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  1. Electrochemotherapy for the treatment of cutaneous solid tumors in Equids: A retrospective study
    Enrico P Spugnini, Licia Scacco, Carlo Bolaffio, Alfonso Baldi
    Open Veterinary Journal. 2021; 11(3): 385-389.
  2. Isolated limb perfusion electrochemotherapy for the treatment of an advanced squamous cell carcinoma of the hoof in a mare
    Enrico Pierluigi Spugnini, Carlo Bolaffio, Licia Scacco, Alfonso Baldi
    Open Veterinary Journal. 2017; 7(2): 192-196.
  3. Electrochemotherapy increases local control after incomplete excision of a recurring penile fibrosarcoma in a stallion
    E.P. Spugnini, C. Bolaffio, L. Scacco, A. Baldi
    Open Veterinary Journal. 2016; 6(3): 234-237.
  4. Influence of Body Composition on Sleep in People Who Exercise
    Ismael San Mauro Martín, Paulina Gudalewska, Licia de la Calle de la Rosa, Miguel González Fernández, Ana Megías Gamarra, Belén Miralles Rivera, M Ángeles Bonilla Navarro, Ana María Ruiz León, Esther Moraleda Ponzol, Elena Garicano Vilar
    Sleep and Hypnosis. 2016; 18(1): 2-7.

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