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  1. Case fatality rate of zoonotic SARS.CoV2 and associated risk factors in the Libyan population
    Hafsa A. Alemam, Abdusalam Sharef Mahmoud, Mouna A. Abdunnabi, Ahlam Masaud Ellafi, Abdurrezagh A. Elfahem, Khaled M. Ibrahim, Salah Edin El Meshri, Adam Elzghied
    Open Veterinary Journal. 2025; 15(2): 885-892.
  2. Identification of phenolic compounds, antibacterial and antioxidant activities of raisin extracts.
    yousef mohamed abouzeed, F. Zgheel, A. Elfahem, M.A. Saad, Abdulgader Dhawi, Abdulkareem Elbaz, Murad A. Hiblu, Abdulwahab Kammon and Mohamed O. Ahmed
    Open Veterinary Journal. 2018; 8(4): 479-484.

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