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  1. Effect of a feed supplement containing probiotics on fecal score and clinical parameters in dogs with chronic kidney disease and intestinal disorders: A pilot study
    Francesca Perondi, Ilaria Lippi, Natascia Bruni, Nicolò Lonigro, Elisa Martello
    Open Veterinary Journal. 2025; 15(1): 307-313.
  2. Effect of Hordeum vulgare, Moringa oleifera, and Vitex negundo extracts on the hippocampus and memory of Mus musculus
    Justine Ann D Cudiamat, Diana Rose Gatmaytan, Nicolo Kristoff Gonzalez, Michael B Ples, Rodel Jonathan Santos Vitor II
    National Journal of Physiology, Pharmacy and Pharmacology. 2018; 8(6): 892-897.
  3. Use of saline contrast ultrasonography in the diagnosis of complete jugular vein occlusion in a horse
    Andrea Corda, Nicolo Columbano, Valentina Secchi, Antonio Scanu, Maria Luisa Pinna Parpaglia, Giovanni Mario Careddu , Eraldo Sanna Passino
    Open Veterinary Journal. 2020; 10(3): 308-316.

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