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22 articles found.

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  1. Classification of Iranian Nurses According to their Mental Health Outcomes Using GHQ-12 Questionnaire: a Comparison Between Latent Class Analysis and K-means Clustering with Traditional Scoring Method
    Jamshid Jamali, Seyyed Mohammad Taghi Ayatollahi
    Materia Socio Medica. 2015; 27(5): 337-341.
    Shaban A. A. Abdel-Raheem, Adel M. Kamal El-Dean, Reda Hassanien, Mohamed E. A. El-Sayed, Aly A. Abd-Ella
    European Chemical Bulletin. 2021; 10(1): 35-38.
  3. A Comparison of Logistic Regression Model and Artificial Neural Networks in Predicting of StudentÂ’s Academic Failure
    Saeed Hosseini Teshnizi, Sayyed Mohhamad Taghi Ayatollahi
    Acta Informatica Medica. 2015; 23(5): 296-300.
  4. A New Measurement Equivalence Technique Based on Latent Class Regression as Compared with Multiple Indicators Multiple Causes
    Jamshid Jamali, Seyyed Mohammad Taghi Ayatollahi, and Peyman Jafari
    Acta Informatica Medica. 2016; 24(3): 168-171.
  5. The Effect of Cross-loading on Measurement Equivalence of Psychometric Multidimensional Questionnaires in MIMIC Model: a Simulation Study
    Jamshid Jamali, Seyyed Mohammad Taghi Ayatollahi, Peyman Jafari
    Materia Socio Medica. 2018; 30(2): 121-126.
    Mostafa Sayed, Adel M. Kamal El-Dean, Mostafa Ahmed, Reda Hassanien
    European Chemical Bulletin. 2017; 6(4): 171-176.
  7. Investigation of the Prevalence of vanA and vanB genes in vancomycin resistant enterococcus (VRE) by Taq Man real time PCR Assay
    Bahman Mirzaei, Taghi Naserpoor Farivar, Puran Juhari, Masoome Aslani Mehr, Reyhane Babaei
    Journal of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases. 2013; 3(4): 192-198.
  8. Tracheal intubation in children after induction of anesthesia with propofol and remifentanil without a muscle relaxant
    Mirmohammad Taghi Mortazavi,1 Masood Parish,1 Naghi Abedini,2 Ramin Baradaran,2 Ghafour Abafattash,2 Maarouf Ansari3
    Rawal Medical Journal. 2010; 35(1): 6-9.
  9. Complications of Supraclavicular Block of Brachial plexus using Compound Classic and Perivascular Techniques
    Niazi Gazani Masoud, Mortasavi Mir Mohammad Taghi, Movassaghi gargari Reza, Ansari Maarouf, shahgoli Seyedabolhasan, Ghorbanian Naser
    Rawal Medical Journal. 2007; 32(1): 60-62.
  10. Factors Affecting Journal Quality Indicator in Scopus (SCImago Journal Rank) in Obstetrics and Gynecology Journals: a Longitudinal Study (1999-2013)
    Jamshid Jamali, Mohammad Salehi-Marzijarani, Seyyed Mohammad Taghi Ayatollahi
    Acta Informatica Medica. 2014; 22(6): 385-388.
  11. Deep Iris: Deep Learning for Gender Classification Through Iris Patterns
    Nour Eldeen M. Khalifa, Mohamed Hamed N. Taha, Aboul Ella Hassanien, Hamed Nasr Eldin T. Mohamed
    Acta Informatica Medica. 2019; 27(2): 96-102.
  12. Software Code Bloats and Security Identification Model Based on Mikado Methodology: a Refactoring Practice
    Taghi Javdani Gandomani, Hamid Shabani Sichani, Behzad Soleimani Neysiani
    Jordan Journal of Electrical Engineering. 2023; 9(2): 125-148.
  13. Antidiabetic activity of cobalt–quercetin complex: A new potential candidate for diabetes treatment
    Mohamed M. Hassanien, Entsar A. Saad, Kholoud H. Radwan
    Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science. 2020; 10(12): 44-52.
  14. Patho-Molecular Studies on the Occurrence of Bovine Herpes Virus Type 1 in the Genitalia of She Camels
    Samah F. Darwish, Thanaa K. Hassanien, Halaa A. Salem
    Alexandria Journal of Veterinary Sciences. 2015; 46(1): 130-137.
  15. Changes in cardiovascular indices during use of epinephrine in septoplasty
    Mir Mohammad Taghi Mortazavi, Seyyed Javad Seyyed Toutounchi, Maarouf Ansari
    Rawal Medical Journal. 2016; 41(1): 86-89.

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