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  1. Severe delta variant COVID-19 in a 28-week infant with response to corticosteroids and remdesivir: a case report
    Adam King, Jack Hassell, Mastiyage Dona Gayani Nisansala Gunathilaka, Caroline Storey, Kate Graham-Evans, Rahul Kachroo
    European Journal of Medical Case Reports. 2023; 7(3): 52-56.
  2. Informal Caregivers in Greek Hospitals: a Unique Phenomenon of a Health System in Financial Crisis
    Aikaterini Stavrianou, Theodora Kafkia, Alexandra Mantoudi, Eugenia Minasidou, Anna Konstantinidou, Despoina Sapountzi-Krepia, Alexandra Dimitriadou
    Materia Socio Medica. 2018; 30(2): 147-152.
  3. Application of gene therapy in the treatment of superficial digital flexor tendon injury in horses
    Alexandr Aimaletdinov , Gulnur Mindubaeva, Svetlana Khalikova, Emmanuel Kabwe, Alexandra Salmakova, Alexandrova Natalia, Albert Rizvanov, Catrin Rutland, Elena Zakirova
    Open Veterinary Journal. 2020; 10(3): 261-266.
  4. Heavy Smoking is Associated with Low Depression and Stress: a Smokers’ Paradox in Cardiovascular Disease?
    Athanassios Papazisis, Alexandra Koreli, Evdokia Misouridou
    Materia Socio Medica. 2019; 31(4): 268-272.
  5. Effects of dark or of red, blue or white light on germination of subterranean clover seeds
    Alexandra Costa, Alexandra Soveral Dias, Maria Gertrudes Grenho, Luís Silva Dias
    Emirates Journal of Food and Agriculture. 2016; 28(12): 853-864.
  6. Peter I and United Europe: The Confrontation in The Baltic Region at The Beginning of The 18th Century
    Mikhail V. Zherebkin, Igor M. Esip, Snezhana P. Shendrikova, Alexandra A. Yudina
    Journal of Complementary Medicine Research. 2020; 11(2): 69-74.
  7. Smoking Cessation Advisory Intervention in Patients with Cardiovascular Disease
    Ioannis Vogiatzis, Alexandra Pantzartzidou, Sarantis Pittas, Eleutherios Papavasiliou
    Medical Archives. 2017; 71(2): 128-131.
  8. Development of Approaches to the Prevention and Treatment of Chronic Respiratory Diseases
    Alexandra A. Makogon*, Aigul V. Shtyrkova, Anna I. Evdokimova, Valeria G. Vaishlya , Varvara V. Vyaznikova, Tatyana K. Timokhina
    Journal of Complementary Medicine Research. 2023; 14(1): 96-99.
  9. Pedagogical Strategy For The Appropriation Of The Sustainable Development Goals, Sdgs, In Students Of The Environmental Engineering Program Of The Technological Units Of Santander, Colombia.
    Carlos Alberto Amaya Corredor, Carolina Hernández Contreras, Natalia Alexandra Bohórquez Toledo, Miguel A Avila A
    Elementary Education Online. 2021; 20(6): 1866-1879.
  10. Predicting Factors of Depression and Anxiety in Mental Health Nurses: A Quantitative Cross-Sectional Study
    Konstantinos Tsaras, Ioanna V. Papathanasiou, Viktor Vus, Antigoni Panagiotopoulou, Maria Alexandra Katsou, Martha Kelesi , Evangelos C. Fradelos
    Medical Archives. 2018; 72(1): 62-67.
  11. The Mediating Role of Anxiety in the Relationship between Job Satisfaction and Psychosocial Functions of Nurses and Pediatricians in PICUs
    Nikolaos Rigas, Zacharias Kyritsis, Kleanthi Gouroundi, Alexandra Soldatou, Maria Dagla, Eirini Orovou, Evangelia Antoniou
    Materia Socio Medica. 2024; 36(1): 26-32.
  12. Multiple osteomyelitis with septic arthritis on a 3-phase bone scan

    Masha Maharaj, Alexandra Frankl, Elise Kuwa, Xolani Mqhayisa, Farzana Rasool, Jacob Manamela, Elizabeth Kgakgudia
    Pakistan Journal of Nuclear Medicine. 2013; 3(1): 87-88.
  13. Professional Quality of Life in Greek Health Professionals Working with Refugees and Migrants
    Theokliti Mavratza, Paraskevi Apostolara, Theodoula Adamakidou, Georgia Fasoi, Marianna Mantzorou, Alexandra Mantoudi, Mariana Drakopoulou, Evdokia Misouridou
    Materia Socio Medica. 2021; 33(2): 94-99.
  14. University Students Perception of Online Education: Is Engagement Enough?
    Apostolos Fyllos,, Asimakis Kanellopoulos, Pavlos Kitixis, Daniel-Valentin Cojocari, Alexandra Markou, Vasileios Raoulis, Nikolaos Strimpakos, Aristeidis Zibis
    Acta Informatica Medica. 2021; 29(1): 4-9.
  15. Perceptions, Attitudes and Intentions of Greek Parents Toward their Underaged Children Vaccination Against Covid 19
    Anastasia Prosopari, Theodoula Adamakidou, Dimos Mastrogiannis, Vasiliki Efthymiou, Marianna Mantzorou, Paraskevi Apostolara, Alexandra Mantoudi, Marianna Drakopoulou
    Materia Socio Medica. 2022; 34(3): 197-203.
  16. Modelling and Evaluation of Policies
    Konstantinos Moutselos, Ilias Maglogiannis, Dimosthenis Kyriazis, Andrea Gil Granados, Vassilis Plagianakos, Alexandra Papageorgiu, Septimiu Nechifor, John Mantas, Andriana Magdalinou, Lydia Montandon
    Acta Informatica Medica. 2020; 28(1): 58-64.
  17. Health in All Policy Making Utilizing Big Data
    Alice G. Vassiliou, Christina Georgakopoulou, Alexandra Papageorgiou, Spiros Georgakopoulos, Spiros Goulas, Theodors Paschalis, Panagiotis Paterakis, Parisis Gallos, Dimos Kyriazis, Vassilis Plagianakos
    Acta Informatica Medica. 2020; 28(1): 65-70.
  18. Ethnic variations in warfarin pharmacogenetics: A comprehensive review
    Gulnara Svyatova, Yergali Miyerbekov, Galina Berezina, Alexandra Murtazaliyeva, Rustem Tuleutayev
    Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science. 2025; 15(4): 35-42.
  19. Hand Trauma Aetiology and Anaesthesia during the first UK lockdown: “Lessons for Pandemic Planning”.
    David Thomson, Alexandra Khoury , Martin Jones
    Hand and Microsurgery. 2022; 11(1): 65-66.
  20. Appendiceal Crohn's disease: a case report
    Maria Alexandra Kefala, Kostas Tepelenis, Giorgios Loridas, Spyridon Koulas,
    European Journal of Medical Case Reports. 2019; 3(1): 33-36.
  21. Primary Neuroendocrine Tumor Of The Brain: Is It Becoming More Common?
    Karen Greenberg, Jonathan Thomas, Alexandra Lopez,
    International Journal of Medical Reviews and Case Reports. 2020; 4(11): 100-102.
  22. Toothpick perforation – a rare but important differential for right iliac fossa pain
    Alexandra Miller, Elizabeth Vujcich,
    International Journal of Medical Reviews and Case Reports. 2022; 6(1): 74-76.
  23. In silico design of sgRNA for CRISPR/Cas9-mediated FaRALF33 gene mutagenesis to decrease the infection process to Colletotrichum acutatum in strawberry
    Angel David Hernández-Amasifuen, Mao Yupanqui-Celestino, Alexandra Jherina Pineda-Lázaro, Elvin Delgado-Mera, Linder Ramírez-Viena, Carlos Roberto Pesantes-Rojas, Mike Anderson Corazon-Guivin
    Journal of Applied Biology & Biotechnology. 2024; 12(3): 190-197.
  24. Quantitative lameness assessment in horses by using an accelerometer-based simple device: A preliminary study
    Cristian Mihăiță Crecan, Valeria Ciulu-Angelescu, Iancu Adrian Morar, Alexandru Florin Lupșan, Mirela Alexandra Tripon, Denisa Bungărdean, Zsofia Daradics, Cosmin Petru Peștean
    Open Veterinary Journal. 2024; 14(11): 3089-3099.
  25. The CrowdHEALTH project and the Hollistic Health Records: Collective Wisdom Driving Public Health Policies
    Dimosthenis Kyriazis, Serge Autexier, Iván Brondino, Michael Boniface, Lucas Donat, Vegard Engen, Rafael Fernandez, Ricardo Jimenez-Peris, Blanca Jordan,, Gregor Jurak, Athanasios Kiourtis, Thanos Kosmidis, Mitja Lustrek, Ilias Maglogiannis, John Mantas, Antonio Martinez, Argyro Mavrogiorgou, Andreas Menychtas, Lydia Montandon, Cosmin-Septimiu Nechifor, Sokratis Nifakos, Alexandra Papageorgiou, Marta Patino-Martinez, Manuel Perez, Vassilis Plagianakos, Dalibor Stanimirovic, Gregor Starc, Tanja Tomson, Francesco Torelli, Vicente Traver-Salcedo, George Vassilacopoulos, Andriana Magdalinou, Usman Wajid
    Acta Informatica Medica. 2019; 27(5): 369-373.
  26. Risk Factors of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and Coping Strategies of Emergency Medicine Physicians During the COVID - 19 Pandemic
    Paolo Antonio S. Luna, Faith Joan M Gaerlan, Jacqueline P Madulid-Luna, Zoila Alexandra M Fortes
    South Asian Journal of Emergency Medicine. 2021; 4(1): 3-11.
  27. Impact of generics competition on prices and utilization of antiepileptic medicines in Bulgaria
    Manoela Manova, Zornitsa Emilova Mitkova, Alexandra Savova, Anna Borisova, Lily Peikova, Javor Mitkov, Guenka Petrova
    Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science. 2023; 13(5): 66-72.
  28. Incidental Breast Cancer after Reduction Mammoplasty, a Case Report.
    Alexandra J. Ferreira , Pedro Ferreira, Rodrigo Saltz Rosenfeld, Arymar Junior, Luis Branco, Manuel Vitor Rigueira, Luis Cortez,
    International Journal of Medical Reviews and Case Reports. 2023; 7(1): 50-52.
  29. Genetic characterization of White Fulani cattle in Nigeria: A comparative study
    Norezzine Abdelaziz, Fatima Duksi, Alexandra D. Tsvetkova D. Tsvetkova, Ekaterina A. Ulybina, Murat S. Gins S. Gins, Rebouh Nazih Yacer, Aleksandr A. Klenovitsky, Aleksandr A. Nikishov, Firuz Amirshoev Amirshoev, Jim Digha, Elena A. Glady
    Journal of Advanced Veterinary and Animal Research. 2019; 6(4): 474-480.
  30. Development of an inexpensive and simple test system for the differential detection of avian influenza viruses and avian paramyxoviruses in environmental monitoring
    Elizaveta Yu Boravleva, Anastasia Andreevna Treshchalina, Daria Romanovna Gordeeva, Alexandra Gambaryan
    Journal of Research in Veterinary Sciences. 2024; 4(3): 58-69.
  31. A spontaneous ovarian teratoma in an FVB/n female mouse: Case report and literature review
    Paula Alexandra Martins de-Oliveira, Ana I. Faustino-Rocha, Rui M. Gil da-Costa, Elisabete Nascimento Gonçalves, Ana Margarida Calado, Catarina Jota Baptista, Adelina Gama, Fernanda Seixas
    Open Veterinary Journal. 2023; 13(9): 1223-1227.

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