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  1. Evaluation of inhibitory effect of Magnesium Oxide nanoparticles on the viability of planktonic and biofilm forms of Pseudomonas aeruginosa
    Abdollah Ghasemian , sima Shakerhagh , zahra Moradpour,
    European Journal of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases. 2025; 2(1): 18-25.
  2. A broad-host range coliphage against a clinically isolated E. coli O157: isolation and characterization
    Abdollah Ghasemian, Maryam Bavand, Zahra Moradpour
    Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science. 2017; 7(3): 123-128.
  3. Designing the OSCE method for evaluation of practical immunology course of medical students: in comparison to written-MCQ and Oral examination
    Abdollah Jafarzadeh
    Rawal Medical Journal. 2009; 34(2): 219-222.
  4. The incidence and mortality of lip and oral cavity cancer and its relationship to the 2012 Human Development Index of Asia
    Amir Tiyuri, Abdollah Mohammadian-Hafshejani, Elham Iziy, Hamidreza Sadeghi Gandomani, Hamid Salehiniya
    Biomedical Research and Therapy. 2017; 4(2): 1147-1165 .
  5. Assessment the association between liver cancer incidence and mortality rate with human development index in the European countries in 2012
    Mohammadian, Mohammad Aryaie, Pezhman Bagheri, Fatemeh Allah Bakeshei, Abdollah Mohammadian-Hafshejani
    Biomedical Research and Therapy. 2017; 4(3): 1185-1197.
  6. Nutritional risk factors in the gastric cancer patients attending in Imam Ali hospital in Zahedan, Iran
    Mansour Karajibani, Farzaneh Montazeriifar, Alireza Dashipour, Abdollah Hozhabrimanesh
    Rawal Medical Journal. 2014; 39(1): 19-24.
  7. Frequency of alcohol consumption by patients hospitalized in a general hospital in Iran
    Abdollah Farhadi Nasab, Mostafa Hamdieh, Jahanfar Vahidi, Seyed-Mostafa Hosseini-Zijoud
    Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science. 2017; 7(6): 132-135.
  8. Comparative efficacy of eugenol, eugenol nanoemulsion and metronidazole against Trichomonas gallinae: An experimental study
    Abdollah Khaki, Mohamad Reza Youssefi, Nadia Taiefi Nasrabadi
    Open Veterinary Journal. 2024; 14(10): 2618-2627.

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