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  1. Comparative analysis of de novo assembly of Bacillus cereus HUB4-4 short reads
    Nagaraja .K*, Seema J Patel, ManjunathDammalli
    International Journal of Pharmacy Research & Technology. 2014; 4(2): 18-22.
  2. Impact of Water Quality and Water Powder Ratio on the Properties of Type 4 - Die Stones (Gypsum Products) used in Dentistry
    Kukkila Jayaprakash, P Nagaraja Upadhya, Bantarahalli Thopegowda Nandish, A Nityananda Shetty, K Harish Kumar Shetty, Kishore Ginjupalli, Shama Bhat Voddya, Sudeendra Prabhu
    International Journal of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences (IJHRS). 2014; 3(2): 75-81.
  3. A comparative study on the physiological taste threshold in hypothyroidism and normal controls
    Stephy Sebastian, Nagaraja Puranik
    National Journal of Physiology, Pharmacy and Pharmacology. 2022; 12(5): 605-609.
  4. Relationship of resting heart rate with body composition and obesity among young adults in India
    Afreen Begum H Itagi, Nagaraja SS, Suresh Y Bondade, Yunus G Y
    National Journal of Physiology, Pharmacy and Pharmacology. 2014; 4(2): 143-148.
  5. A study on physiological taste threshold in hyperthyroidism
    Stephy Sebastian, Nagaraja Puranik, Shilpa Kamble
    National Journal of Physiology, Pharmacy and Pharmacology. 2022; 12(10): 1560-1564.
    Prajwal Toragal, Seema Shridhar Sankeshwari , Nagaraja Puranik
    Asian Journal of Medical Research & Health Sciences (A-JMRHS). 2023; 1(2): 33-36.
  7. Dysautonomia in heavy drinkers for more than 5 years of alcoholic consumption with intact liver function
    Stephy Sebastian, Nagaraja Puranik
    National Journal of Physiology, Pharmacy and Pharmacology. 2018; 8(8): 1115-1119.
  8. Study on electrolytes variation in middle aged type 2 diabetics and hypertensive diabetics in comparison with normal individuals
    Swapna Kanyadari, Nagaraja Puranik
    National Journal of Physiology, Pharmacy and Pharmacology. 2022; 12(5): 597-600.
  9. A novel study on recently discovered fatty acid taste detection threshold among young lean and overweight individuals
    Ninu Vinodan, Nagaraja Puranik
    National Journal of Physiology, Pharmacy and Pharmacology. 2023; 13(6): 1188-1191.
  10. Idiopathic hyperhidrosis: Is response to parasympathetic function test altered?
    G S Latha, Nagaraja Puranik
    National Journal of Physiology, Pharmacy and Pharmacology. 2016; 6(1): 85-88.
  11. Altered taste threshold in chronic Type 2 diabetes mellitus
    Latha G S, Chandrashekar D M, Nagaraja Puranik
    National Journal of Physiology, Pharmacy and Pharmacology. 2018; 8(4): 569-574.
  12. Moderate allcohol intake for even a short duration has deleterious effects on hematologic profile in Indian men
    Malathy Thinnahanumaih, Nagaraja Puranik, Chaitra Bidare, Kararshah Fakruddin Kammar, Omprakash Kasaragod Venkatakrishniah, Vijay Maitri
    International Journal of Medical Science and Public Health. 2012; 1(2): 105-108.
  13. A comparative study on coagulation profile and neutrophil-lymphocyte ratio in pregnancy-induced hypertension
    Swetha A G, Nagaraja Puranik, Kammar K F
    National Journal of Physiology, Pharmacy and Pharmacology. 2018; 8(3): 400-405.
  14. Trichoderma oligosaccharides priming mediates resistance responses in pearl millet against downy mildew pathogen
    Boregowda Nandini, Puttaswamy Hariprasad, Harischandra Sripathy Prakash, Nagaraja Geetha
    Journal of Applied Biology & Biotechnology. 2017; 5(2): 97-103.
  15. Pre-donation Hydration and Muscle Tensing exercises to Reduce Donor adverse Reactions due to Blood Donation.
    Veena Shivamurthy, Thotadamane Nagaraja Chandrasekhar, Shweta Ghatapanadi, Pradeep Kumar LalyaNaik, Kalagara devi Samyuktha, Namratha Girish
    Asian Journal of Medical Research & Health Sciences (A-JMRHS). 2024; 2(1): 17-26.
  16. Intraocular pressure changes in different age group individuals after water ingestion
    Anitha Lakshmi, Nagaraja Puranik, KF Kammar
    International Journal of Medical Science and Public Health. 2015; 4(12): 1726-1730.
  17. Electrocardiogram changes and heart rate variability during moderate exercise in chronic alcoholics
    Kusuma Ramanna, Fazal M Gahlot, Nagaraja Puranik
    International Journal of Medical Science and Public Health. 2015; 4(4): 492-495.
  18. Assessment of Knowledge, Attitude and Practice towards COVID-19 Vaccine among Healthcare Workers in a Tertiary Care Center
    Guru Prasad C, Nagesh HN, Ambresh Ayyali, Nagaraja BS,
    International Journal of Medical Reviews and Case Reports. 2022; 6(18): 24-28.
  19. Efficacy of antibiotic sensitivity and antimicrobial activity of Streptomyces cinereoruber RSA-14 isolated from rhizosphere soil of Alternanthera sessilis (L.) R. Br. ex DC
    Sreenivasa Nayaka, Halaswamy Hiremath, Bidhayak Chakraborty, Pallavi Sathyanarayan Swamy, Dhanyakumara Shivapoojar Basavarajappa, Shashiraj Kareyallappa Nagaraja, Muthuraj Rudrappa, Meghashyama Prabhakara Bhat, Dattatraya Airodagi, Meenakshi Shivanandagouda Murigennavar
    Journal of Applied Biology & Biotechnology. 2020; 8(4): 1-6.
  20. Isolation, characterization, and functional groups analysis of Pseudoxanthomonas indica RSA-23 from rhizosphere soil
    Sreenivasa Nayaka, Bidhayak Chakraborty, Pallavi Sathyanarayan Swamy, Meghashyama Prabhakara Bhat, Dattatraya Airodagi, Dhanyakumara Shivapoojar Basavarajappa, Muthuraj Rudrappa, Halaswamy Hiremath, Shashiraj Kareyelloppa Nagaraja, Chaitra Madhappa
    Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science. 2019; 9(11): 101-106.
  21. Practiced Gram negative bacteria from dyeing industry effluents snub metal toxicity to survive
    Channarayapatna-Ramesh Sunilkumar, Lobo Rachel, Gurulingaiah Bhavya, Kujur Swati, R. Samaga Sridhar, J. Samanth Kumar, K. Ramachandra Kini, H. S. Prakash, Nagaraja Geetha
    Journal of Applied Biology & Biotechnology. 2017; 5(4): 37-42.
  22. Analysis of completeness of drug package inserts available in India
    Nagaraja Prasad S, Shreenivas P Revankar, Vedavathi H, Harini Manjunath, Sriti Hegde
    National Journal of Physiology, Pharmacy and Pharmacology. 2017; 7(11): 1139-1143.
  23. Synthesis of pH Responsive Hydrogel Matrices from Guar gum and Poly(acrylamide-co-acrylamidoglycolicacid) for Anti-Cancer Drug Delivery
    G. Viswanatha Reddy, N. Sivagangi Reddy, K. Nagaraja, K. S. V. Krishna Rao
    Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science. 2018; 8(8): 84-91.

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