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  1. Factors related with teenager preference toward health workers in the promotion of drug abuse prevention in Bima, Indonesia
    Ade Wulandari, Nani Nurhaeni, Dewi Gayatri, Martiningsih Martiningsih
    Rawal Medical Journal. 2023; 48(4): 1027-1030.
  2. Effectiveness of self-care intervention in hypertension patients: A Systematic Review
    Martiningsih, Enie Novieastari, Dewi Gayatri, Astuti Yuni Nursasi
    Rawal Medical Journal. 2023; 48(4): 1070-1074.
  3. Determinant factors of students’ refusal assertiveness of illicit drugs in Bima indonesia: a logistic regression analysis
    Ahmad Ahmad, Awan Dramawan, Martiningsih Martiningsih, Ade Wulandari
    Rawal Medical Journal. 2024; 49(1): 167-171.
  4. Correlation between smoking behavior and blood pressure among teenagers in Bima, Indonesia
    Martiningsih Thahir, Nurul Inayati, Ahmad Dahlan, Syaiful Ahmad
    Rawal Medical Journal. 2021; 46(3): 503-506.
  5. How does health education media and methods could mostly attract for teenagers? cross-sectional study on junior and senior high school students in Bima-nusa Tenggara Barat, Indonesia
    Ahmad, Awan Dramawan, Martiningsih, Ade Wulandari
    Rawal Medical Journal. 2022; 47(4): 1034-1038.

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