298 articles found.The first 100 results are shown.
- Olfactory reference syndrome: a case report
Emine Ebru Aksu, Haluk Aksu, Abdulkadir Tabo, Ömer Saatçioğlu Dusunen Adam: The Journal of Psychiatry and Neurological Sciences. 2010; 23(2): 133-136. - Evaluation of the use of alternative and complementary therapies and conception status of women receiving infertility treatment
Saliha Busra Aksu Asiye Uzun, Guzin Zeren Ozturk, Ayse Karahasanoglu, Saliha Busra Aksu, Beray Gelmez Tas Medicine Science | International Medical Journal. 2023; 12(4): 1364-7. - Oxytocin Plasma Concentrations in Male Children and Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder: Relationship with Aggression and Empathy Skills
Hacer Gizem Gercek, Hatice AKSU, Mustafa Yilmaz Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences. 2021; 11(4): 227-234. - Comorbid Obsessive Compulsive Disorder in a Child with Tuberous Sclerosis Complex
Borte Gurbuz Ozgur, Hatice Aksu, Ayse Fahriye Tosun Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences. 2018; 8(3): 142-144. - Seventh Grade Students Success on the Topics of Area and Perimeter
Gülçin TAN ŞİŞMAN , Meral AKSU Elementary Education Online. 2009; 8(1): 243-253. - A Systematic Review of Teachers Questioning in Turkey between 2000-208
Başak Çalık , Meral Aksu Elementary Education Online. 2018; 17(3): 1548-1565. - Development of analytical thinking tendency scale: Validity and reliability study
Gökhan Aksu,Mehmet Taha Eser Elementary Education Online. 2020; 19(4): 2307-2321. - Mantel-Haenszel, Lojistik Regresyon ve Olabilirlik Oranı Değişen Madde Fonksiyonu İnceleme Yöntemlerinin Farklı Yazılımlar Kullanılarak Karşılaştırılması
İlhan Koyuncu , Gökhan Aksu , Hülya Kelecioğlu Elementary Education Online. 2018; 17(2): 909-925. - Investigating Educational Views of Prospective Teachers According to Different Variables
Ercan KiRAZ ,Cennet Engin Demir ,Meral Aksu ,Ayşegül Daloğlu ,Soner Yıldırım Elementary Education Online. 2010; 9(2): 526-540. - Investigating Educational Views of Prospective Teachers According to Different Variables
Ercan KiRAZ ,Cennet Engin Demir ,Meral Aksu ,Ayşegül Daloğlu ,Soner Yıldırım Elementary Education Online. 2010; 9(2): 526-540. - Comparison of the effects of mitral regurgitation and pulmonary arterial hypertension on left atrial functions
Ugur Aksu Annals of Medical Research. 2019; 26(5): 938-41. - The relationship between p wave dispersion and left atrial volume index in patients with metabolic syndrome
Uğur Aksu, Annals of Medical Research. 2019; 26(6): 1090-3. - Elevated serum uric acid levels are associated with increased risk score and MACE development in patients with STEMI
Ugur Aksu, Oktay Gulcu Annals of Medical Research. 2019; 26(4): 734-9. - Approach to castlemans disease in parotid gland, a case report
Alpaslan Mayadağlı, Zedef Özdemir, Atınç Aksu, Beyhan Ceylaner Bıçakcı, Mehmet Eken, Nagehan Özdemir Şişli Etfal Tıp Bülteni. 2012; 46(3): 153-156. - Readiness for Health Information Technology is Associated to Information Security in Healthcare Institutions
Elif Dönmez, Nur Şişman Kitapçı, Okan Cem Kitapçı, Meral Yay, Pınar Kılıç Aksu, Leyla Köksal, Gonca Mumcu
Acta Informatica Medica. 2020; 28(4): 265-271. - An Assessment of Health Information Systems Through the Perspective of Computer Engineering Students and Medical Students
Esra Sevimli, Elif Naz Altingoz, Nur Şisman Kitapci, Okan Cem Kitapci, Leyla Koksal, Meral Yay, Pınar Kilic Aksu, Gonca Mumcu Acta Informatica Medica. 2019; 27(5): 300-304. - Telaprevir-related DRESS syndrome complicating hepatitis C treatment
Süheyla Kömür, Aslıhan Ulu, Behice Kurtaran, Ayşe Seza İnal, Yeşim Taşova, Hasan Salih Zeki Aksu Journal of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases. 2015; 5(1): 36-37. - Health quality standards evaluation of quality indicators of maternity services
Hatice Esen Koc, Tugba Caliskan Sengoz, Hatice Calik Koyak Medicine Science | International Medical Journal. 2024; 13(1): 99-107. - Is it possible to estimate the mortality risk in acute pulmonary embolism by means of novel predictors? A retrospective study
Ekrem Aksu, Abdullah Sökmen, Gülizar Sökmen, Hakan Güneş, Nurhan Atilla, Bülent Güneri, Adem Doğaner, Mehmet Kirişci, Murat Kerkutluoğlu, Bayram Öztürk, Erdinç Eroğlu Turkish Journal of Vascular Surgery. 2021; 30(1): 27-34. - Teachers preferences in methods of reading-writing instruction
Hatice Bakkaloğlu Elementary Education Online. 2007; 6(2): 10-11. - Can Sens Capability Approach Present an Alternative Paradigm to Mainstream Economics?
Hatice KARAÇAY ÇAKMAK Ekonomik Yaklasim. 2008; 19(68): 1-15. - Health Problems of Mentally Disabled Individuals
Hatice Yıldırım Sarı TAF Preventive Medicine Bulletin. 2010; 9(2): 145-150. - Effect of Social Skills Training on Submissive Behavior in Middle School Students
Özge Kınık,Hatice Odacı Elementary Education Online. 2019; 18(1): 285-295. - Relationship between Undergraduates Communication Skills and Their Negative Automatic Thoughts
Hatice ŞİRİN ,Hüseyin IZGAR Elementary Education Online. 2013; 12(1): 254-266. - An investigation on the types of teacher motivation and their emotional labor strategies
Hatice Apaydın Şen,Selahiddin Öğülmüş Elementary Education Online. 2020; 19(4): 1974-1986. - What are the relationship between problematic internet use and subjective well-being and self-esteem? Investigation of an adolescent sample
Şükrü Özer,Hatice Odacı Elementary Education Online. 2020; 19(3): 1592-1604. - Investigation of the relationship between professional maturity and hope levels with test anxiety of twelfth-grade high school students
Gülsen Şahinler,Hatice Odacı Elementary Education Online. 2020; 19(1): 357-365. - The factors affecting 5th grade students attitudes towards performance tasks
Hatice KUMANDAŞ ,ÖMER KUTLU Elementary Education Online. 2010; 9(2): 714-722. - Okul Öncesi Sınıflardaki Özel Gereksinimli Olan ve Olmayan Çocukların Okula Uyumları
Hatice Bakkaloğlu , Bülbin Sucuoğlu Elementary Education Online. 2018; 17(2): 580-595. - Kültürel Miras Eğitimine İlişkin Sosyal BilgilerÖğretmenlerinin Görüşleri
Merve Avcı ,Hatice Memişoğlu Elementary Education Online. 2016; 15(1): 104-124. - Relationship between Undergraduates Communication Skills and Their Negative Automatic Thoughts
Hatice ŞİRİN ,Hüseyin IZGAR Elementary Education Online. 2013; 12(2): 585-596. - The Adaptation of the Adolescent Food Habit Checklist to the Turkish Adolescents.
İnci Arıkan, Ayse Esra Aksu, Selma Metintas, Cemalettin Kalyoncu TAF Preventive Medicine Bulletin. 2012; 11(1): 49-56. - Primary School Teachers Computer Self Efficacies: Sample of Balıkesir
Hatice Özçelik ,Adile Aşkım Kurt Elementary Education Online. 2007; 6(3): 441-451. - An investigation on computer attitudes of elementary school students: Balıkesir sample
Hatice ŞEREFHANOĞLU ,Canan NAKİBOĞLU ,Hülya GÜR Elementary Education Online. 2008; 7(3): 785-799. - Factors that have an influence on cubital tunnel syndrome and its treatment: assessment of 31 cases
Alper Cirakli, Ersin Kasim Ulusoy, Yakup Ekinci Annals of Medical Research. 2016; 23(3): 285-287. - The Strategies Preschool Teachers Use When Confronted with Childrens Undesired Behaviors
Hatice UYSAL ,Sadegül AKBABA ALTUN,Ege AKGÜN Elementary Education Online. 2010; 9(3): 971-979. - Dereceli Puanlama Anahtarlarının Güvenirliğinin Farklı Deneyim Yıllarına Sahip Puanlayıcıların Kullanıldığı Durumlarda İncelenmesi
Hatice Özlem ANADOL , Celal Deha DOĞAN Elementary Education Online. 2018; 17(2): 1066-1076. - Investigation of Relations among Middle School (Junior High School) Students Gender, Learning Approaches, Perceptions of Learning Environment and Science Achievement
Yezdan Boz , Sevda Yerdelen Damar , Hatice Belge Can Elementary Education Online. 2018; 17(3): 1268-1282. - Disabled Adolescence: The Views of Mothers about Puberty and Their Problems
Hatice İrem Özteke Kozan,Erdal Hamart Elementary Education Online. 2019; 18(3): 977-989. - Predictors of mortality after transcatheter aortic valve implantation
Abdullah Sokmen, Ekrem Aksu, Ahmet Cagri Aykan, Gulizar Sokmen, Hakan Gunes, Akif Serhat Balcioglu, Enes Celik, Sami Ozgul Annals of Medical Research. 2020; 27(8): 2014-21. - Presenting complaints and psychiatric diagnoses in childrenchildren aged 05 years presented to a child psychiatry and adolescent clinic
Feyza Hatice Sevgen, Hatice Altun Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences. 2017; 7(4): 205-11. - Sınıf Öğretmenliği Programı Öğrencilerinin Okul Deneyimi Dersi Kapsamındaki Etkinlikleri Gerçekleştirme Durumları (İnönü ve Erciyes Üniversitesi Örneği)
Oğuz GÜRBÜZTÜRK , Gülnur Candan GÜRLEYÜK , Hatice ÖZGAN Elementary Education Online. 2014; 13(3): 899-915. - Examining Social Acceptance Levels of Children with Special Needs and Typical Development in Preschool Classrooms
Hatice Bakkaloğlu,Bülbin Sucuoğlu,Ahmet Bilal Özbek Elementary Education Online. 2019; 18(2): 521-538. - The relationship between the group therapeutic factors and relapse in alcohol dependent inpatients
Hatice Demirbaş, Yıldırım B. Doğan, İnci Özgür İlhan Dusunen Adam: The Journal of Psychiatry and Neurological Sciences. 2012; 25(2): 119-124. - The Examination of Foreign Language Achievement in Terms of Certain Variables
Kaan Zülfikar DENİZ ,Çiğdem GÜLDEN ,Hatice APAYDIN ŞEN Elementary Education Online. 2013; 12(2): 436-444. - Corpus Callosum Agenesis and Schizophrenia: A Case Report
Ahmet Kocabıyık, Hatice Alibaşoğlu, Nesrin Tomruk, Nihat Alpay Dusunen Adam: The Journal of Psychiatry and Neurological Sciences. 2006; 19(2): 103-109. - Intrauterine device in the bladder; A case report
Barış Türk, Hatice Yılmaz, Şefik Çitçi, Mehmet Şekeroğlu Şişli Etfal Tıp Bülteni. 2010; 44(1): 35-37. - Relationship between drive and motivation features and PISA 2012 mathematics literacy of Turkish and Vietnamese students
Hatice Çiğdem YAVUZ,Münevver İLGÜN DİBEK,Seher YALÇIN Elementary Education Online. 2017; 16(1): 178-196. - Are the birth month and season predictors of coronary artery disease?
uğur aksu, cem korucu, emrah aksakal, Annals of Medical Research. 2024; 31(7): 522-526. - Assessment of Depression Level, Suicidal Thoughts, and Suicide Attempts in Childhood Sexual Abuse
Hatice Altun Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences. 2018; 8(3): 111-117. - Correlation between self-perception and aggressiveness: the mediating role of loneliness
Hatice Odacı, Çiğdem Berber Çelik Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences. 2017; 7(4): 219-25. - Comorbidity of Parkinsons disease and delusional parasitosis: a case report
Serap Erdoğan, Emrullah Genç, Feryal Çam Çelikel, Semiha Kurt, Hatice Karaer Ünaldı Dusunen Adam: The Journal of Psychiatry and Neurological Sciences. 2012; 25(1): 84-87. - Fatigue and burnout in nurses during the COVID-19 pandemic
Hatice Peki̇nce, Hakime Aslan Medicine Science | International Medical Journal. 2022; 11(1): 310-20. - The Relationship of Non-dipper Blood Pressure Pattern with the Fragmented QRS Morphology on ECG and the Role of Inflammatory Biomarkers in Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
Ugurkan Erkayiran, Ekrem Aksu, Tufan Arslanca THE ULUTAS MEDICAL JOURNAL. 2021; 7(3): 157-164. - Personal Hygiene Behavior of Some High School Students in Ankara Province
Çiğdem Şimşek, Birgül Piyal, Hakan Tüzün, Deniz Çakmak, Hatice Turan, Vildan Seyrek TAF Preventive Medicine Bulletin. 2010; 9(5): 433-440. - Pediatric tracheotomy: Results of a single center study on 46 patients
Mehmet Tan, Emrah Gunduz, Hatice Celik, Tuba Bayindir Medicine Science | International Medical Journal. 2022; 11(1): 382-6. - Multiple sclerosis associated with leber's hereditary optic neuropathy: a case report
Mehmet Tecellioglu, A. Cemal Ozcan, Hatice Tosun Annals of Medical Research. 2016; 23(2): 239-242. - ÇOCUKLARDA EKSTREMİTE AĞRISININ RETROSPEKTİF DEĞERLENDİRİLMESİ
Sezin Naiboğlu, Emrah Naiboğlu, Özden Aksu Sayman , Fatma Gül Demirkan Bagcilar Medical Bulletin. 2020; 5(2): 0-0. - Evaluation of videos with Covid-19 and CPR content on YouTube
Hatice Topcu Bagcilar Medical Bulletin. 2023; 8(1): 57-61. - Fusarium: A rare factor in diabetic foot infection
Hatice Ozisik, Sevki Cetinkalp, Huseyin Aytac Erdem, Dilek Yesim Metin, Ilgen Ertam, Meltem Isıkgöz Tasbakan Journal of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases. 2017; 7(1): 42-45. - Presenting complaints and comorbid diagnoses in children with mental disabilities presented to a child psychiatry outpatient clinic
Asiye Arıcı, Hatice Altun, Feyza Hatice Sevgen Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences. 2017; 7(4): 199-204. - An Acute Edematous Pancreatitis Case Developed On The Basis Of Hypertriglyceridemia
Tuncay Aslan, Abdulsamet Erden, Hatice Karagoz, Samet Karahan, Fatma Aykas, Emine Uslu, Hasan Mutlu, Ahmet Karaman Medical Archives. 2013; 67(4): 295-296. - Histopathological features of salivary gland tumors:
A single-center experience
Fatma Senel, Hatice Karaman Annals of Medical Research. 2020; 27(10): 2669-73. - Can platelet Iymphocyte ratio and neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio be used as prognostic predictors for hepatocellular carcinoma?
Ebru Hatice Ayvazoglu Soy, Huseyin Onur Aydin, Gokhan Moray Annals of Medical Research. 2019; 26(5): 774-7. - Concordance of the frequency, typing, and results of high risk human papilloma virus in cervical cytology materials with biopsy: Retrospective analysis of 5604 patients
Ebru Akay, Fatos Tekelioglu, Hatice Karaman Annals of Medical Research. 2019; 26(2): 180-4. - Campylobacter fetus subsp. fetus bacteremia in a patient with myelodysplastic syndrome: A case report
Hatice Türk Dağı, Ayşe Rüveyda Uğur, Mehmet Dağlı, İnci Tuncer Journal of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases. 2014; 4(4): 165-167. - Evaluating Monocyte-to-High-Density Lipoprotein Ratio Across Age and Gender in Healthy Individuals
Hatice Aslan Sirakaya Bagcilar Medical Bulletin. 2024; 9(1): 38-43. - The Relationship Between Waist Circumference, Wrist Circumference, and Body Mass Index in Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Hatice Karaer Unaldi, Semiha Kurt, Betul Cevik, Ibrahim Mumcuoglu, Orhan Sumbul Annals of Medical Research. 2015; 22(3): 152-157. - Variables affecting quality of care of the outpatients having a chronic condition
Bahadır Dede, Murat Sarı, Abdülkadir Gürsul, Anıl Hanedar, Ayca Gadis , Begüm Görgülü, Bilge Eti, Caner Kalay, Hatice Aydın, Hatice Ayhan Güler, İbrahim Kala, Kivanç Görgülü, Murat Dilşen, Uğur Yıldırımkaya, Sena Tuğba, Erhan Eser TAF Preventive Medicine Bulletin. 2016; 15(3): 238-247. - A rare cause of mechanical intestinal obstruction in geriatric population: Gallstone ileus three cases
Ahmet Bozdag, Nizamettin Kutluer, Baris Gulturk, Ali Aksu, Mehmet Bugra Bozan, Ayse Nur Gonen, Abdullah Boyuk Annals of Medical Research. 2019; 26(1): 117-20. - Investigation of the relationship between pain threshold and joint position sense in the cervical region
Ceyhun Turkmen, Nezire Kose, Hatice Cetin, Esra Dulger, Sevil Bilgin Medicine Science | International Medical Journal. 2019; 8(1): 97-101. - Levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine device versus oral progesterone for treatment of simple endometrial hyperplasia without atypia
Hatice Kansu-Celik, Burcu Kisa Karakaya, Ozlem Evliyaoglu, Yaprak Engin-Ustun Medicine Science | International Medical Journal. 2018; 7(1): 21-24. - Status of Violence in Pregnancy According to the Trimesters, Effecting Factors and Perinatal Results
Türkan Göğüş, Hatice Yıldız TAF Preventive Medicine Bulletin. 2013; 12(6): 657-664. - Violence perception and victimization reasons of women exposed to spouse/partner violence
Hatice Başkale, Ayça Sözer TAF Preventive Medicine Bulletin. 2015; 14(6): 468-474. - Interscalen Block Application in Patients with Herpes Zoster
Seyfi Kartal, Safinaz Karabayirli, Muhammet Gozdemir, Bahadir Kosem, Hatice Kilinc,
Azra Ozanbarci Annals of Medical Research. 2015; 22(2): 106-109. - Comparison of the effects of ketamine-midazolam and ketamin-propofol anesthesia on recovery of circumcision operations
Hatice Toprak, Canan Kocaoglu, Eyup Aydogan, Mehmet Sargin, Sadik Ozmen Medicine Science | International Medical Journal. 2018; 7(4): 834-6. - Patient with multiple sclerosis diagnosis after fibula fracture: Holistic view of a rehabilitation patient
Raikan Buyukavci, Hatice Kubra Gunes, Ali Recai Ismailoglu, Semra Akturk Annals of Medical Research. 2019; 26(4): 769-71. - Effects of scale and skin on chemical and sensory quality of marinated sea bass
filets (Dicentrarchus labrax, L. 1758) in sunflower oil during storage at 4ºC Yunus Alparslan* , Tacnur Baygar, Hatice Hasanhocaoğlu and Cansu Metin Emirates Journal of Food and Agriculture. 2013; 25(7): 516-523. - A retrospective analysis of Enterobius vermicularis frequency for the last five years in Aydin, Turkey
Ibrahim Yildiz, Erdogan Malatyali, Evren Tilekliogu, Hatice Ertabaklar, Sema Ertug Annals of Medical Research. 2021; 28(9): 1716-9. - Determination of the mothers milk storage applications
Pınar Serçekuş, Hatice Başkale, Fadime Hatice İnci, Sevgi Özkan TAF Preventive Medicine Bulletin. 2015; 14(6): 483-488. - Evaluation of the Properties of Falling in Patients with Peripheral Neuropathy
Yasemin Parlak Demir, Muhammed Kılınç, Sibel Aksu Yıldırım TAF Preventive Medicine Bulletin. 2013; 12(6): 633-638. - Determination of the Knowledge and Practice on Fever of Mother with 0-6 Year’s Children
Hatice Bebiş, Sabahat Coşkun, Cengizhan Açıkel, Serpil Özdemir TAF Preventive Medicine Bulletin. 2013; 12(6): 699-708. - Assessment of the Effectiveness of Cognitive Behavioral Group Therapies in the Treatment of Insomnia in Cancer Survivors: A meta-analysis
Tuğba TURKKAN, Hatice ODACI, Kenan BULBUL Journal of Cognitive-Behavioral Psychotherapy and Research. 2022; 11(1): 46-57. - Relationship Between Caregiver Depression and Caregiving Burden and Cognitive Factors
Fatih YIĞMAN, Muhammed Hakan AKSU, Kadir ÖZDEL Journal of Cognitive-Behavioral Psychotherapy and Research. 2020; 9(1): 49-56. - Correlation between histopathological results and BI-RADS classification in breast masses
Nizamettin Kutluer, Ali Aksu, Mehmet Bugra Bozan, Burhan Hakan Kanat, Hulagu Kargici, Ferhat Cay, Ayse Azak Bozan Annals of Medical Research. 2019; 26(11): 2698-2701. - The Knowledge of Nurses and Midwives Related to Mentally-Handicapped Children
Hatice, Yıldırım, Sarı*, Saliha, Altıparmak TAF Preventive Medicine Bulletin. 2008; 7(2): 127-132. - Evaluation of Body Image in Patients Diagnosed with Fibromyalgia.;
Fibromiyalji Tanısı Alan Hastalarda Beden İmajının Değerlendirilmesi.;
(İNGİLİZCE KISA BAŞLIK: ''body image in fibromyalgia'')
HATİCE MELEK BAŞAR, İLTERİŞ AHMET ŞENTÜRK Bagcilar Medical Bulletin. 2023; 8(3): 325-330. - Determination of meat quality of sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) sold at different selling areas
Yunus Alparslan, Hatice Hasanhocaoglu, Cansu Metin, Tacnur Baygar Emirates Journal of Food and Agriculture. 2014; 26(3): 293-301. - The evaluation of mean platelet volume in infants with atopic dermatitis
Hatice Sanli Gunes, Sevcan Ipek, Mehmet Yasar Ozkars Annals of Medical Research. 2019; 26(5): 899-903. - The Surveillance of Vancomycin- Resistant Enterococci Colonization by (Cepheid) GeneXpert vanA/vanB Test and Culture Method
Hatice Uludağ Altun, Çiğdem Ataman Hatipoğlu, Cemal Bulut, Server Yağcı, Günay Tuncer Ertem, Sami Kınıklı, Ali Pekcan Demiröz Journal of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases. 2014; 4(3): 97-101. - Evaluation of the relationship between southwest wind parameters and hospital applications related to headache symptoms
Hatice Seyma Akca, Sumeyra Acar Kurtulus, Deniz Tengerek, Berra Kalkavan, Serkan Emre Eroglu Medicine Science | International Medical Journal. 2020; 9(1): 150-3. - Daptomycin and Tigecycline Susceptibility of Vancomycin Resistant Enterococci Isolated from Rectal Swab Cultures
Şerife Altun, Hatice Uludağ Altun, Çiğdem Ataman Hatipoğlu, Cemal Bulut, Sami Kınıklı, Ali Pekcan Demiröz Journal of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases. 2014; 4(3): 107-110. - Our results of spontaneously conceived triplet pregnancies
Burcu Kisa Karakaya, Hatice Celik, Alev Esercan, Ayla Aktulay, Yaprak Ustun, Elif Gul Yapar Eyi, Salim Erkaya Medicine Science | International Medical Journal. 2018; 7(2): 312-4. - Can Google® trends predict emergency department admissions in pandemic periods?
Serkan Emre Eroglu, Gokhan Aksel, Ibrahim Altunok, Serdar Ozdemir, Abdullah Algin, Hatice Seyma Akca, Kamil Kokulu Medicine Science | International Medical Journal. 2021; 10(1): 111-7. - Relationship between living arrangements, quality of life and depressive symptoms of older adults
Hatice Yigen, Osman Gunay, Arda Borlu Medicine Science | International Medical Journal. 2018; 7(1): 132-138. - EVALUATION OF LONG-TERM INTENSIVE CARE PATIENTS IN A CARDIAC SURGERY CENTER
bedih balkan, hatice dilek özcanoğlu Bagcilar Medical Bulletin. 2020; 5(1): 13-20. - Knowledge and opinions on nurses Team Works
Selver Guler, Sezer Avci, Betul Kaplan, Feride Yigit, Hatice Akkurt Medicine Science | International Medical Journal. 2019; 8(3): 655-60. - How Children Aged 0 to 6 Benefits from Health Services, Permanent Service Resources and the Factors Affecting Them
Saliha Altıparmak, Hatice Yıldırım Sarı TAF Preventive Medicine Bulletin. 2012; 11(5): 599-608.