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  1. BMRAT reviewer acknowledgement 2015
    Lili Hami
    Biomedical Research and Therapy. 2016; 3(2): 528-532.
  2. Opening Black-Box of Teaching-Practice: Pre-service Teachers’ Learning from the Hidden Curriculum Perspective
    Lili Hurioğlu, Akın Efendioğlu
    Elementary Education Online. 2021; 20(1): 157-171.
  3. An Investigation of Prospective Teachers’ Educating-Teaching SelfEfficacy in Terms of Various Variables*
    Songül TÜMKAYA , Lili BAL , Fatma KARAÇOBAN
    Elementary Education Online. 2014; 13(2): 412-424.
  4. Perioperative Outcomes of Endoscopic versus Open Operation in the Treatment of Hyperparathyroidism: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis
    Zhen Wu, Lili Yi, Yongkun Wang, Changxin Zhou, Shanping Sun, Yuming Yao, Qiang Lv, Jugao Fang*
    Journal of Complementary Medicine Research. 2023; 14(1): 31-36.
  5. Molecular Dynamic Simulation of Centella asiatica Compound as an Inhibitor of Advanced Glycation End Products
    Lili Legiawati, Fadilah Fadilah, Kusmarinah Bramono, Siti Setiati, Em Yunir
    Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science. 2020; 10(8): 1-7.
  6. Antioxidants and carbohydrate content in infusions and microwave extracts from eight medicinal plants
    Nadezhda Petkova, Lili Ivanova, Gerasima Filova, Ivan Ivanov, Panteley Denev
    Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science. 2017; 7(10): 55-61.
  7. Formation and Characterization of Sulfamethoxazole-Trimethoprim Cocrystal by Milling Process
    Erizal Zaini, Yeyet C. Sumirtapura, Auzal Halim, Lili Fitriani, Sundani N. Soewandhi
    Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science. 2017; 7(12): 169-173.
  8. Metagenomic analysis and biodiversity of bacteria in traditional fermented fish or Budu from West Sumatera, Indonesia
    Yetti Marlida, Malikil Kudus Susalam, Harnentis Harnentis, Jamsari Jamsari, Nurul Huda4, Wan Norhana Md Noordin, Lili Anggraini, Laily Rinda Ardani
    Journal of Advanced Veterinary and Animal Research. 2023; 10(4): 801-808.

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