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  1. Dietary supplementation of microbiota inoculum and single clove garlic extract on growth performance, egg quality, reproductive organ, and hematological trait in laying quail
    Bodhi Agustono, Maya Nurwartanti Yunita, Widya Paramita Lokapirnasari, Sunaryo Hadi Warsito, Tabita Dameria Marbun, Sarasati Windria
    Open Veterinary Journal. 2025; 15(2): 690-699.
  2. Optimizing male layer chicken performance and health with probiotic supplementation: A sustainable alternative to antibiotic growth promoters
    Bodhi Agustono, Maya Nurwartanti Yunita, Widya Paramita Lokapirnasari, Sunaryo Hadi Warsito, Tabita Dameria Marbun, Sarasati Windria
    Open Veterinary Journal. 2025; 15(2): 668-679.
  3. The Relationship Between Decrease in Vision Aquity and Gadget Use During Online Lectures and COVID-19 Pandemic in Students of the Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Sumatera Utara
    Maya Savira, M. Ammar Al Ghifari
    Acta Informatica Medica. 2023; 31(4): 240-243.
  4. Developmental ossification sequences of the appendicular and axial skeleton in Kuttanad duck embryos (Anas platyrhynchos domesticus)
    A.D. Firdous, S. Maya, K. Massarat, M.A. Baba
    Open Veterinary Journal. 2016; 6(1): 1-5.
  5. Role Model of Legal Support for Implementation Smart City in Indonesia
    Prawitra Thalib, Faizal Kurniawan, Hilda Yunita Sabrie, Wahyu Aliansa
    Elementary Education Online. 2020; 19(4): 392-395.
  6. The Effect of Stress Management Techniques on Persons with Addictive Behaviors: a Systematic Review
    Maya Louvardi, George P. Chrousos,, Christina Darviri
    Materia Socio Medica. 2021; 33(3): 213-218.
  7. Comparison of Three Activating Methods of Irrigation on Smear Layer- and Debris-Removal Efficiency After WaveOne Gold® Single File
    Edgard Jabbour, Joseph Sabbagh, Edmond Koyess, Maya Feghali
    Acta Informatica Medica. 2023; 31(2): 131-136.
    Klára Szentmihályia, Zoltán Maya, Ibolya Kocsis, Krisztina Süle, Anna Blázovicsc
    European Chemical Bulletin. 2012; 1(8): 307-310.
  9. Physical Activity Maintain Immune Response Through TLR-2/TLR-4 Gene Expression in Type-2 Diabetes Mellitus Patient at Medan City
    Yetty Machrina, Dwi Rita Anggraini, Yunita Sari Pane, Novita Sari Harahap, Gaurav Pant
    Medical Archives. 2023; 77(4): 276-280.
  10. Differences Interval Training and Continuous Training on Endorphin Level and Anxiety Degrees in SECABA Rindam III Siliwangi Student Soldiers with Moderate Anxiety
    Lidwina Marlina, Ambrosius Purba, Veranita Pandia, Maya Rosmawati Adiwinata, Novita Sari Harahap, Daniel Womsiwor
    Medical Archives. 2023; 77(2): 127-131.
    Vinod V. Throat, Maya V. Katariya, Sunil U. Tekale, Rupali L. Magar, Samson Mashele, Pravin S. Kendrekar, Rajendra P. Pawar
    European Chemical Bulletin. 2019; 8(9): 313-317.
  12. Water Extract Have Superior Cytotoxic Effect Than Ethanolic Extract of Clinacanthus Nutans Leaves in Breast Cancer Stem Cells
    Siti Syarifah, Aldy S. Rambe, Agung Putra, M. Ichwan, Yunita Sari Pane, Adi Muradi Muhar, Alfi Khatib, Delfitri Munir, M. Rusda, Mustafa M. Amin
    Acta Informatica Medica. 2024; 32(1): 4-10.
  13. Effect of Pirdot Leaf Extract (Saurauia Vulcani Korth ) on SGPT and SGOT Value in Wistar Strain Rats Induced by Salmonella Typhimurium
    Haslinda Haslinda, Yunita Sari Pane
    Medical Archives. 2024; 78(1): 9-11.
  14. Coleus Amboinicus Lour. Leaf Extract as an Antioxidant in Sepsis
    Mutiara Indah Sari, R. Lia Kusumawati, Yunita Sari Pane, Sufitni Sufitni
    Medical Archives. 2023; 77(6): 451-454.
  15. Effect of Garlic Ethanol Extract Administration on Gluthatione Levels to Prevent Oxidative Stress in Smoker Rat Model
    Maya Savira, Dina Keumala Sari, Yetty Machrina, Sry Suryani Widjaja, Adrien Jems Akiles Unitly, Syafruddin Ilyas, Jelita Siregar, Pandiaman Pandia, M. Rusda, Mustafa M. Amin
    Medical Archives. 2023; 77(6): 418-421.
  16. Anti Inflammatory Action of Allium Sativum Ethanol Extract to Prevent Lung Damage in Smoker Rat Model
    Maya Savira, Dina Keumala Sari, Yetty Machrina, Sry Suryani Widjaja, Adrien Jems Akiles Unitly, Syafruddin Ilyas, Jelita Siregar, Pandiaman Pandia, M. Rusda, Mustafa M Amin
    Medical Archives. 2023; 77(3): 178-182.
  17. The Effect of Hypoxia Inducible Factor -1 Alpha and Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Level in Type 2 Diabetes Microvascular Complications and Development
    Rusdiana Rusdiana, Ahmad Moradi, Sry Suryani Widjaja, Mutiara Indah Sari, Hidayat Hidayat, Maya Savira,Rina Amelia, Rusmalawaty Rusmalawaty
    Medical Archives. 2022; 76(2): 135-139.
  18. Antimicrobial and cytotoxic activities of marine sponge-derived fungal extracts isolated from Dactylospongia sp.
    Neny Sandrawati, Shuci Permata Hati, Fujia Yunita, Andani Eka Putra, Friardi Ismed, Trina Ekawati Tallei, Triana Hertiani, Dian Handayani
    Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science. 2020; 10(4): 28-33.
  19. Piper nigrum: An overview of effects on human health
    Neha Pal, Maya Joshi
    International Journal of Pharmacy Research & Technology. 2021; 11(1): 25-32.
  20. Post mortem findings in fatal H1N1 infection
    Maya Vasaikar, Shivraj Kanthikar, Rajiv Parate, Deepak Shejwal, Smita Bora
    International Journal of Medical Science and Public Health. 2014; 3(8): 990-992.
  21. Acute pulmonary embolism in Protein S deficiency: 2 rare case reports of young male presenting with breathlessness
    Maya Gantayet, Mamata Singh
    Journal of Medical and Allied Sciences. 2018; 8(2): 86-90.
  22. Alpha-Glucosidase Inhibitory Activity of Garcinia lateriflora Blume. Leaves
    Putu Gita Maya Widyaswari Mahayasih, Berna Elya, Muhammad Hanafi
    Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science. 2017; 7(10): 100-104.
  23. Special anesthetic considerations for patient with history of sexual assault undergoing surgical procedure
    Muhammad Waqas Farooqi, Ejaz Khan , Maya Girshin, Amit Patel, Roni Mendonca, Michael Girshin
    Anaesthesia, Pain & Intensive Care. 2022; 26(6): 0-0.
  24. Determination of metazachlor residues in winter oilseed rape (Brassica napus var. Xenon) by HPLC
    Lyubka Koleva-Valkova, Andon Vasilev, Maya Dimitrova, Dimitar Stoychev
    Emirates Journal of Food and Agriculture. 2016; 28(11): 813-817.
  25. Fertilization rate of crossbreeding cattle using sexing and conventional semen in different seasons in South Papua
    Nurcholis Nurcholis, Lilik Sumaryanti, Apri Irianto, Syetiel Maya Salamony
    Journal of Advanced Veterinary and Animal Research. 2024; 11(4): 954-960.
  26. Awareness on mental illness and delay in seeking health services among members of psychiatric patient
    Radha Aryal, Khagi Maya Pun, Deepak Belbase, Madan Prasad Panthi
    International Journal of Medical Science and Public Health. 2021; 10(1): 36-39.
  27. Agreement within couples on choosing preimplantation genetic diagnosis versus pre-natal diagnosis: perspective from Saudi population.
    Fawz AlHarthi , Moeen Al Sayed, Ahmed Yaqinuddin, Gulsan Abubakar Karbani, Ameera Salem Blobaid, Monika Maya Wahi ,
    Journal of Biochemical and Clinical Genetics. 2019; 2(1): 18-27.
  28. Machine learning model for antiproliferative virtual screening of herbal compounds against hepatocellular carcinoma
    Firdayani Firdayani, Agam Wira Sani, Maya Damayanti Rahayu, Arief Sartono, Galuh Widiyarti, Andini Sundowo, Damai Ria Setyawati
    Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science. 2023; 13(8): 177-184.
  29. Callus induction, Indirect Organogenesis and Plantlet Regeneration from different explants of Vernonia anthelmintica (L.) Willd
    Maya Rajan, Shahena Soororbhavan, Vinaya Chandran, Linu Mathew
    Journal of Applied Biology & Biotechnology. 2020; 8(3): 17-22.
  30. The distribution of surface contamination with SARS-COV-2 in various parts of an emergency department at a tertiary care hospital in Dubai- a prospective study
    Malik Zaka Ullah, Ayesha Maklai, Zebunnisa Sohail, Firas Jaafar Kareem Al Najjar, Maya Habous
    Saudi Journal of Emergency Medicine. 2023; 4(1): 263-267.
  31. Allelopathic effect of Wedelia trilobata L., on the germination and growth of Cicer arietinum, Vigna unguiculata, and Vigna radiata seedlings
    S. Shahena, Maya Rajan, Vinaya Chandran, Linu Mathew
    Journal of Applied Biology & Biotechnology. 2021; 9(2): 93-114.
  32. Prevalence and correlates of anemia among mothers of children aged 0–23 months in three districts of Karnataka, India
    Deepthi Narayan Shanbhag, Ramakrishna Goud, Naveen Ramesh, Sulekha Thimmaih, Maya Mascarenhas, Arvind Risbud, Prem K Mony, Arvind Kasthuri
    International Journal of Medical Science and Public Health. 2016; 5(7): 1209-1304.
  33. Composing solutions for spin-column based RNA purification from eukaryotic cells: An educational research article
    Mahmoud M. Abdelfattah, Mohamed A. Elnagar, Mohamed F. Ibrahim, Magdy Albert, Maya M. Talal, Ehab El-Dabaa, Reham Helwa
    THE EGYPTIAN JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL BIOLOGY (Zoology). 2022; 18(1): 109-114.
  34. Plant Pigments Content as a Marker for Herbicide Abiotic Stress in Corn (Zea mays L.)
    Svetla Dimitrova Yancheva, Lidiya Dimitrova Georgieva, Milena Kostova, Pervin Halkoglu, Maya Dimitrova, Samir Naimov
    Emirates Journal of Food and Agriculture. 2016; 28(5): 332-336.
  35. The “Wonder Plant” Kalanchoe pinnata (Linn.) Pers.: A Review
    P. B. Rajsekhar, R. S. Arvind Bharani, Maya Ramachandran, K. Jini Angel, Sharadha Priya Vardhini Rajsekhar
    Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science. 2016; 6(3): 151-158.
  36. Allergy and Triggering Allergens Among Adults in Northern Area, Saudi Arabia
    Rehab Ali Mohamed, Rehab Ibrahim Ali, Nour Hussam Eddin Alfahl, Hamdah S. Alruwaili, Amjad T. Alkaseb, Rawan M. Alruwaili, Maya K. Almutairi
    International Journal of Medicine in Developing Countries. 2020; 4(12): 2280-2286.
  37. EEyePaint: A Gaze Estimation-Based System for Hands-Free Painting
    Dean J. Lawrence , Hannah Imboden, Maya Kabbash, Hussein Chebli, Adnan K. Shaout
    Jordan Journal of Electrical Engineering. 2021; 7(3): 179-201.
  38. Prevalence of premenstrual syndrome and its impact on life among women in Princess Nourah Bint Abdul Rahman University in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
    Hanadi Bakhsh, Amal Mohammed Alghamdi, Maya Abdullah Alyahya, Shaden Jamaan Alghamdi, Afrah Alonazi, Rawabi Algomaishy, Edward De Vol, Abdullah Almalki
    International Journal of Medicine in Developing Countries. 2020; 4(9): 1307-1312.
  39. The role of biopolymers as therapeutic agents: A review
    I Gede Widhiantara, Anak Agung Ayu Putri Permatasari, I Wayan Rosiana, Ni Kadek Yunita Sari, I Made Gde Sudyadnyana Sandhika, Putu Angga Wiradana, I Made Jawi
    Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science. 2023; 13(1): 42-55.
  40. A simple diagnostic scoring for COVID-19 screening
    Yunita Widyastuti , Djayanti Sari, Juni Kurniawaty, Akhmad Yun Jufan, Ketut Sutaendy, Purnama Jaya, Calcarina FR Wisudarti, Untung Widodo, Dinda Ulfa
    Anaesthesia, Pain & Intensive Care. 2022; 26(6): 784-791.
    Maya Fitria, Yasmina Elma, Maulisa Oktiana, Khairun Saddami, Rizki Novita, Rizkika Putri , Handika Rahayu, Hafidh Habibie, Subhan Janura
    Jordanian Journal of Computers and Information Technology. 2024; 10(3): 335-349.
  42. The potential of Macaranga plants as skincare cosmetic ingredients: A review
    Enih Rosamah, Muhammad Taufiq Haqiqi, Agmi Sinta Putri, Harlinda Kuspradini, Irawan Wijaya Kusuma, Rudianto Amirta, Yuliansyah Yuliansyah, Wiwin Suwinarti, Swandari Paramita, Rico Ramadhan, Didi Tarmadi, Maya Ismayati, Harits Atika Ariyanta, Widya Fatriasari, Aswandi Aswandi, Cut Rizlani Kholibrina, Nur Izyan Wan Azelee, Yong-ung Kim, Enos Tangke Arung
    Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science. 2023; 13(7): 1-12.

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