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  1. Bacteriological study of chronic suppurative otitis media in tertiary care centre
    Shubhangi Prasad, Aastha Bhatnagar, Sravya Kakollu, Gowtham Kulothungan, Rohan Dixith
    International Journal of Medical Reviews and Case Reports. 2022; 6(11): 45-48.
  2. Comparison of Hearing Outcomes in Patients Undergoing Type I Tympanoplasty With Temporalis Fascia Vs Tensor Fascia Lata Graft
    Shubhangi Prasad, Gowtham Kulothungan, Gundappa D Mahajan, Rohan Manjunath Dixith, Rishikesh Pawar, Sravya Kakollu
    International Journal of Medical Reviews and Case Reports. 2022; 6(11): 40-44.
  3. Developments And Challenges In The Design Of Active Integrated Antennas
    T Ravi Kumar Naidu, M. Susila, T V S Gowtham Prasad
    Elementary Education Online. 2021; 20(1): 2383-2390.
  4. Mucormycosis: a scavenger for patients with COVID-19 infection with hyperglycaemia
    Rishikesh Dilip Pawar, Nayanna Karodpati, Vinayak Kuradagi, Gowtham K, Tejal Sonar, Aastha Bhatnagar, Lakshmi Krishnan
    International Journal of Medical Reviews and Case Reports. 2022; 6(10): 7-9.
  5. Prospective study and applicability of pulp score to predict mortality and morbidity following peptic ulcer
    Sheetal A Murchite, Thakut Gowtham, Aniket Patil, Vaishali Vinayak Gaikwad, Vishwas Gowda
    International Journal of Surgery and Medicine. 2021; 7(3): 16-24.

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