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  1. Fosfomycin: Uses and potentialities in veterinary medicine
    D.S. Pérez1,2,*, M.O. Tapia1,2 and A.L. Soraci1,2
    Open Veterinary Journal. 2014; 4(1): 26-43.
  2. Search for the genome of bovine herpesvirus types 1, 4 and 5 in bovine semen
    P.E. Morán1, P.A. Favier2, M. Lomónaco3, M.C. Catena1, M.L. Chiapparrone1,4, A.C. Odeón5, A.E. Verna5 and S.E. Pérez1,4,*
    Open Veterinary Journal. 2013; 3(2): 126-130.
  3. Ethnopharmacological and preclinical study of diuretic activity in
    medicinal and food plants used by Cuban population

    Maykel Pérez1?
    , Maria A. Boffill2
    , Francisco J. Morón3
    , Mario L. Sueiro4
    Evangelina Marrero5
    and Emoe Betancourt2
    Emirates Journal of Food and Agriculture. 2011; 23(3): 214-221.

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