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  1. Knowledge and attitude of the Saudi population toward the National Premarital Screening and Genetic Counseling Program
    May AlMoshary
    International Journal of Medicine in Developing Countries. 2020; 4(11): 1782-1791.
  2. A case report of lupus anticoagulant hypoprothrombinemia syndrome (LAHPS)
    May AlMoshary, Aziza Alswayyed, Basmah Bin Salamah
    International Journal of Medicine in Developing Countries. 2019; 3(4): 395-397.
  3. Knowledge, attitude, and motivation regarding blood donation among Riyadh, Saudi Arabia residents
    Alanoud A. Alharkan, Anwar R. Alrashidi, Saba A. Algashami, Noura S. Alotaibi, Alanoud A. Alkhurayji, Reem A. Alasmari, Doaa M. Ismail, May A. Almoshary
    International Journal of Medicine in Developing Countries. 2023; 7(2): 297-302.

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