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  1. Development of Mother’s Postnatal Sense of Security
    Minela Velagic, Jasmina Mahmutovic, Suada Brankovic
    Materia Socio Medica. 2019; 31(4): 277-281.
  2. Quality of Life of Patients with Oral Cavity Cancer
    Senada Dzebo, Jasmina Mahmutovic, Hasiba Erkocevic
    Materia Socio Medica. 2017; 29(1): 30-34.
  3. Frequency of Depression and its Correlation with Quality of Life of Patients with Oral Cavity Cancer
    Senada Dzebo, Jasmina Mahmutovic, Hasiba Erkocevic, Faris Foco
    Materia Socio Medica. 2017; 29(2): 97-100.
  4. The Proportion and Type of Carbohydrates in the Diets of Children in Early Adolescence
    Arzija Pasalic, Sabina Segalo, Suada Brankovic, Jasmina Mahmutovic, Hadzan Konjo
    Materia Socio Medica. 2022; 34(3): 174-179.
  5. The Cigarette Smoking, Coffee and Supplements Intake at Students of Sarajevo University
    Nafija Serdarevic, Bakir Katana, Amila Jaganjac, Samir Bojicic, Suada Brankovic, Jasmina Mahmutovic
    Medical Archives. 2019; 73(2): 104-108.
  6. Correlation Between Quality of Life and Depression Among Persons Suffering from Psoriasis
    Jasmina Mahmutovic, Mufida Zukic, Arzija Pasalic, Suada Brankovic, Amila Jaganjac, Bakir Katana
    Medical Archives. 2017; 71(5): 341-346.
  7. Effects of Programmed Kinesiologic Stimulus to Hemodynamics at Peripheral Artery Disease of Lower Limbs
    Abel Baltic, Izet Radjo, Ifet Mahmutovic, Indira Mahmutovic
    Acta Informatica Medica. 2014; 22(6): 368-370.
  8. How to improve health-related quality of life for children and adolescents with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus
    Elmedina Mrkulic, Jasmina Mahmutovic, Alma Mizdrak, Amina Luckin, Zineta Mulaosmanovic , Amela Salihovic, Almedina Alihodzic
    International Journal of Medical Reviews and Case Reports. 2022; 6(14): 5-13.
  9. Correlation Between Bauman’s and Carrying Angle in Children with Supracondylar Fracture of Humerus
    Nedim Smajic, Jasmina Smajic, Sahmir Sadic, Mahir Jasarevic, Jasmina Ahmetovic-Djug, Renata Hodzic
    Medical Archives. 2013; 67(3): 195-197.
  10. Antimicrobial Resistance of Escherichia Coli Strains Isolated from Urine at Outpatient Population: a Single Laboratory Experience
    Sabina Mahmutovic Vranic, Aida Uzunovic
    Materia Socio Medica. 2016; 28(2): 121-124.
  11. Evolution of Sports-medical Team Management in the Program of Posture Correction in Children
    Aldvin Torlakovic, Mirsad Muftic, Izet Radjo, Munir Talovic, Ifet Mahmutovic
    Materia Socio Medica. 2014; 26(2): 104-108.
  12. Health Effects of the Programmed Physical Activities on Lipid Profile in Peripheral Arterial Disease of the Lower Extremities
    Abel Baltic, Rusmir Baljic, Izet Radjo, Akif Mlaco, Ifet Mahmutovic
    Medical Archives. 2015; 69(5): 311-314.
  13. The Most Frequent Isolates from Outpatients with Urinary Tract Infection
    Sabina Mahmutovic Vranic, Nadira Zatric, Velma Rebic, Mufida Aljicevic, Amila Abdulzaimovic
    Materia Socio Medica. 2017; 29(1): 17-20.
  14. Type and Significance of Transfunded Blood Products
    Sabina Camdzic-Smajic, Aida Zabic, Svetlana Jovic, Ahida Suljkanovic-Mahmutovic, Sunita Custendil-Delic, Alma Osmic-Husni
    Materia Socio Medica. 2024; 36(3): 182-186.
  15. Significance of Detecting Antierythrocyte Antibodies in Pretransfusion Testing
    Svetlana Jovic Lackovic, Sunita Delic Custendil, Aida Zabic, Ahida Suljkanovic Mahmutovic, Sabina Camdzic Smajic, Alma Osmic Husni
    Acta Informatica Medica. 2023; 31(2): 121-125.
  16. Seroprevalence of Transmisive Diseases in Healthy Blood Donors: a Five-year Experience in University Clinical Center Tuzla
    Aida Zabic, Svetlana Jovic-Lackovic, Sunita Custendil Delic, Ahida Suljkanovic-Mahmutovic, Sabina Camdzic-Smajic, Alma Osmic-Husni
    Acta Informatica Medica. 2024; 32(1): 24-27.
  17. Typing of Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus Using DNA Fingerprints by Pulsed-field Gel Electrophoresis
    Velma Rebic, Ana Budimir, Mufida Aljicevic, Sabaheta Bektas, Sabina Mahmutovic Vranic, and Damir Rebic
    Acta Informatica Medica. 2016; 24(4): 248-252.
  18. Monitoring of Hygienic–Sanitary State of River Sana as a Precondition for Protection of Pollution and Development of Eco-Tourism in the Municipality of Bihac
    Jasmina Cepic
    Materia Socio Medica. 2009; 21(4): 210-212.
  19. Prothrombotic, Proinflammatory Markers, and Troponin in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Might Be a Predictive Factors for Pulmonary Embolism
    Jasmina Bosnjic
    Materia Socio Medica. 2023; 35(4): 264-269.
  20. Frequency of Superficial and Deep Vein Thrombosis in Patients with Variations of Superficial Veins of Lower Extremities
    Svetlana Jovic, Jasmin Delic, Farid Ljuca, Emir Mujanovic, Sunita Custendil Delic, Aida Zabic, Ahida Suljkanovic-Mahmutovic
    Medical Archives. 2012; 66(1): 16-18.
  21. The Effect of Physical Activity on Cognition – Physiological Mechanisms
    Jasmina Pluncevic Gligoroska, Sanja Manchevska
    Materia Socio Medica. 2012; 24(3): 198-202.
  22. Antibiotic Resistance in Urinary Isolates of Escherichia coli
    Amila Abduzaimovic, Mufida Aljicevic, Velma Rebic, Sabina Mahmutovic Vranic, Kadrija Abduzaimovic, Sabina Sestic
    Materia Socio Medica. 2016; 28(6): 416-419.
  23. Physical Activity, Smoking, Alcohol and Drugs Use Among High School Students in the Area of Bihac
    Jasmina Cepic, Fatima Jusupovic, Emira Jusic
    Materia Socio Medica. 2009; 21(3): 134-136.
  24. Controversy and Concerns in the Relationship of Medicine and the Media in Bosnia and Herzegovina
    Braco Hajdarevic, Jasmina Slaku, Izet Masic
    Materia Socio Medica. 2010; 22(1): 14-17.
  25. Psychomotor Speed in Young Adults with Different Level of Physical Activity
    Jasmina Pluncevic-Gligoroska, Sanja Manchevska, Ljiljana Bozhinovska
    Medical Archives. 2010; 64(3): 139-143.
  26. Cochlear Implantation in Children: Socioeconomic Family Characteristics
    Fuad Brkic, Lejla Piric, Nevzeta Salihovic, Jasmina Kabil
    Medical Archives. 2010; 64(1): 25-27.
  27. The Role of Target Organ Diagnostic Approach in Seasonal Allergic Rhinitis: Nasal Smear Eosinophils
    Jasmina Nurkic, Mona Al Ahmad, Nermina Arifhodzic, Edin Jusufovic
    Materia Socio Medica. 2016; 28(2): 125-128.
  28. Correlation Analysis of the Hyoid Bone Position in Relation to the Cranial Base, Mandible and Cervical Part of Vertebra with Particular Reference to Bimaxillary Relations / Teleroentgenogram Analysis
    Emsudina Deljo, Mediha Filipovic, Rafeta Babacic, Jasmina Grabus
    Acta Informatica Medica. 2012; 20(1): 25-31.
  29. Impact of Continuous Education About Oral Hygiene on the Changes of Cpi-index for 12-15-year-old Schoolchildren
    Emsudina Deljo, Rafeta Babacic, Belma Meskovic, Jasmina Grabus
    Acta Informatica Medica. 2011; 19(4): 220-223.
  30. Electrophysiological Assessment of Cognitive Processes in Young Healthy Adults with Different Level of Physical Activity
    Jasmina Pluncevic-Gligoroska, Sanja Manchevska, Vaska Antevska, Liljana Bozhinovska
    Medical Archives. 2011; 65(2): 68-72.
  31. Status of the Oral Health by the Seventh Grade Students in the Bosnian-Podrinje Canton
    Emsudina Deljo, Mervana Spahic-Dizdarevic, Jasmina Grabus, Mirsada Begovic
    Acta Informatica Medica. 2011; 19(1): 28-31.
  32. Evaluation of Effects of Repetitive Recruitment Maneuvers
    Tatjana Trojik, Mirjana Shosholcheva, Jasmina Radulovska-Chabukovska, Margita Lovach-Chepujnoska
    Acta Informatica Medica. 2012; 20(2): 85-89.
  33. Frequency of the Central Venous Catheter Colonization in Surgical Intensive Care Unit
    Samir Hodzic, Nijaz Tihic, Jasmina Smajic, Muhamed Omerbegovic, Mirsad Sljivic
    Medical Archives. 2010; 64(4): 245-247.
  34. Assessment of Working Memory Capacity in Young Healthy Adults with Different Level of Long-term Physical Activity
    Jasmina, Pluncevic-Gligoroska,, Sanja, Manchevska,, Elizabeta, Sivevska-Smilevska,, Liljana, Bozhinovska
    Materia Socio Medica. 2010; 22(3): 132-137.
  35. Recession Vs Myotomy–Comparative Analysis of Two Surgical Procedures of Weakening Inferior Oblique Muscle Overaction
    Jasmina Alajbegovic-Halimic, Denisa Zvizdic, Amra Sahbegovic-Holcner, Amira Kulanic-Kuduzovic
    Medical Archives. 2015; 69(3): 165-168.
  36. Multi-Drug Resistance Tuberculosis (mdr -tb ) in Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina
    Aida Ustamujic, Hasan Zutic, Vesna Cukic, Zehra Dizdarevic, Jasmina Abazovic, Jasminka Maglajlic
    Materia Socio Medica. 2009; 21(3): 153-155.
  37. Risk Factors for Retinopathy of Prematurity in Premature Born Children
    Jasmina Alajbegovic-Halimic, Denisa Zvizdic, Emina Alimanovic-Halilovic, Irena Dodik, Sanela Duvnjak
    Medical Archives. 2015; 69(6): 409-413.
  38. Diagnostic Significance of Reduced IgA in Children
    Jasmina Nurkic, Fatima Numanovic, Lejla Arnautalic, Nijaz Tihic, Dzenan Halilovic, Mahira Jahic
    Medical Archives. 2015; 69(4): 236-239.
  39. Epidemiological Monitoring of Nosocomial Infections Caused by Acinetobacter Baumannii
    Amer Custovic, Jasmina Smajlovic, Nijaz Tihic, Sadeta Hadzic, Sead Ahmetagic, Haris Hadzagic
    Medical Archives. 2014; 68(6): 402-406.
  40. Diagnostic Significance of Reduced IgA in Children
    Jasmina Nurkic, Fatima Numanovic, Lejla Arnautalic, Nijaz Tihic, Dzenan Halilovic, Mahira Jahic
    Medical Archives. 2014; 68(6): 381-383.
  41. Epidemiological Surveillance of Bacterial Nosocomial Infections in the Surgical Intensive Care Unit
    Amer Custovic, Jasmina Smajlovic, Sadeta Hadzic, Sead Ahmetagic, Nijaz Tihic, Haris Hadzagic
    Materia Socio Medica. 2014; 26(1): 7-11.
  42. Contributing Factors for Development of Necrotizing Enterocolitis in Preterm Infants in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit
    Zlatan Zvizdic, Suada Heljic, Nusret Popovic, Jasmina Alajbegovic-Halimic, Emir Milisic, Asmir Jonuzi
    Materia Socio Medica. 2016; 28(1): 53-56.
  43. The Impact of Medical Nutritional Therapy on the Efficacy of Premix Insulin in Glycemic Control in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes
    Senada Husaric, Azra Avdic Salihovic, Nedzad Kadric, Samra Iljazovic-Topic, Jasmina Pasic, Anida Divanovic
    Materia Socio Medica. 2023; 35(1): 13-17.
  44. Post-traumatic Stress Disorder, Metacognitions, Cognitive and Global Functioning in Bosnian War Veterans
    Emir Tupkovic, Rusmir Softic, Jasmina Klebic, Senada Selmanovic, Elvir Becirovic, Mitra Mirkovic Hajdukov, Miralem Smajic
    Materia Socio Medica. 2019; 31(4): 258-261.
  45. Analysis of Body Mass Components in National Club Football Players in Republic of Macedonia
    Slobodan Nikolic, Lidija Todorovska, Vesela Maleska, Beti Dejanova, Ljudmila Efremova, Vujica Zivkovic, Jasmina Pluncevic-Gligoroska
    Medical Archives. 2014; 68(3): 191-194.
  46. Risk Factors in Patients with Non-ST Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction
    Denis Mrsic, Jasmina Smajlovic, Daniela Loncar, Sevleta Avdic, Melika Avdagic, Elnur Smajic, Mugdim Bajric, Alan Jahic
    Materia Socio Medica. 2020; 32(3): 224-226.
  47. Aphasia Disorders Outcome After Stroke
    Jasmina Klebic, Nevzeta Salihovic, Rusmir Softic, Denisa Salihovic
    Medical Archives. 2011; 65(5): 283-286.
  48. Intramural Haemorrhage and Haematoma as the Cause of Ileus of the Small Intestine in a Haemophiliac
    Mirela Delibegovic, Admira Alispahic, Jasmina Gazija, Zlatan Mehmedovic, Majda Mehmedovic
    Medical Archives. 2015; 69(3): 206-207.
  49. Evaluation and Treatment of Anemia in Premature Infants
    Edo Hasanbegovic, Nermana Cengic, Snijezana Hasanbegovic, Jasmina Heljic, Ismail Lutolli, Edin Begic
    Medical Archives. 2016; 70(6): 408-412.
  50. Pneumonia as the Most Common Lower Respiratory Tract Infection
    Jasmina Biscevic-Tokic, Nedim Tokic, Adnan Musanovic
    Medical Archives. 2013; 67(6): 442-445.
  51. Chromatography as Method for Analytical Confirmation of Paracetamol in Postmortem Material Together with Psychoactive Substances
    Jasmina Biscevic-Tokic, Nedim Tokic, Elma Ibrahimpasic
    Acta Informatica Medica. 2015; 23(5): 322-325.
  52. Influence of the physical Activity on the Cognitive Functions with people Depending on their Age
    Jasmina Pluncevic Gligoroska, Sanja Mancevska, Beti Dejanova, Sunchica Petrovska, Lidija Todorovska, Vera Petrova, Vaska Antovska, Ljiljana Bozinovska
    Medical Archives. 2012; 66(4): 271-275.
  53. Complications Related to Insertion and Use of Central Venous Catheters (CVC)
    Samir Hodzic, Darko Golic, Jasmina Smajic, Selma Sijercic, Sekib Umihanic, Sefika Umihanic
    Medical Archives. 2014; 68(5): 300-303.
  54. Dexamethasone as Adjuvant Therapy in the Treatment of Invasive Meningococcal Diseases
    Ilir Tolaj , Shemsedin Dreshaj, Emine Qehaja, Jasmina Tolaj, Teuta Doda-Ejupi, Murat Mehmeti
    Medical Archives. 2010; 64(4): 228-230.
  55. Correlation of Cervical Smear and Pathohistological Findings
    Amir Asotic, Suada Taric, Jasmina Asotic
    Medical Archives. 2014; 68(2): 106-109.
  56. Relation Between Near Work and Myopia Progression in Student Population
    Lejla Muhamedagic, Belma Muhamedagic, Emina Alimanovic Halilovic, Jasmina Alajbegovic Halimic, Aleksa Stankovic, Bedrana Muracevic
    Materia Socio Medica. 2014; 26(2): 100-103.
  57. Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome in Surgical Patients
    Jasmina Smajic, Lejla Rakovac Tupkovic, Samir Husic, Selma Sijercic Avdagic, Samir Hodzic, Semir Imamovic
    Medical Archives. 2018; 72(2): 116-119.
  58. Clostridium Difficile Infection in Hospitalized Patients at University Clinical Center Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina: a 4 Year Experience
    Sead Ahmetagic, Nermin Salkic, Aldina Ahmetagic, Amer Custovic, Nijaz Tihic, Jasmina Smajlovic, Humera Porobic-Jahic
    Materia Socio Medica. 2013; 25(3): 153-157.
  59. Disorders of Hemostasis in the Course and After Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy
    Sunita Custendil-Delic, Jasmin Delic, Slavica Mott-Divkovic, Jasmina Petrov-Raslic, Edin Ostrvica, Fatima Hukic
    Medical Archives. 2009; 63(5): 275-277.
  60. Correlation Between Change in Air Humidity and the Incidence of Stroke
    Enes Slatina, Miralem Music, Nermina Babic, Amela Dervisevic, Ekrema Mujaric, Mirhan Salibasic, Enes Tuna, Jasmina Corovic
    Materia Socio Medica. 2013; 25(4): 242-245.
  61. Clinical Manifestations of European Borreliosis on the Skin in Acute, Subacute and Chronic Disease
    Sajma Krkic-Dautovic, Adis Salihbegovic, Emina Dervisevic, Refet Gojak, Meliha Hadzovic-Cengic, Damir Duratbegovic, Nermin Mostarac, Jasmina Begic, Haroon Ahmed
    Materia Socio Medica. 2024; 36(1): 33-39.
  62. Psoriasis and Dyslipidemia
    Eldina Malkic Salihbegovic, Nermina Hadzigrahic, Edin Suljagic, Nermina Kurtalic, Jasmina Hadzic, Alema Zejcirovic, Midheta Bijedic, Alma Handanagic
    Materia Socio Medica. 2015; 27(1): 15-17.
  63. Hypertension and Donor Age in Living-Related Kidney Transplantation
    Mithat Tabakovic, Enisa Mesic, Senaid Trnacevic, Emir Hodzic, Fahir Barakovic, Denial Tulumovic, Goran Imamovic, Mirza Atic, Jasmina Bosnjic, Mustafa Tabakovic
    Medical Archives. 2009; 63(6): 335-338.
  64. Assessment of Depth of Anesthesia: prst Score Versus Bispectral Index
    Jasmina Smajic, Mirsada praso, Mirsad Hodzic, Samir Hodzic, Amna Srabovic-Okanovic, Nedim Smajic, Zinka Djonlagic
    Medical Archives. 2011; 65(4): 216-220.
  65. Impact of Preoperative Anxiety in Patients on Hemodynamic Changes and a Dose of Anesthetic During Induction of Anesthesia
    Jasmina Ahmetovic-Djug, Sefik Hasukic, Haris Djug, Begzada Hasukic, Alan Jahic
    Medical Archives. 2017; 71(5): 330-333.
  66. Impact of Comorbidity on Early Outcome of Patients with Subarachnoid Hemorrhage Caused by Cerebral Aneurysm Rupture
    Selma Sijercic Avdagic, Harun Brkic, Harun Avdagic, Jasmina Smajic, Samir Hodzic
    Medical Archives. 2015; 69(5): 280-283.
  67. Biomarkers of Plaque Instability in Acute Coronary Syndrome Patients
    Jasmina Nurkic, Farid Ljuca, Midhat Nurkic, Elmir Jahic, Mahira Jahic
    Medical Archives. 2010; 64(2): 103-106.
  68. Clinical Characteristics of Aerobic Vaginitis and Its Association to Vaginal Candidiasis, Trichomonas Vaginitis and Bacterial Vaginosis
    Mahira Jahic, Mirsada Mulavdic, Jasmina Nurkic, Elmir Jahic, Midhat Nurkic
    Medical Archives. 2013; 67(6): 428-430.
  69. Diagnostic accuracy of attenuation correction in perfusion scintigraphy of myocard
    Halil Corovic, Jasmina Corovic Kuburovic, Nusret Salkica
    International Journal of Medical Reviews and Case Reports. 2019; 3(11): 753-760.
  70. A Novel HPLC Method Validation Based on Analytical Techniques of Metoclopramide Benzamide Derivative (Metoclopramide Base) and its determination from Solid Dispersion by Solvent Evaporation Method
    Nancy Kahali, Jasmina Khanam
    Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science. 2018; 8(2): 18-26.
  71. Epidemiological surveillance of endogenous and exogenous nosocomial infections
    Amer Custovic, Jasmina Smajlovic, Fejzo Dzafic
    Annals of Medical Research. 2020; 27(4): 1172-8.
  72. The Second Mediterranean Seminar on Science Writing, Editing and Publishing (SWEP - 2018), Sarajevo, December 8th, 2018
    Izet Masic, Miro Jakovljevic, Osman Sinanovic, Srecko Gajovic, Mirko Spiroski, Rasim Jusufovic, Sekib Sokolovic, Besim Prnjavorac, Enver Zerem, Benjamin Djulbegovic, Selma Porovic, Slobodan Jankovic, Mirsad Hadzikadic, Lejla Zunic, Edin Begic, Edin Nislic, Nedim Begic, Emir Becirovic, Anis Cerovac, Venesa Skrijelj, Jasmina Nuhanovic
    Acta Informatica Medica. 2018; 26(4): 284-299.
    Ventsislav Mutafchiyski, Georgi Kotashev, Mihail Tabakov, Jasmina Mihailova, Georgi Popivanov
    International Journal of Surgery and Medicine. 2016; 2(4): 230-233.
  74. Brucellosis spondylodiscitis with vertebral abscess at C6/C7 segment of cervical spine
    Aldin Kajmakovic, Azra Kozo Kajmakovic, Jasmina Corovic Kuburovic
    International Journal of Medical Reviews and Case Reports. 2022; 6(5): 65-68.
  75. Distribution of nosocomial infections caused by Klebsiella pneumoniae ESBL strain
    Sadeta Had& 382;i& 263;, Amer & 268;ustovi& 263;, Jasmina Smajlovi& 263;, Sead Ahmetagi& 263;
    Journal of Environmental and Occupational Health. 2012; 1(3): 141-146.
  76. An Unprecedented Behaviour Of Placental Site Trophoblastic Tumor: a case report
    Jasmina Begum, Priyadarshini Nayak, Susama Patra, Swagatika Samal,
    International Journal of Medical Reviews and Case Reports. 2020; 4(10): 79-82.
  77. Importance of computed tomography imaging in the diagnosis of lung abnormalities caused by COVID-19 infection
    Amila Bojicic, Adnan Sehic, Fuad Julardzija, Jasmina Bajrovic, Sabina Prevljak, Meris Jusic
    International Journal of Medical Reviews and Case Reports. 2022; 6(9): 79-82.

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