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  1. Effectiveness of Dark Chocolate and Carrot Juice on Perceived Labor Pain During Stage 1 of Birth Delivery Among Primigravida: A Quasi-Experimental Study
    Fazdria Fadria, Alchalidi Alchalidi, Abdurrahman Abdurrahman, Nora Veri, Lia Lina, Cut Mutiah, Yohanes Andy Rias
    Medical Archives. 2024; 78(2): 149-153.
  2. Analysis of the effect foiliculum vulgare seeds on the menopausal score rating scale on menopause women in District Langsa – Indonesia
    Emilda Emilda, Alchalidi, Nora Veri
    International Journal of Medical Reviews and Case Reports. 2020; 4(10): 114-117.
  3. High dose of green tea infusion normalized spiral artery density in rats treated with the depot-medroxyprogesterone acetate
    Emilda AS, Nora Veri, Alchalidi Alchalidi
    Journal of Complementary Medicine Research. 2017; 6(1): 65-67.

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