9 articles found.
- Impact of Sustainable Inclusion of Sodium Butyrate in Whole Milk and Starter Mixture of Egyptian buffalo calves on Blood Biochemical and Rumen Fermentation Parameters
Mahmoud M. Elmaghraby, Ferial M. Sahwan, Abdelaziz M. Sakr, Ahmed M. El-Mezien, Mohamed M. Fathala Alexandria Journal of Veterinary Sciences. 2023; 77(2): 47-54. - Factors Affecting Days Postpartum to First Service, Days Open and Pregnancy Hazard in Holstein Cows Kept under the Subtropical Conditions of Egypt
Ferial M. Sahwan, Mahmoud M.A. Elmaghraby, Athanas Ngounndji, Mohammed M. Fathalla Alexandria Journal of Veterinary Sciences. 2021; 71(2): 45-55. - Incidence of Clinical Mastitis and its Influence on Reproductive Performance of Dairy Cows
Mahmoud M. Elmaghraby, Abeer F. El-Nahas, Mohamed M. Fathala, Ferial M. Sahwan, Mohamed A.Tag EL-Dien Alexandria Journal of Veterinary Sciences. 2017; 54(2): 84-90. - Genetic Polymorphism in Growth hormone receptor Gene and its Relationship with Growth Trait in Pure and Hybrid Rabbit Breeds
Ferial M. Sahwan, Ahmed I. El-Sheik, Mohamed M. Sharaf, Abeer F. El-Nahas Alexandria Journal of Veterinary Sciences. 2014; 43(1): 45-51. - The Impact of Supplementing Thymol, Eugenol, and their Combination into the Diet of Growing Rabbits on Growth Traits and Hematological Parameters under Heat Stress Conditions
Mahmoud M. Elmaghraby, Mohamed M. Fathala, Alaa E Elkomy, Hajar Y. Abdullah, Ferial M. Sahwan Alexandria Journal of Veterinary Sciences. 2025; 84(0): 76-84. - Reconstruction of Infected Mediastinal Wound with an Omental Flap Harvested Laparoscopically After Cardiac Surgery: Report of Two Cases and Literature Review
Zahra H. Alshammasi, Dhuha N. Boumarah, Aqilah AlAbbad, Ahmed A. Alkhalifa, Abdullah Sahwan, Saeed Alshomimi Medical Archives. 2023; 77(3): 241-244. - Dietary supplementation of nano-selenium eliminates the negative effects of long-term ivermectin injection on growth and reproductive performance of female rabbits
Set A. El-Shobokshy, Magda Ismail Abo-Samaha, Samia Mohamed Abd El-Rheem, Ferial Mohamed Sahwan, Gemechu Wirtu, Mosaad Abdel Khalek Soltan, Mohamed Emam Journal of Advanced Veterinary and Animal Research. 2022; 9(1): 128-137. - Structure elucidation and in vitro biological evaluation of sulfated exopolysaccharide from LAB Weissella paramesenteroides MN2C2
Mai N. Amer, Eman W. Elgammal, Nagwa A. Atwa, Ahmed I. Eldiwany, Insaf E. Dawoud, Ferial M. Rashad Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science. 2021; 11(5): 22-31. - Survey of Parasites in Domestic Pigeons (Columba livia) in Tripoli, Libya
 Ferial Aboalkassem Alkharigy, Adnan Salem Elnaas, Abdulhakim Abdulla EL Maghrbi Open Veterinary Journal. 2018; 8(4): 360-366.