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  1. Umbilical granuloma: an umbilical problem often encountered in outpatient settings; Mini Review
    Indra Sandinirwan, Adhitya Agung Pratama
    International Journal of Medical Reviews and Case Reports. 2021; 5(5): 10-15.
  2. Sperm abnormality and infertility in male mice treated with the recommended dose of dimethoate and its double
    Samira Musa Sasi, Nagia Musa Alghoul, Nuri Awayn, Ahmed Elghoul, Ragil Angga Prastiya
    Open Veterinary Journal. 2023; 13(7): 873-878.
  3. Awareness, knowledge, and perception among pharmacists on the National Health Insurance Program in Indonesia
    Angga Prawira Kautsar, Wulanda Novianti
    National Journal of Physiology, Pharmacy and Pharmacology. 2017; 7(11): 1274-1278.
  4. Elaeis guineensis Jacq. leaves are a potential biomass for herbal medicine resources: A mini review
    Riski Sulistiarini, Helmi Helmi, Angga Cipta Narsa
    Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science. 2022; 12(10): 148-156.
  5. Supplementation of hairy eggplant (Solanum ferox) and bitter ginger (Zingiber zerumbet) extracts as phytobiotic agents on whiteleg shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei)
    Sinung Rahardjo, Merary A. The Vauza, Djumbuh Rukmono, Putu Angga Wiradana
    Journal of Advanced Veterinary and Animal Research. 2022; 9(1): 78-86.
  6. The multi-level ammoniation on the digestibility of palm press fiber
    Armina Fariani, Anggriawan Naidilah Tetra Pratama, Gatot Muslim
    Journal of Advanced Veterinary and Animal Research. 2021; 8(2): 230-236.
  7. Effect of prescription waiting time on patient satisfaction mediated by service quality of pharmacy unit in public hospital in Bandung city
    Angga Prawira Kautsar, Neng Rika Nurhayati, Dolih Gozali
    National Journal of Physiology, Pharmacy and Pharmacology. 2017; 7(11): 1230-1234.
  8. The effect of salinity and tofu whey wastewater on the growth kinetics, biomass, and primary metabolites in Euglena sp.
    Ahmad Saifun Naser, Angga Puja Asiandu, Brilian Ryan Sadewo, Nila Tsurayya, Agusta Samodra Putra, Koko Iwan Agus Kurniawan, Eko Agus Suyono
    Journal of Applied Biology & Biotechnology. 2023; 11(6): 124-132.
  9. Functional outcome after posterior lumbar interbody fusion with cage in patients with lumbar spinal stenosis at Wahidin Sudirohusodo Hospital, Makassar
    Michael Horeb, Ahmad Rizan Hendrawan, Angga Anggriawan, Karya Triko Biakto, Wilhelmus Supriyadi
    International Journal of Medicine in Developing Countries. 2018; 2(2): 45-49.
  10. The relationship between medication errors in prescribing phase and service quality on national health insurance patients of pharmacy unit in public hospital in Bandung city
    Norisca Aliza Putriana, Nunung Nurjanah, Angga Prawira Kautsar
    National Journal of Physiology, Pharmacy and Pharmacology. 2018; 8(4): 585-589.
  11. Evaluation of renal disturbance in animal models of polycystic ovary syndrome
    Yudit Oktanella, Handayu Untari, Dyah Kinasih Wuragil, Galuh Chandra Agustina, Dyah Ayu Oktavianie Pratama
    Open Veterinary Journal. 2023; 13(8): 1003-1011.
  12. Effect of fermented milk Pediococcus acidilactici BK01 on cholesterol and microbiota in Wistar mice intestine
    Sri Melia, Indri Juliyarsi, Yulianti Fitri Kurnia, Salam N. Aritonang, Endang Purwati, Ade Sukma, Najmiatul Fitria, Susmiati Susmiati, Malinda Meinapuri, Yudha Endra Pratama, Nurazizah Ramadhanti
    Journal of Advanced Veterinary and Animal Research. 2023; 10(1): 64-71.
  13. The effect of the use of cassava tuber (Manihot esculenta) and Indigofera zollingeriana leaf flour combination as a source of energy supplemented with citric acid in ration on broiler small intestine characteristics and productivity
    Rizki Palupi, Fitri Nova Liya Lubis, Anggriawan Naidilah Tetra Pratama
    Journal of Advanced Veterinary and Animal Research. 2022; 9(3): 471-480.
  14. Nutritional quality and in vitro digestibility of fermented rice bran based on different types and doses of inoculants
    Syamsul Hidayat Dilaga, Ryan Aryadin Putra, Anggriawan Naidilah Tetra Pratama, Oscar Yanuarianto, Muhamad Amin, Suhubdy Suhubdy
    Journal of Advanced Veterinary and Animal Research. 2022; 9(4): 625-633.
  15. Breakthrough Invasive Disseminated Cryptococcal Fungemia in a Patient Receiving Micafungin Therapy: A Case Report
    Cucunawangsih Cucunawangsih, Andree Kurniawan, Nata Pratama Hardjo Lugito
    International Journal of Medical Reviews and Case Reports. 2021; 5(2): 25-30.
  16. Bovine umbilical mesenchymal stem cell-conditioned medium increased expression of GLUT-4 in pancreas of diabetic rats induced by nicotinamide-streptozotocin
    Herawati Herawati, Hevi Wihadmadyatami, Muhammad Ali Zulfikar, Ricadonna Raissa, Made Bagus Auriva Mataram, Siti Kurniawati, Dyah Ayu O.A. Pratama
    Open Veterinary Journal. 2024; 14(8): 1761-1770.
  17. Chitosan hydrogel nanoparticle enhance therapeutic effect of bovine umbilical mesenchymal stem cell conditioned medium on canine cognitive dysfunction or canine alzheimer’s like mediated by inhibition of neuronal apoptotic
    Hevi Wihadmadyatami, Muhammad Ali Zulfikar, Herawati Herawati, Dyah Ayu O.A Pratama, Golda Rani Saragih , Ulayatul Kustiati , Nurrahmi Handayani
    Open Veterinary Journal. 2023; 13(12): 1504-1516.
  18. The predictive utility of neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio and platelet-to-lymphocyte ratio in screening of coronary heart disease in end-stage renal disease patients undergoing dialysis: A cross-sectional study
    Wachid Putranto, Devi Nurul Baeti, Ananto Wibisono, Aryo Suseno, Heru Sulastomo, Nurhasan Agung Prabowo, Yeremia Suryo Pratama
    Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science. 2023; 13(9): 161-168.
  19. The role of biopolymers as therapeutic agents: A review
    I Gede Widhiantara, Anak Agung Ayu Putri Permatasari, I Wayan Rosiana, Ni Kadek Yunita Sari, I Made Gde Sudyadnyana Sandhika, Putu Angga Wiradana, I Made Jawi
    Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science. 2023; 13(1): 42-55.
  20. Green Coffea robusta (Coffea canephora) from Lampung Province Effect Towards Free Radicals in chickens infected with Salmonella enteritidis Bacteria
    Dahliatul Qosimah, Djalal Rosyidi, Lilik Eka Radiati, Indah Amalia Amri, Dodik Prasetyo , Fajar Shodiq Pratama, Agri Kaltaria Annissa
    Open Veterinary Journal. 2021; 11(1): 61-69.
  21. Quality and kinematic characteristics of Bali bulls frozen semen with purified green tea extract epigallocatechin-3-gallate antioxidant addition in diluent
    Ragil Angga Prastiya, Trilas Sardjito, Amung Logam Saputro, Darmawan Setia Budi, Styuderil Imaniro Maxdhameta, Elis Sulistiyawati, Deny Sulistyowati, Anny Amaliya, Samira Musa Sasi, Nining Haryuni
    Open Veterinary Journal. 2024; 14(8): 2040-2048.
  22. Toxicity and biodistribution of alginate-stabilized AgNPs upon 14-days repeated dose oral administration in mice
    Dian Pribadi Perkasa, Wawaimuli Arozal, Kusmardi Kusmardi, Mukh Syaifudin, Tri Purwanti, Roza Indra Laksmana, Afiq Azfar Pratama, Irawan Sugoro, Dien Puji Rahayu
    Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science. 2024; 14(6): 135-146.
  23. Antimicrobial resistance patterns and genes of Campylobacter jejuni isolated from chickens in Pasuruan, Indonesia
    Sheila Marty Yanestria, Mustofa Helmi Effendi, Wiwiek Tyasningsih, Ikechukwu Benjamin Moses, Aswin Rafif Khairullah, Shendy Canadya Kurniawan, Fidi Nur Aini Eka Puji Dameanti, Rosmita Ikaratri, Junianto Wika Adi Pratama, Miarsono Sigit, Abdullah Hasib, Otto Sahat Martua Silaen
    Open Veterinary Journal. 2024; 14(3): 759-768.

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