pinheiro
    International Journal of Medical Reviews and Case Reports. 2021; 5(9): 73-75.
  17. Reliability of Analytical Methods for Recombinant Human Insulin Quantification in the Bulk Crystals and in-Process Control
    Angeliny Tamiarana Lima Tabosa, Heloísa Ribeiro Tunes de Sousa, Mauro Aparecido de Sousa Xavier, Elio Gomes Fernandes, Alessandra Rejane Ericsson de Oliveira Xavier, Luciano Vilela, Janete Maria da Silva Alves
    Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science. 2018; 8(7): 43-50.
  18. A case report of delayed diagnosis of uterine rupture following vaginal delivery
    Vanessa Falé Rosado, Sara Rocha, Catarina Vasconcelos, Maria Luisa Martins, Maria José Alves
    International Journal of Medical Reviews and Case Reports. 2017; 1(2): 36-40.
  19. Canine primary ureteral leiomyosarcoma treated with unilateral left ureteronephrectomy
    Danilo Cintra de Sousa, Ygor Amaral Rossi, Rafael Torres Neto, Carlos Eduardo Fonseca-Alves, Larissa Fernandes Magalhães, Cynthia M. Bueno, Denner Santos Dos Anjos
    Open Veterinary Journal. 2024; 14(7): 1708-1715.
  20. Duplex ultrasound for the diagnosis of symptomatic carotid stenosis: real value in clinical practice
    Ines Esteves Cruz, Ricardo Sousa, Francisco Silva, Isabel Madruga
    International Journal of Medical Reviews and Case Reports. 2020; 4(4): 46-49.
  21. Inhibition of the growth of rats by extruded snacks from bean (Phaseolus
    vulgaris) and corn (Zea mays)

    E. Delgado1*
    , M. I. Vences-Montañ o1
    , J. V. Hernández Rodríguez1
    , N. Rocha-Guzman1
    , A. RodriguezVidal2
    , S. M. Herrera-Gonzalez1
    , H. Medrano-Roldan1
    , A. Solis-Soto1 and F. Ibarra-Perez3
    Emirates Journal of Food and Agriculture. 2012; 24(3): 255-263.
  22. Comparison of the chemical peeling of retinoic acid and mandelic acid on oiliness and hyperchromia after acne in adult women: a randomized clinical trial
    Amanda Dos Santos Chita, Jainny Aniely Rocha De Oliveira, Aline Ortega Soloaga, Ana Paula Silva Ferreira Resstel, Silvio De Assis Oliveira Junior, Ana Beatriz Gomes De Souza Pegorare
    International Journal of Medical Reviews and Case Reports. 2019; 3(9): 565-571.
  23. Clinical trials studies of plant extracts with anti-inflammatory activity
    Eloísa Portugal Barros Silva Soares de Souza, Robson Xavier Faria, Leandro Machado Rocha
    Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science. 2016; 6(12): 224-232.
  24. Aggressive systemic mastocytosis: a silent enemy
    Joana Alves Vaz, Maria Alice Sousa, Celina Afonso, Rita Sampaio
    International Journal of Medical Reviews and Case Reports. 2021; 5(5): 106-108.
  25. Specular microscopy of the corneal endothelial cells of bovines: An ex vivo study
    Mariane Gallicchio Azevedo, Natália Pons Méndez, Luísa Soares Cargnin, Rafaella Silva Rocha, Maiara Poersch Seibel, Alessandra Fernandez da Silva, João Antonio Tadeu Pigatto
    Open Veterinary Journal. 2023; 13(12): 1554-1561.
  26. Fatal congenital and traumatic cervical spine injuries in a captive newborn plains zebra (Equus quagga)
    Gabriela Fernandes Silva, José Eduardo Gomes, Raquel Cunha, Ana Canadas-Sousa, Fátima Faria, Cláudia Baptista, Nuno Alvura, Luis Miguel Atayde and Irina Amorim
    Open Veterinary Journal. 2022; 12(1): 75-79.
  27. Free radical scavenging ability of Ximenia americana L. stem bark and leaf extracts
    Valdiléia Teixeira Uchôa, Cleyton Marcos Melo Sousa, Adonias Almeida Carvalho, Antônio Euzébio Goulard Sant’Ana, Mariana Helena Chaves
    Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science. 2016; 6(2): 091-096.
  28. Advances on apple production under semiarid climate: N fertigation
    João Marcos de Sousa Miranda, Italo Herbert Lucena Cavalcante, Inez Vilar de Morais Oliveira, Paulo Roberto Coelho Lopes
    Emirates Journal of Food and Agriculture. 2015; 27(10): 744-748.
  29. A rare cause of hemorrhagic shock
    Sofia Pimenta, Eullia Sousa, Joana Soares, Joana Rodrigues, Ana Rita Pinto, Ana Morais Garrido
    International Journal of Medical Reviews and Case Reports. 2021; 5(6): 57-58.
  30. Acute pulmonary embolism in a young female with inherited thrombophilic disorder and large thrombus through a patent foramen ovale
    Jose Pereira, Juliana Magalhes, Djalma Sousa, Carla Henriques, Sergio Borges, Ana Costa, Ines Antunes
    International Journal of Medical Reviews and Case Reports. 2022; 6(2): 20-23.
  31. What do Brazilian community pharmacists know about self-medication for minor illnesses? A pilot study in the northeast of brazil
    Chiara Erminia da Rocha, Mônica Lima Bispo, Thaciana dos Santos Alcantara, Giselle de Carvalho Brito, Maria Jésia Vieira, Divaldo Pereira de Lyra Lyra Júnior
    Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science. 2014; 4(5): 012-020.
  32. Development of Brazil nut oil microemulsion as vehicle for Levamisole
    Pricila Castilho Gustmann, Aron Carlos de Melo Cotrim, Evaldo Martins Pires, Carla Regina Andrighetti, Dênia Mendes Sousa Valladão, Elton Brito Ribeiro
    Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science. 2017; 7(8): 92-98.
  33. Mild encephalopathy with reversible splenial lesion (MERS) duo to Influenza A: Case Report
    Sonia Silva, Francisca Costa, Claudia Teles Silva, Tiago Parreira, Mafalda Sampaio, Raquel Sousa,
    International Journal of Medical Reviews and Case Reports. 2020; 4(4): 84-87.
  34. Application of in silico methods in clinical research and development of drugs and their formulation: A scoping review
    Luciana Ferreira Mattos Colli, Lúcio Mendes Cabral, Guacira Correa Matos, Carlos Rangel Rodrigues, Valeria Pereira de Sousa
    Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science. 2023; 13(4): 1-10.
  35. Assessment of heart rate turbulence in dogs with myxomatous mitral valve disease
    Julio Pereira dos Santos , Bruna Natali da Costa, Stephany Bulba Lucina , Karla Calderon Olaguivel, Giovana L. R. Tulesky, Marlos Gonçalves Sousa
    Open Veterinary Journal. 2021; 11(4): 635-644.
  36. Paraparesis due to ischemic lumbosacral Radiculoplexopathy
    Filipa Vilabril, Jorge Rocha-Melo, Margarida Ramos Rodrigues, Carlos Sampaio Macedo, Carla Miranda, Lucia Dias
    European Journal of Medical Case Reports. 2021; 5(2): 46-50.
  37. Acute and Subchronic Antihyperglycemic Activities of Bowdichia virgilioides Roots in Non Diabetic and Diabetic Rats
    Ana Carolina Mazei Silva, Maísa Pavani dos Santos, Suélem Aparecida de França, Virgínia Claudia da Silva, Luiz Everson da SIlva, Uir Santana de Figueiredo, Evandro Luiz Dall`Oglio, Paulo Teixeira de Sousa Júnior, Carbene França Lopes, Amanda Martins Baviera, Nair Honda Kawashita
    Journal of Complementary Medicine Research. 2015; 4(1): 57-63.
  38. Profile of newborns with gastroschisis and the implications to nursing care: Integrative Review
    Amanda Santos Fernandes Coelho, Marcela de Andrade Silvestre, Vandressa Barbosa Figueira, Janaina Valares Guimaraes, Thaila Correa Castral, Karina Machado Siqueira, Renata Calciolari Rossi, Pedro Teixeira Meireles, Bruno Belmonte Martineli Gomes, George Kemil Abdalla, Douglas Reis Abdalla, Ana Karina Marques Salge, Marília Cordeiro de Sousa
    International Journal of Medical Reviews and Case Reports. 2020; 4(3): 1-6.
  39. Differential susceptibility of Morettini pears to blue mold caused by Penicillium expansum
    Claudia Sanchez, Carmo Serrano, Maria Oliveira, Paula Vasilenko, Mário Santos, Rui Sousa
    Emirates Journal of Food and Agriculture. 2016; 28(6): 374-380.
  40. Bisphenol-A and Possible Harm to Human Health: Review Article
    Joao Paulo dos Santos, Alexandre Freire Rocha Gomes, Arthur Ricardo Silva Rafael, Eduardo Gomes Barbosa, Ilton Palmeira Silva
    International Journal of Medical Reviews and Case Reports. 2019; 3(11): 742-743.
  41. Genomic and proteomic approach as a tool to discrimination of Escherichia coli strains of biotechnological interest
    Frederico Santos Barbosa, Luciana Nobre Leite, Mauro Aparecido de Sousa Xavier, Alessandra Rejane Ericsson de Oliveira Xavier
    Journal of Applied Biology & Biotechnology. 2019; 7(2): 48-54.
  42. Anti-inflammatory properties of bergenin in mice
    Guilherme Oliveira, Andreza Araujo, Gabriella Pacheco, Ana Oliveira, Jelson Carvalho, Let cia Chaves, Gabrielle Sousa, Andr Lopes Lopes, Priscila Costa, Ana Le dido, Kerolayne Nogueira, Luan Souza, Thiago Ara jo, Lucas Nicolau, Jand Medeiros,
    Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science. 2019; 9(7): 69-77.
  43. In vitro anti-Candida activity and mechanism of action of the flavonoid isolated from Praxelis clematidea against Candida albicans species
    Abrahão Alves de Oliveira Filho, Heloísa Mara Batista Fernandes de Oliveira, Janiere Pereira de Sousa, Déborah Ribeiro Pessoa Meireles, Gabriela Lemos de Azevedo Maia, José Maria Barbosa Filho, José Pinto de Siqueira Júnior, Edeltrudes Oliveira Lima
    Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science. 2016; 6(1): 066-069.
  44. Embryonic development of scorpion mud turtle (Kinosternon scorpioides) from captive
    Lianne Polliane Fernandes Araujo Chaves, Diego Carvalho Viana, Ligia Tchaika, Juliana Maria Alves Caldas, Antônio Chaves Assis Neto, Maria Angélica Miglino, Alana Lislea de Sousa
    Open Veterinary Journal. 2024; 14(4): 962-972.
  45. Chromocult Coliform agar and duplex PCR assays as methodologies for tracking Escherichia coli K12 in industrial biotechnological processes
    Gisele d'Angelis Antunes, Janine Aparecida Correia Durães Gandra, Elane Alquimim Moreira, Wesley Cézar Silva Machado, Shirley da Silva Gomes Magalhães, Mauro Aparecido de Sousa Xavier, Alessandra Rejane Ericsson de Oliveira Xavier
    Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science. 2018; 8(3): 126-132.
  46. Molecular Identification and characterization of filamentous fungi and yeasts isolated in a pharmaceutical industry environment
    Luciana Nobre Leite, Felipe José Nobre Lelis, Mauro Aparecido de Sousa Xavier, Josiane dos Santos, Leia Cardoso, Frederico Santos Barbosa, Rosimar Fonseca dos Santos, Soraia Aparecida Maia Dias, Alessandra Rejane Ericsson de Oliveira Xavier
    Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science. 2020; 10(7): 27-36.
  47. A spontaneous ovarian teratoma in an FVB/n female mouse: Case report and literature review
    Paula Alexandra Martins de-Oliveira, Ana I. Faustino-Rocha, Rui M. Gil da-Costa, Elisabete Nascimento Gonçalves, Ana Margarida Calado, Catarina Jota Baptista, Adelina Gama, Fernanda Seixas
    Open Veterinary Journal. 2023; 13(9): 1223-1227.

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