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21 articles found.

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  1. Prevalence of malnutrition and its impact on scholastic performance among 8–12 year children from 2 private schools of urban Meerut
    Abhishek Agarwal, Seema Jain, Sunil Kumar Garg, Harivansh Chopra, Tanveer Bano
    Journal of Medical and Allied Sciences. 2018; 8(1): 3-6.
    Dr. Vinay Sivaswamy, Aditi Chopra
    European Chemical Bulletin. 2022; 11(7): 83-88.
  3. A Study of Occupational Aspiration of Senior Secondary Students In Reference To Their Academic Achievement
    Pawan Sharma, Dr.Rajani Chopra
    Elementary Education Online. 2020; 19(3): 1898-1902.
  4. Study of Facilities available in the School for Differently Abled Children
    Deepa Tripathi, Dr.Rajani Chopra
    Elementary Education Online. 2020; 19(3): 2266-2270.
  5. Article XX Of GATT: Territoriality Of Unilateral Trade Measure And Sustainable Development
    Sheikh Inam Ul Mansoor , Dr. Meenu Chopra
    Elementary Education Online. 2020; 19(4): 7784-7792.
  6. A study on Opinion of various groups of society and professionals towards yoga education
    Kiran Kumari Sharma, Dr. Rajani Chopra
    Elementary Education Online. 2020; 19(4): 4540-4543.
  7. Study of changes in thyroid profile and serum calcium after subtotal thyroidectomy in Goitre
    Sunny Chopra, Rajeev Khushwaha
    American Journal of Physiology, Biochemistry and Pharmacology. 2014; 3(2): 93-94.
  8. Impact of Public Safety Act on the life of Kashmiri Citizens
    Syed Mohammad Murtaza Rizvi, Dr. Meenu Chopra
    Elementary Education Online. 2021; 20(1): 2979-2991.
  9. A Study Of Life Skills Of B.Ed. Teacher Trainees Of Tonk District
    Savita Sharma , Dr. Shruti Tiwari , Dr. Rajani Chopra
    Elementary Education Online. 2020; 19(4): 6333-6340.
  10. A Study Of Life Skills Of B.Ed. Teacher Trainees Of Tonk District
    Savita Sharma ,Dr. Shruti Tiwari , Dr. Rajani Chopra
    Elementary Education Online. 2020; 19(4): 6341-6348.
  11. A Study Of Career Maturity About Self-Esteem Of Secondary School Students
    Harwinder Kaur (Research Scholar) , Dr. Navneet Chopra (Supervisor)
    Elementary Education Online. 2021; 20(2): 2264-2270.
  12. Social Maturity Of Adolescents About Their Home Environment
    Harwinder Kaur (Research scholar) , Dr. Navneet Chopra (Supervisor)
    Elementary Education Online. 2020; 19(4): 7700-7716.
  13. Pattern of adverse drug reactions to antibiotics commonly prescribed in department of medicine and pediatrics in a tertiary care teaching hospital, Ghaziabad
    Kavita Dhar, Akanksha Sinha, Preeti Gaur, Rajkumar Goel, V. S. Chopra, Umakant Bajaj
    Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science. 2015; 5(4): 078-082.
  14. Production, purification and characterization of L-Glutaminase from Streptomyces sp. isolated from soil
    Savitha S. Desai, Sonal J. Chopra, Basavaraj S. Hungund
    Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science. 2016; 6(7): 100-105.
  15. Dental Arch Morphology as a Predictor of Sleep Disordered Breathing
    Oommen Nainan, Balakrishnan Jayan, Rajat Mitra, Snehashish Ghosh, Sukhbir Singh Chopra, Manish Mukherjee
    Sleep and Hypnosis. 2017; 19(2): 30-37.
  16. A retrospective analysis of the effectual paucity of patient load in the period of the COVID-19 pandemic in the dermatology department of a tertiary care hospital in North India
    Sharang Gupta, Rishu Sarangal, Dimple Chopra
    National Journal of Physiology, Pharmacy and Pharmacology. 2023; 13(8): 1629-1633.
  17. Presentation, demography and management of Liver abscess patients in a tertiary care hospital of India
    Ratna Chopra, Munish Sharma, Amit Goel
    International Journal of Surgery and Medicine. 2022; 8(6): 5-8.
  18. System biology study on MtrAB protein-protein interaction network of Mycobacterium tuberculosis
    Akash Tripathi Satsangi, Rupesh Kumar, Saurabh Kumar Jha, Arun Prasad Chopra, Shazia Haider
    Journal of Applied Biology & Biotechnology. 2023; 11(4): 119-127.
  19. Isolation and Characterization of Cellulase-Producing Myxobacterial Strain from the Unique Niche of Mirgund Wetland from the North-Western Himalayas
    Daljeet Singh Dhanjal, Simranjeet Singh, Vijay Kumar, Praveen C. Ramamurthy, Chirag Chopra, Atif Khurshid Wani, Reena Singh, Joginder Singh
    Journal of Applied Biology & Biotechnology. 2023; 11(5): 119-125.

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