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  1. Syndrome de Noonan. A propos de un cas
    E.Barekensabe, M. Tshibola, FZ. Fdili Alaoui, S.Jayi, H.Chaara, MY A.Melhouf
    International Journal of Medical Reviews and Case Reports. 2020; 4(10): 106-108.
  2. Metastase parietale d'un cancer de l'ovaire a propos d'un cas
    Fadi Ali Abu Mattar, Fatime Zahra Fdili Alaoui, Soufia Jayi, Hekmet Chaara, Abdeillah Melhouf
    International Journal of Medical Reviews and Case Reports. 2021; 5(6): 49-51.
  3. La grossesse cervicale: une localisation ectopique rare
    Barekensabe E., Kriouile K., Jayi S., Fdili Alaoui FZ. , Chaara H., Melhouf MA.
    International Journal of Medical Reviews and Case Reports. 2020; 4(10): 56-58.
  4. Endometriose ombilicale: A propos d’un cas
    E. Barekensabe, B.Aboubecrine, S.Jayi, Fz. Fdili Alaoui, H. Chaara, M.A. Melhouf
    International Journal of Medical Reviews and Case Reports. 2020; 4(10): 109-110.
  5. Cancer du vagin: Un cancer gynecologique rare
    E. Barekensabe, S. Nyingone, Fz. Fdili Alaoui, S.Jayi, H. Chaara, M.A. Melhouf
    International Journal of Medical Reviews and Case Reports. 2020; 4(10): 111-113.
  6. La métaplasie ostéoide de l’endomètre: à propos de 3 cas
    Karima Kriouile, Sofia Jayi, Fatima Zahra Fdili Alaoui, Hekmat Chaara, Moulay Abdelilah Melhouf
    International Journal of Medical Reviews and Case Reports. 2020; 4(10): 23-27.
  7. Syndrome de Nutcracker de découverte fortuite: À propos de 2 cas
    Karima Kriouile, Ernest Barekensabe, Sofia Jayi, Fatima Zahra Fdili Alaoui, Hekmat Chaara, Moulay Abdelilah Melhouf
    International Journal of Medical Reviews and Case Reports. 2020; 4(10): 28-30.
  8. Nodule de Sœur Marie-Joseph révélant un adénocarcinome gastrique: A propos d’un cas
    Karima Kriouile, Ernest Barekensabe, Sofia Jayi, Fatima Zahra Fdili Alaoui, Hekmat Chaara, Moulay Abdelilah Melhouf
    International Journal of Medical Reviews and Case Reports. 2020; 4(10): 31-33.
  9. Profil epidemiologique et etiologique des hemorragies genitales chez la femme en activite genitale en dehors de la grossesse : étude prospective
    Solène Nyingone, Hadiza Moutari Soule, Sofia Jayi, Fatima-Zahra Fdili Alaoui, Hekmat Chaara, Moulay Abdelilah Melhouf
    International Journal of Medical Reviews and Case Reports. 2021; 5(6): 62-65.
  10. Small–cell neuroendocrine carcinoma of the uterine cervix: a case report and review of the literature
    Jihad Jamor, Alpha Boubacar Conte, Fatima Zohra Fdili Alaoui, Sofia Jayi, Hikmat Chaara, Moulay Abdelilah Melhouf
    International Journal of Medical Reviews and Case Reports. 2020; 4(1): 14-17.
  11. Carcinosarcome ovarien ou Tumeur mixte müllerienne de l’ovaire chez une femme jeune: à propos d’un cas
    Ernest Barekensabe, Alpha Boubacar Conte, Fatima Zohra Fdili Alaoui, Sofia Jayi, Hikmat Chaara, Moulay Abdelilah Melhouf
    International Journal of Medical Reviews and Case Reports. 2020; 4(1): 26-28.
  12. Tumeur de la granulosa adulte de l’ovaire et cancer du sein bilatéral synchrone: Une association rare à propos d’un cas et revue de la littérature
    Abdelilah Sounni, Nyingone Solene, Fdili Alaoui Fatima Zohra, Jayi Sofia, Chaara Hekmat, Melhouf Moulay Abdelilah
    International Journal of Medical Reviews and Case Reports. 2020; 4(10): 147-148.
  13. Diagnostic and Management of malignant transformation of ovarian mature teratoma
    Alpha Boubacar Conte, Jihad Jamor, Fatima Zohra Fdili Alaoui, Mohamed Yessoufou, Sofi Jayi, Hikmat Chaara, Moulay Abdelilah Melhouf
    International Journal of Medical Reviews and Case Reports. 2020; 4(10): 50-53.
  14. Anencephalie: diagnostic antenatal, prise en charge et place du fenugrec comme facteur de risque ( a propos de 27 cas)
    Hind Adadi, Hekmat Chaara, Sofia Jayi, Fatima Zahra Fdili Alaoui, Moulay Abdelilah Melhouf
    International Journal of Medical Reviews and Case Reports. 2022; 6(19): 18-23.
  15. Le lymphangiome kystique fœtal du mésentère: localisation rare à propos d’un cas et revue de la littérature
    Imane Attar, Hekmat Chaara, Soufia Jayi, Fatime Zahra Fdili Alaoui, Abdillah Melhouf
    International Journal of Medical Reviews and Case Reports. 2021; 5(6): 36-40.
  16. La megavessie fœtale isolée transitoire quel pronostic: Une entité extrêmement rare (À propos de 1 CAS)
    Hekmat Chaara, Imane Attar, Soufia Jayi , Fatime Zahra Fdili Alaoui, Abdillah Melhouf
    International Journal of Medical Reviews and Case Reports. 2021; 5(6): 41-44.
  17. Aménorrhée primaire révélant un syndrome de Swyer: à propos d’un cas rare
    A.Barick, K. Krouile, Fz. Fdili, H. Chaara, My A. Melhouf
    International Journal of Medical Reviews and Case Reports. 2020; 4(10): 92-95.
  18. Acronyme OIES: critères diagnostiques et actualités en matière de pronostique?
    Imane Attar, Hekmat Chaara, Soufia Jayi, Fatime Zahra Fdili Alaoui, Abdeillah Melhouf
    International Journal of Medical Reviews and Case Reports. 2021; 5(6): 32-35.
  19. Grossesse sur cicatrice: défis de diagnostic et options de gestion à propos de 2 cas et revue de la littérature
    Imane Attar, Hind Adadi, Sofia Jayi, Fatima-Zahra Fdili Alaoui, Hekmat Chaara, Abdelilah Melhouf
    International Journal of Medical Reviews and Case Reports. 2021; 5(6): 94-98.
  20. Grossesse gémellaire avec siamois parapages dicéphaliques diagnostiquée au 2e trimestre: à propos d’un cas et revue de la littérature
    Imane Attar, Hekmat Chaara, Soufia Jayi, Fatime Zahra Fdili Alaoui, Abdelilah Melhouf
    International Journal of Medical Reviews and Case Reports. 2021; 5(6): 23-27.
  21. Bilateral ovarian and scalp metastasis of breast cancer in a female patient after a year time treatment
    Abdelilah Sounni, Alpha Boubacar Conte, Sofia Jayi, Fatima Zohra Fdili Alaoui, Hikmat Chaara, Moulay Abdelilah Melhouf
    International Journal of Medical Reviews and Case Reports. 2020; 4(10): 67-69.
  22. Lipoblastome de la nuque chez un enfant
    Tayeb Ben Tayeb, Najib Chiboub, Othmane Alaoui, Abdelhalim Mahmoudi, Khattala Khalid, Bouabdallah Youssef
    International Journal of Medical Reviews and Case Reports. 2023; 7(7): 49-51.
    Abdel Ilah Rayan Alaoui Bouarraqui, Fadoua Rais, Laila Jrondi
    International Journal of Surgery and Medicine. 2018; 4(4): 212-215.
  24. Long term disease control under aromatase inhibitor for advanced low grade stromal endometrial carcinoma: Case Repot from a tertiary care hospital in Morocco.
    Mohammed ISMAILI , Imane STITOU , Oumaima Siyouri, Khaoula Alaoui Ismaili, Lamiae Amaadour, Karima Oualla, Zineb Benbrahim, Samia Arifi, Nawfel Mellas,
    International Journal of Medical Reviews and Case Reports. 2023; 7(6): 47-49.
  25. Application of response surface methodology for the optimization of hydro-distillation extraction of Pistacia lentiscus L. essential oil
    Taoufik HALOUI, Abdellah FARAH, Sara LEBRAZI, Mouhcine FADIL, Aziz BELRHITI ALAOUI
    Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science. 2018; 8(1): 50-54.
  26. Agénésie de l´artère pulmonaire droite, à propos d’un cas
    Ayoub Ettabyaoui, Charifi Yahya, Nizar Bouardi, Meriem Haloua, My Youssef Alaoui Lamrani, Meryem Boubbou, Mustapha Maaroufi, Bader Alami
    International Journal of Medical Reviews and Case Reports. 2022; 6(10): 40-43.
  27. Wernicke's encephalopathy: rare complication of hyperemesis gravidarum
    Ayoub Ettabyaoui, Hiba Oudghiri, Otman El Ouarti, Badr Alami, Nizar Bouardi, Meriem Haloua, My Youssef Lamrani Alaoui, Meryem Boubbou, Mustapha Maaroufi
    International Journal of Medical Reviews and Case Reports. 2022; 6(12): 1-3.
  28. Bacteriostatic and Bactericidal Profile of Leaves and Twigs Essential oils of Moroccan Pistacia lentiscus L.
    Taoufik Haloui, Abdellah Farah, Mounyr Balouiri, Marwa Chraibi, Mouhcine Fadil, Kawtar Fikri Benbrahim, Aziz Belrhiti Alaoui
    Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science. 2015; 5(6): 050-053.

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