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36 articles found.

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  1. Bringing Nursing Theories into practice: If not Nurses, Who else? A perspective from nurses
    Joko Gunawan
    International Journal of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences (IJHRS). 2015; 4(3): 201-202.
  2. Molecular Dynamic Screening Sesquiterpenoid Pogostemon Herba as Suggested Cyclooxygenase Inhibitor
    Sentot Joko Raharjo, Takeshi Kikuchi
    Acta Informatica Medica. 2016; 24(5): 332-337.
  3. Determining Factors That Affect the Quality of Process and Training Results of Non-formal PAUD Educators in Indonesia
    Joko Sutarto, Sungkowo Edy Mulyono, Imam Shofwan
    Elementary Education Online. 2021; 20(2): 228-236.
  4. Innovative learning model with augmented reality technology for deaf students
    Joko Lianto Buliali, Andriyani, Yudhiakto Pramudya
    Elementary Education Online. 2021; 20(1): 663-673.
  5. Active Case Finding for Tuberculosis in Migrants: a Systematic Review
    Joko Sapto Pramono, Ridwan A., Ida Leida Maria, Aminudin Syam, Syamsiar S. Russeng, Syamsuar, Andi Agus Mumang
    Medical Archives. 2024; 78(1): 60-64.
  6. Humanism Learning Design Using Multiple Intelligence Approach in Life Skills of The Elementary School Students of Special Program in The Era of Global Communication and Education Disruption
    Harun Joko Prayitno, Sutama, Anam Sutopo, Koesomo Ratih, Ratnasari Diah Utami, Rio Taufiq Nugroho, Gamal Abdul Nasir Zakaria,
    Elementary Education Online. 2020; 19(4): 202-214.
  7. First molecular detection of Eimeria spp. in domestic goats from Java Island, Indonesia
    Dias Aprita Dewi, Yudhi Ratna Nugraheni, Aan Awaludin, Vika Ichsania Ninditya, Dwi Priyowidodo, Raden Wisnu Nurcahyo, Fitrine Ekawasti, Joko Prastowo
    Open Veterinary Journal. 2025; 15(1): 139-150.
  8. Functional Properties of Glycoside Synthesized Using Polyphenolic Extract of Moringa oleifera Catalyzed Through Transglycosylation Reaction
    Joko Sulistyo
    Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science. 2019; 9(5): 58-64.
  9. Fertility testing of preserved epididymal sperm by microinjection: A model for the rescue and utilization of genetically superior animals
    Sigit Prastowo, Rini Widyastuti, Jaswandi Jaswandi, Arief Boediono
    Open Veterinary Journal. 2024; 14(2): 707-715.
  10. A review of chemistry and biological activities of the Indonesian Octocorallia
    Masteria Yunovilsa Putra, Joko Tri Wibowo, Tutik Murniasih
    Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science. 2017; 7(5): 219-227.
  11. Quadrant of difficulty and usefulness for prioritizing community-based disaster preparedness parameter elements
    Sunarto Sunarto, Heru Santoso Wahito Nugroho, Suparji Suparji, Budi Joko Santosa
    Rawal Medical Journal. 2024; 49(1): 172-175.
  12. Utilizing the co-culture method to improve the investigation of secondary metabolites of marine bacteria
    Gina Aulia, Fauzy Rachman, Febriana Untari, Abdullah Rasyid, Yatri Hapsari, Riris Andriati, Joko Tri Wibowo
    Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science. 2024; 14(1): 286-290.
  13. Effect of GnRH treatment as a potential solution for ovarian disorders in dairy cows infected with foot and mouth disease in Indonesian smallholder farms
    Joko Susilo, Erif Maha Nugraha Setyawan, Slamet Hartanto, Michael Haryadi Wibowo, Agung Budiyanto
    Open Veterinary Journal. 2024; 14(8): 2079-2084.
  14. Body weight and measurement traits of Brahman cattle affected by pleomorphic adenoma gene 1 (PLAG1) variations
    Baharudin Trilaksono, Amira Fathin Rodhiyah, Yuli Yanti, Joko Riyanto, Hendra Kurniawan, Muhammad Imron, Delly Nista, Yumoko Ginto, Pita Sudrajad, Muhammad Cahyadi
    Open Veterinary Journal. 2024; 14(12): 3248-3256.

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