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  1. The prevalence of psychiatric symptoms in the patients with Behcet’s disease in Shiraz, Southwest of Iran
    Fereshteh Bagheri, Arash Mani, Ashkan Tadayyoni, Farnosh Firozi, Mohammad Ali Nazarinia
    Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences. 2013; 3(1): 28-32.
  2. Relationship of Cardiovascular Complications with Level of Consciousness in Patients with Acute Carbamazepine Intoxication
    Farzad Gheshlaghi, Ahmad Yaraghi, Elahesadat Hashemi Soh, Ashkan Ghoreishi
    Medical Archives. 2012; 66(1): 9-11.
  3. Designing an E-Health Management Framework for Social Security Organization of Iran
    Hassan Azaripour Masooleh, Amir Ashkan Nasiripour , Kamran Haji Nabi, Leila Riahi, Mahmoud Mahmoudi Madjabadi
    Journal of Complementary Medicine Research. 2020; 11(4): 265-273.
  4. Localization of the Picker’s Patient-Centered Care Model in Isfahan’s Social Security Hospitals
    Amir Hossein Farhadfar , Amir Ashkan Nasiripour , Kamran Haji Nabi
    Journal of Complementary Medicine Research. 2020; 11(4): 227-233.
  5. Grimace scaling after mouse laparotomy with various doses of lidocaine, bupivacaine, and a combination of lidocaine/bupivacaine in post-surgical analgesia
    Ashkan Kameli, Farajollah Adib-Hashemi, Majid Mohammadsadegh, Reza Nikzad
    Archives of General Surgery. 2024; 1(1): 5-14.

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