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  1. A new case of Bainbridge-Ropers syndrome (BRPS): delineating the phenotype and review of literature
    Faroug Ababneh, Marwan Nashabat, Majid Alfadhel
    Journal of Biochemical and Clinical Genetics. 2019; 2(1): 65-69.
  2. Treatment of iron deficiency anaemia with the natural hematinic Carbaodeim.
    Mugahid Faroug Mohamed Ali, Mohammed Osman Swar, Atika Mohamed Osman
    Sudanese Journal of Paediatrics. 2016; 16(1): 37-44.
  3. Genetic carrier screening for disorders included in newborn screening in the Saudi population
    Mariam Al Eissa, Taghrid Aloraini, Lamia Alsubaie, Abdulrahman Alswaid, Wafaa Eyiad, Fuad Al Mutairi, Faroug Ababneh, Majid Alfadhel, Ahmed Alfares
    Journal of Biochemical and Clinical Genetics. 2021; 4(2): 70-75.
  4. Genetic impact of non-consanguineous marriages in Saudi Arabia.
    Mohammed Alyahya, Taghrid Aloraini, Youseef Al-Harbi, Lamia Alsubaie, Abdulrahman Alswaid, Wafaa Eyaid, Fuad Al Mutairi, Faroug Ababneh, Majid Alfadhel, Ahmed Alfares
    Journal of Biochemical and Clinical Genetics. 2022; 5(2): 37-42.
  5. Supplementary testing after negative or inconclusive exome sequencing results
    Balsam AlMaarik, Taghrid Aloraini, Roselyn Paclejan, Mohammed Balwi, Lamia Alsubaie, Abdulrahman Alswaid, Wafaa Eyiad, Fuad Al Mutairi, Faroug Ababneh, Majid Alfadhel, Ahmed A. Alfares
    Journal of Biochemical and Clinical Genetics. 2023; 6(1): 1-13.
  6. Design and Optimization of Infinite Impulse Response Full-Band Digital Differentiator Using Evolutionary and Swarm Intelligence Algorithms
    Jehad Ababneh, Majid Khodier
    Jordan Journal of Electrical Engineering. 2022; 8(2): 114-132.

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