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  1. STEM-MEA (Science Technology Engineering Mathematics - Means End Analysis) Model for Improving the Creativity and Critical Thinking of University Students
    Karmila Suryani, Jalius Jama, Sukardi, Khairudin
    Elementary Education Online. 2021; 20(4): 1835-1844.
  2. A comparative review of novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) and SARS: Implicated for general practice
    Mohamed Esse Rage, Murtala Dandare Muhammad, Yahye Rage, Abbas Bashir Jama
    International Journal of Medical Reviews and Case Reports. 2020; 4(9): 36-39.
  3. Acute epistaxis management by hemostatic agents a systematic review
    Ahmed Hadi Khurmi, Mohammed Faisal Alsamih, Khalid Abdulkareem Alhejji, Fatima Abduljabbar Al Hamoud, Eman Ali Obaidi, Fatima Malik Salat, Duaa Ahmad H. Al Jama, Ruba Esam Tashkandi, Turki Sulaiman Algannas, Abdulaziz Salamah T. Alanazi
    International Journal of Medicine in Developing Countries. 2024; 8(1): 460-465.

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