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  1. Kimura Disease with Colli Dextra Tumor Manifestation: A Case Report
    Doni Priambodo, Firda Widasari, Nungki Anggorowati
    International Journal of Medical Reviews and Case Reports. 2022; 6(18): 51-54.
  2. Therapeutic potential of earthworm-derived proteins: Targeting NEDD4 for cardiovascular disease intervention
    Doni Dermawan, Faisal Alsenani, Nasr Eldin Elwali, Nasser Alotaiq
    Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science. 2025; 15(1): 216-232.
  3. Clinical features of patients diagnosed with recidivan cutaneous leishmaniasis
    Isa An, Murat Ozturk, Mustafa Aksoy, Nebiye Yentur Doni, Erhan Ayhan, Naime Eroglu
    Annals of Medical Research. 2020; 27(2): 612-5.
  4. The effect of jicama (Pachyrhizus erosus L.) starch on the properties and probiotic potential of L. plantarum SN13T fermented milk
    Sri Melia, Indri Juliyarsi, Rizki D. Setiawan, Salam N. Aritonang, Hurriya Alzahrah, Doni Supandil
    Journal of Advanced Veterinary and Animal Research. 2024; 11(2): 317-322.

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