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  1. Clinical and diagnostic evaluation of a wild ocelot (Leopardus pardalis) specimen
    María Flórez Solarte, Juliana Loaiza, Marcela Eraso, Cristina Úsuga-Monroy, Horwald A.B. Llano, Andrea Pizarro, Diana Stasiukynas, Juan Felipe Zapata
    Open Veterinary Journal. 2024; 14(8): 1866-1876.
  2. Optimizing Phenolic Compounds Extraction of Myrcia spectabilis DC. dried Leaves Using Factorial Design
    Jaqueline Oliveira dos Santos, Robson Miranda da Gama, Mara Angelina Galvão Magenta, Marcia Eugenia Del Llano Archondo, Maria Aparecida da Silva Pinhal, José Armando-Junior
    Journal of Biological Research and Reviews. 2024; 1(3): 142-150.

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