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  1. Influence of Circadian Rhythm on Balance In Healthy Subjects
    Yasser Ramzy Lasheen, Rehab Abdel Hamed Abou Elfotoh, Maher Ahmed El Kebalawy
    International Journal of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences (IJHRS). 2017; 6(3): 130-142.
  2. Molecular characterization and associated risk factors of zoonotic cryptosporidiosis in bovine calves and humans in Menoufia governorate, Egypt
    Gehad Ramzy, Walid Mousa, Ahmed Zaghawa, Mohamed Nayel, Ahmed Elsify, Nourhan Eissa, Ashraf M. Abu-Seida, Osama K. Gaidan, Akram Salama
    Open Veterinary Journal. 2025; 15(1): 277-288.
    Wedad A. Kasim Essam M. Abokassem Gehad A. Ragab Nasser A. Sewelam
  4. Oxidative Stress and Histopathological Alternations in Sheep as A Result of Drinking Saline Water Under the Arid Conditions of Southern Sinai, Egypt
    rasha salah mohammed , gehad rashad donia , enas abd el aziz tahoun , eman abd el hamid el ebissy
    Alexandria Journal of Veterinary Sciences. 2019; 61(1): 54-66.
  5. Correlation between brain neurotransmitters and insulin sensitivity: Neuro-preservative role of resveratrol against high fat, high fructose-induced insulin resistance
    Rania F. Ahmed, Sally A. El Awdan, Gehad A. Abdel Jaleel, Dalia O. Saleh, Omar A.H. Ahmed Farid
    Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science. 2020; 10(2): 26-36.
  6. Histopathological and Biochemical Studies on The Effect of Green Tea Extract and vitamin C Against Fenitrothion Toxicity in Male Albino Rats
    Enas Abd El-Aziz Tahoun, Rasha Salah Mohammed, Gehad Rashad Donia
    Alexandria Journal of Veterinary Sciences. 2018; 57(1): 74-86.
  7. The Possible Effect of Omega 3 Fatty Acids Against Cardiovascular Diseases in Rats: Biochemical and Histopathological Studies
    Nada Sallai, Mohamed El-Adl, Gehad El-Sayed
    Alexandria Journal of Veterinary Sciences. 2019; 62(1): 130-136.
  8. Self microemulsefying and non-self microemulsefying liquisolid tablet of felodipine
    Gehad S. Khorshed, Gamal M. El-Maghraby
    Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science. 2016; 6(7): 125-132.
  9. Genetic Detection of Listeria monocytogenes Recovered from Fillet Fish Samples
    Ola H. Harb, Gehad A. Fath-Elbab, Reyad R. Shawish, Walid S. Mousa, Eman E. Abdeen
    Alexandria Journal of Veterinary Sciences. 2020; 67(1): 74-79.
  10. Efficacy of zinc oxide nanoparticles on hepatocellular carcinoma-induced biochemical and trace element alterations in rats
    Samir A. E. Bashandy, Omar A. H. Ahmed-Farid, Sherif Abdelmottaleb Moussa, Enayat A. Omara, Gehad A. Abdel Jaleel, Fatma A. A. Ibrahim
    Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science. 2021; 11(5): 108-117.
  11. Resveratrol attenuates hepatic complications associated with insulin resistance: Implications on hepatic HAIR, LAIR, cell energy and DNA fragmentation.
    Dalia O. Saleh, Sally A. El Awdan, Gehad A. Abdel Jaleel, Rania F. Ahmed
    Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science. 2017; 7(8): 20-27.

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